Liu Tang-Shui, 1976. Amaranthus viridis is a cosmopolitan species in the botanical family Amaranthaceae and is commonly known as slender amaranth or green amaranth. A. viridis belongs to the tribe Amarantheae. Resumos, 9. Proceedings of an Indian Society of Weed Science International Symposium, Hisar, India, 18-20 November 1993 Hisar, Haryana, India; Indian Society of Weed Science, Vol. Current Science, 45(8):309-310. The Plant List includes a further 168 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Amaranthus.. Salles MS, Lombardo de Barros CS, Lemos RA, Pilati C, 1991. Davis PH, ed. This chapter addresses the value of different Amaranthus [L.] species that have been recorded in Nigeria. A. spinosus is only slightly more robust than A. viridis but is distinguished by axillary spines about 1 cm long. In: Flora of Tropical East Africa, [ed. North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC USA, 136-146, Hutton DG, Coates-Beckford PL, Eason-Heath Sp, 1983. Malabar, Florida, USA: Krieger Publishing Company. Natural enemies of Abutilon, Amaranthus, Rumex and Sorghum in Pakistan. Central America, Caribbean, South America. Amaranth, (genus Amaranthus), genus of 60–70 species of flowering plants in the family Amaranthaceae, distributed nearly worldwide. It is hardy to zone (UK) 9 and is frost tender. Flora Palaestina. Edinburgh, UK: University Press, 341-342. Allelochemicals in the soil beneath Quercus mongolica Fisch var. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 9(1):119-129, Santakumari M, Das VSR, 1983. 3 posts by 1 author. Amaranthaceae. Amaranthus gracilis Desf. Weed management in cotton. Haryana Agricultural University Journal of Research, 13(3):439-446, Paradkar VK, Saraf RK, Tiwari JP, 1993. Das BB, Ram G, 1988. Indian Phytopathology, 28(4):568, Kene DR, Pathey MK, Thakare KK, 1988. Numerous branches emerge from the base, and the leaves are ovate, 3–6 cm long, 2–4 cm wide, with long petioles of about 5 cm. 2013;11(3):206-12. Karachi, Pakistan: Fakhri Printing Press. New Delhi, India: Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Tozani R, Lopes CA, Campelo CR, Teranishi J, 1976. Small JK, 1933. It is hardy to zone (UK) 9 and is frost tender. Keng Hsuan, 1990. Belgium: L'Institut National Pour L'Etude Agronomique Du Congo Belge. 3(1,1-Dimethyl allyl) xanthylentin and scopoletin, two plant growth inhibitors from Murraya koenigii Spreng. Amaranthus is a cosmopolitan genus of annual or short-lived perennial plants collectively known as amaranths. Vol. Amaranthus viridis Vill. Walker EH, 1976. Amaranthus viridis is a vigorous, erect, branched, annual plant growing 10 - 100cm tall. De GC, Modak R, 1993. Nematologia Brasileira, 14:121-130, Simbolon H, Sutarno H, 1986. 425 pp. New Delhi, India: Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ashford, Kent: L. Reve and Co., Ltd., 720-721. Proceedings of an Indian Society of Weed Science International Symposium, Hisar, India, 18-20 November 1993 Hisar, Haryana, India; Indian Society of Weed Science, Vol. 4. Flore Du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi. A Flora of Manila. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas., Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press. Impact of herbicidal weed control on rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 18(10):1833-1840, Ito M, Matsushita Y, Umeki Y, Ueki K, 1981. 2:511-518, Salgare SA, Iyer MP, 1991. Flora of Okinawa and the Southern Ryukyu Islands., Washington DC, USA: Smithsonian Institution. A. viridis is an annual herb which grows from 6 to 100 cm high. Cruz LSP, Grassi N, 1981. Vasil'chenko IT, 1936. Electrophoretic variations in Amaranthus. Accessed: 2019 Sept. 10. Studies on weed control in sugarcane. Ohwi J, 1965. Name Amaranth Scientific Name Amaranthus Native Central America and South America but now commonly cultivated in the countries having warm climate. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Plant Sciences, 99(6):529-537, Reddy NV, Reddy CN, Sujatha S, Kondap SM, Devi MP, 1993. Investigations to determine the host range and species of Verticillium in the pgean region. Annual herb, 10-75 (100) cm tall; stems rather slender, glabrous. Amaranthus spinosus L. Amaranthus viridis L. Anabasis articulata (Forssk.) In: Dassanayake MD, Fosberg FR, eds. Walker EH, 1976. Meneses P E, 1981. The species Amaranthus viridis is known by the common name Green amaranth in English. Ikenaga T, Kamoto Y, Ohashi H, 1976. Hauman L, 1951. 720-721. Methods of weed control in pineapple cultivation. Program and Abstracts of Papers, Weed Science Conference and Workshop in India, 1977., Paper No. Amaranthaceae. Species: Amaranthus viridis L.. Weed type: . Record of Plutella xylostella Linn. Koshy PK, Sosamma VK, 1975. The species is monoecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but both sexes can be found on the same plant) and is pollinated by Wind. Allelopathic potential of shoot and root leachates of certain weed species. A. viridis (common English names include green amaranth, local tote, and African spinach) is a highly branched amaranth with edible ovate, long leaves . Subfamilia: Amaranthoideae Genus: Amaranthus Species: Amaranthus viridis 125 pp. var. Proceedings 28th Annual Meeting Southern Weed Science Society., 175-178, Ali AM, unda. Zohary M, 1966. Iconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorum, Tomus 1. ... Amaranthus viridis L. SYNONYM(S) : ... 2020, Sorting Amaranthus Names. Seetha RM, Babu RC, Sheriff MM, Perumal RKP, 1990. Preliminary evaluation of a new herbicide for total weed control in rice. Prasad TVR, Narasimha N, Dwarakanath N, Krishnamurthy K, 1987. Characterization of heat-stress induced stimulation of photosystem I electron transport activity in Amaranthus chloroplasts: effects of cations. Amaranthaceae. Integrated weed management for sustainable agriculture. L'amarante verte est une mauvaise herbe très communes dans les régions tropicales, notamment dans les cultures de riz.. It is hardy to zone (UK) 9 and is frost tender. Ecology of Heliothis armigera (Hub.) 473. New host plants of Haplothrips longisetosus Ananthakrishnan. Plantas daninhas de Brasil, terrestres, aquaticas, parasitas, toxicas e medicinais. Plant-animal interactions: evolution ecology in tropical and temperate regions [edited by Price, P.W. ENGLISH : Tumble pigweed, Tumbleweed, White amaranth, White pigweed. Karachi, Pakistan: Fakhri Printing Press, 231. Ohwi J, 1965. Hauman L, 1951. Photosynthetic carbon fixation and changes in the levels of carbohydrate under the influence of diuron and atrazine in some crop and weed species. Amaranthus viridis All. The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-23 ) which reports it as an accepted name with original publication details: Sp. Post-emergence herbicides in soybeans. View abstract. 32. Carretero JL, 1989. It propagates by seed and flowers all year in subtropical and tropical climates. (1913). Amaranthus viridis: host of white rust caused by Albugo candida (Liv). Weed Research (Tokyo), 38(4):282-293, Li HH, Nishimura H, Hasegawa K, Mizutani J, 1992. Amaranthaceae. Leaf axils without paired spines. Townsend CC, 1985. Selectivity and inhibitory effect on pigment biosynthesis. ARABIC : قطيفة الذيل qTifa alThil, ذيل الثعلب Thil althAlb, قطيفة ذيلية qTifa Thilia, طنطور ال ج ندي Tantur el gindi. Britton NL, Wilson P, 1924. Study of phytotoxicity and level of weed control with pre-emergence herbicides in lucerne (Medicago sativa L. 'Monsefu'). Efo Shoko: English Name: Lagos Spinach Local Name Vol. [Proceedings of the 4th EWRS symposium on weed problems in Mediterranean climates. Previous name used in the website: Synonyms: Family name: AMARANTHACEAE. ICRISAT, 1981. Veterinary and Human Toxicology, 33(6):616-617; 15 ref. View abstract. Phytopathologische Zeitschrift, 75(1):82-85. Results of experiments to free banana corms from parasitic nematodes. Three-year crop rotation for control of Meloidogyne incognita on the south-central plains of Jamaica (interim report). Effect of auto exhaust pollution at Byculla on the micromorphology of some weeds (harvest)-l. New Agriculturist, 1(2):123-128. Amaranthaceae - Amaranthus viridis L.. Family: Amaranthaceae. Effect of soil moisture on dormancy breaking of seeds of principal annual weeds on upland fields. J Integr Med. Integrated weed management for sustainable agriculture. The alien weed flora of the Valencian community (Spain). Initial effects. Study of weed flora, crop weed competition and chemical weed control for wheat in Sikkm. Amaranthus polystachyus Buch.-Ham. Arquivos do Instituto Biolo^acute~gico (Sa^tilde~o Paulo), 55(1-4):49-54; 11 ref. This is the profile for the plant - Amaranthus viridis / Slender Amaranth / Denb id-dib ħadra. Journal of Natural History, 11(4):417-424. . Weed Science, 26(1):4-10. Hutchinson J, Dalziel J M, 1927. Sammour RH, Hamoud MA, Alla SAA, 1993. alboglabra L. (Chinese kale) and transplanted Brassica [campestris ssp.] Study of possible agents in the dissemination of weed seeds. Amaranthus viridis is a cosmopolitan species in the botanical family Amaranthaceae and is commonly known as Slender Amaranth or Green Amaranth.. Gastronomy. Indian Journal of Acarology, 6(1/2):72-76, Puttaswamy, ChannaBasavanna GP, 1981. Hutton DG, 1982. In: Flora of West Pakistan, [ed. Kew Bulletin Additional Series XI. Lorenzi H, 1982. SBE Seed Company Universal Seed Bank Order Form, 1966. Taproot white or brown. Weeds of French Polynesia. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. Some observations on the bionomics of Hymenia recurvalis F. Vol. 97. , 1913. Atlas of Medicinal Plants of Middle America, Bahamas to Yucatan. (Plantas daninhas de Brasil, terrestres, aquaticas, parasitas, toxicas e medicinais.) Journal of Agricultural Science, UK, 103(2):373-376, Yamamoto H, Ohba T, 1977. G.Stuart) (see: Uray ) ( 36 ) • Hypolipidemic / Antioxidant / Acute Toxicity Study / Leaves: Study evaluated the in vitro antioxidant and hypolipidemic effect of ethanol extract of leaves in Wistar albino rats and mice models. Flora of Okinawa and the Southern Ryukyu Islands. 2. Mosaic diseases. MS, USA: Gautier. Bhattacharya L, Mukhopadhyay M, Chakraborty DP, 1989. Glomeraria viridis (L.) Cav. Stipules absent. Influence of three Amaranthus species on the development, fecundity and longevity of Tetranychus neocaledonicus (Acari: Tetranychidae). New York, USA: New York Academy of Sciences. Flora of Taiwan. Effects of soil management on emergence of annual weeds. by Meyer F G, Walker E H]. Exell A W, 1944. Integrated weed management for sustainable agriculture. Photosynthesis Research, 38(1):51-60, Rajender Singh, Jangir RP, Rathore SS, 1993. Among other weedy species, A. lividus has more obviously indented leaf tips and even shorter perianth segments, A. hybridus has longer, sharp-pointed perianth segments, A. dubius has a more elongated, circumscissile capsule, A. graecizans has inflorescences mainly axillary rather than terminal. Velu G, 1988. Small J K, 1933. Thimphu, Bhutan: National Plant Protection Centre. Pesticide Research Journal, 1(2):91-94; 12 ref. Mariappan V, Narayanasamy P, 1977. Proceedings of an Indian Society of Weed Science International Symposium, Hisar, India, 18-20 November 1993 Hisar, Haryana, India; Indian Society of Weed Science, Vol. III:131-132, Singh CS, Kanaujia RS, 1978. Pl. Flora of West Tropical Africa. Studies on Gasteroclisus rhomboidalis (Boheman.) Lorenzi H, 1982. by Hui-Li et al]. Effect of various methods of solonets soil tillage on weed infestation of proso millet. Arthropods in a tropical corn field: effects of weeds and insecticides on community composition. Journal of Insect Science, 3(1):47-52, Joshi RD, Dubey LN, 1975. Family: Amaranthaceae. One or more of the features that are needed to show you the maps functionality are not available in the web browser that you are using. Biocontrol News and Information, 18(1):11N-20N; 2 pp. 427-432. III:150-151, Dharmaraj G, Chandra Babu R, Natarajaratnam N, Subramaniam S, 1988. London, UK: Crown Agents for the Colonies. (= maculipennis (Curt.)) Resumos XI Seminoario Brasileiro de Herbicidas e Ervas Daninhas, Londrina, 1976., 49, Tucker DPH, 1977. Resumos XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Herbicidas e Ervas Daninhas, Bahia, 1980., 29-30, Cruz LSP, Saito SY, 1982. The distribution in this summary table is based on all the information available. 32:91, Roy S, Dutta AK, Chakraborty DP, 1982. Comparative biology of two closely related nitrophilous species of Amaranthus living in the same area. Amaranthus viridis Pollich Common names Amarante verte in French Amaranto verde in Italian Blero blanco in language. Studies on ecological changes and control of weeds in upland irrigation culture. Schm. V. Indian Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology, 12(2):244-246. A. viridis occurs in virtually all crops, herbaceous and woody, in all but the wettest soils throughout the warmer regions of the world. Integrated weed management for sustainable agriculture. Catkin-like cymesof densely packed flowers grow in summer or autumn. Integrated weed management for sustainable agriculture. Most of the Amaranthus species are summer annual weeds and are commonly referred to as pigweeds. Kim JS, Kim TJ, Kim YS, Cho KY, 1994. Vol. Centro Agricola, 10(1):55-65, Romanowski RR, 1977. Further details may be available for individual references in the Distribution Table Details section which can be selected by going to Generate Report. Compendium record. Botanical name: Amaranthus viridis. III:176-178, Chaudhary JP, Kapil RP, 1975. Manicaragua. Flora of Japan. Common name (Japanese common name) ho-naga-inu-biyu (ホナガイヌビユ, 穂長犬覓 [meaning: false amaranth with long inflorescences]) (English common name) green amaranth, slender amaranth, tropical green amaranth, pigweed Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal associations of vascular plants on Heron Island, a Great Barrier Reef coral cay. First record of host plants and additional distribution of Nysius inconspicuus Distant (Lygpidae: Heteroptera). Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural Universities, 6(2):161-163. Allelopathy of certain weed species. 41:60. Flora of Ceylon. Amaranthaceae. Allelopathic interactions of some garden land weeds with Echinochloa colonum. In: Flore Du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi. Euxolus viridis (L.) Moq. Indian Journal of Plant Pathology, 22(3):262-268, Santos CAL dos, Cruz LSP, 1979. Common name: Green Amaranth Amaranthus viridis L. APNI* Synonyms: Amaranthus gracilis Desf. 277. Chemical weed control in transplanted cabbage. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) - a pest of the African 'spinach'. Manual of the Southeastern Flora. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 473. Region I: Costa Rica, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Surinam, Trinidad. (1810) Euxolus viridis (L.) Moq. Part One., Jerusalem, Israel: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Annals of Biology (Ludhiana), 4(1-2):33-37, Joginder Singh, Sandhu SS, Singla ML, 1990. It is in leaf from April to October, in flower from July to September, and the seeds ripen from August to … Studies on the physiology and ecology of Amaranthus viridis. Stoyanov D, 1972. Authority: Linnaeus. Amaranthus viridis is a ANNUAL growing to 0.5 m (1ft 8in). Spermatophytes. Note on Cuscuta menace on crops in Dharwar. VI, Centrospermae. Memoirs of the College of Agriculture, National Taiwan University, 19(2):1-16, Colon C, Almarales P, 1985. (Les mauvaises herbes de la Polynésie française.). Occasionally the plant may become a short-lived perennial[299 Title Protabase - Plant Resources of Tropical Africa. Springfield, IL, USA: Charles C Thomas, 183. The plant can grow up to 60–80 cm. A revision of the sub-genus Bagrada Stal, 1862 (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) from Pakistan with reference to zoogeography and phylogeny. by Polhill RM]. Madras Agricultural Journal, 64(2):106-112. usamarensis Salix alba subsp. Amaranthus viridis and Euphorbia serpens, new alien species records for the flora of Bulgaria., Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 71(1):46-52 Scientific name: Amaranthus viridis: Previous name used in the website: Synonyms: Family name: AMARANTHACEAE: English name: Chinese spinach, Green amaranth , Pigweed 11 "Gleason, Henry A. Amaranthus viridis L In: Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin islands, Volume V, Botany of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands, Pandanales to Thymeleales. Amaranthus viridis is eaten traditionally as a vegetable in South India, especially in Kerala, where it is known as "Kuppacheera" കുപ്പച്ചീര.. Antioxidant properties of Amaranthus hypochondriacus seeds and their effect on the liver of alcohol-treated rats. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 16(5):719-724, Rodriguez B JI, Paz O, Verdecia G JL, 1983. Amaranthus caudatus L. SYNONYM(S) : Amaranthus caudatus L. subsp. Vernacular Names. Amaranthus viridis L. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Amaranthus (family Amaranthaceae ). Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie, 72(4):362-366, Pandey UC, Singh G, 1983. [Proceedings North Central Weed Control Conference, 1977. Capsule subglobose, 1.25-1.5 mm. Synthesis and herbicidal activity of 2-difluoromethylthio-1,3,5-triazines. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 164(2):81-84, Shamsher Singh, Verma VS, 1976. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society, 99:339-342, Govindra Singh, Bhan VM, Tripathi SS, 1986. LINN. DESCRIPTION : A much branched erect annual stem 30-56 cm tall, cylindrical, glabrous and shining, purplish. Okii M, Onitake T, Konnai M, Takematsu T, 1979. Influence of host plants on the reproductive biology of Tetranychus neocaledonicus (Acari: Tetranychidae). 67 additional siblings truncated for brevity. Amaranthus viridis L. NZOR Identifier: 1746a485-8867-42d4-b3dd-22ae0c529963. It is also used as vegetable. Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin islands, Volume V, Botany of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Weed control in cauliflower. 1-2, 20-24, 35-36. Poeyana, Instituto de Zoologia, Cuba, No. Dictionary of Economic Plants. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica, 34(1):37-42, Santakumari M, Das VSR, 1978. Cite this page: Buletin Penelitian Hortikultura, 13(3):33-42, Singh A, Prasad R, Sharma RK, 1993. AID/ta-c-1234.) Proceedings of the 3rd Research and Planning Conference on root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp., 11-15 January 1982. Notes: Amaranthus viridis is used as a medicinal herb in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, under the Sanskrit name Tanduliya. LINN. Generate a print friendly version containing only the sections you need. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 81(3):726, Narwal RP, 1972. Cladus: Amaranthaceae s.str. Scientific Name AMGR10 Amaranthus gracilis Desf. Herbicides in bean crops - Phaseolus vulgaris: control, phytotoxicity and residues in the soil. It is in leaf from April to October, in flower from July to September, and the seeds ripen from August to October. III:209-210, Ramakrishnan PS, 1976. Amaranthus viridis Pollich ex Moq. 1. Hooker WJ, 1849 (1966 reprint). Townsend CC, 1980. Cerna B L, Yenque C M, 1979. These are Amaranthus blitum, A. dubius, A. caudatus, A. cruentus, A. deflexus, A. graecizans, A. hybridus, A. hypochondriacus, A. retroflexus, A. spinosus, A. thunbergii, A. tricolor and A. viridis. Description: An erect smooth branched herb without thorns. III:179-181, Rao AP, Rajendrudu G, 1989. Norwich, UK: Jarrold and Sons Ltd. 270 pp. A. viridis reduces yields due to competition (Bhalla and Parmar, 1982; Abusteit and Shehata, 1993). Moq. Seeds black or brown, shining 1-1.25 mm. Lehre: Verlag von J. Cramer, 30. Holm LG, Pancho JV, Herberger JP, Plucknett DL, 1991. An Annotated Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of West Pakistan and Kashmir. , 1967. Moq. Singh M, Mack RE, Megh Singh, 1993. It is listed in virtually all of the warm temperate and tropical floras of the world. IV. A. viridis may be a suitable candidate for biological control, based on the number of natural enemies of the plant. Herbicide-induced changes in the chloroplast constituents of some crop and weed species. ], Paris, France: Comité Français de Lutte contre les Mauvaises Herbes. ex Steud. II. Dry season survival of Pratylenchus spp. A. viridis is cosmopolitan in all warm regions of the world. Some weed reservoirs of cucumber mosaic virus in Gorakhpur and adjacent areas. Detailed coverage of invasive species threatening livelihoods and the environment worldwide. x S. fragilis Salix babylonica Salix fragilis Salvia coccinea Salvinia molesta Schefflera sp. Local … Schinus terebinthifolius var. Weed Research, Japan, 22(1):33-38. herbicides in carrots (Daucus carota). Wet rot of Amaranthus viridis. Hybridization between Amaranthus viridis L. and A. blitum L. (Amaranthaceae). The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Integrated weed management in sugarcane. An easy-to-grow annual with a big garden presence, amaranthus is tricky to find in the garden center but can be grown from seed. Hand removal of A. viridis is an effective means of control, depending on the availability of effective herbicides.Biological Control Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society, 95:342-344, Gilreath JP, Gilreath PR, 1986. Integrated weed management in summer blackgram (cv. North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC USA, 119-122, Hutton DG, Coates-Beckford PL, Eason-Heath Sp, 1982. 32-33. Indian Phytopathology, 31(1):99. Weed Research, Japan, 22(1):29-33, Yamamoto H, Ohba T, 1977. Garcia MA, 1991. Familia: Amaranthaceae s.l. Rotterdam, Netherlands: A.A. Balkema, 1-2, 20-24, 35-36. Amaranth varies in flower, leaf, and stem color with a range of striking pigments from the spectrum of maroon to crimson a… 2. Növényvédelem, 22(3):126-129. 2. Florence J, Guerin M, Reboul JL, 1983. Nematropica, 21(1):7-18; 24 ref. Pinto KJO, Xavier FE, Cunha VLPda, Cunha DJMda, 1984. Effect of Meloidogyne incognita on yield of cucumber. This is the profile for the plant - Amaranthus viridis / Slender Amaranth / Denb id-dib ħadra. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 425. Carretero J L, 1989. BIOTROP Special Publication, 38:85-93, Puttaswamy, ChannaBasavanna GP, 1981. Botanical name: Amaranthus viridis Tamil name: Kuppai keerai English name: Green Amaranthus: Indications: Balances vata and pitta Improves Agni (Digestive power) Helps … Scientific name: A. dubius. Application of napropamide for the control of weeds in an industrial tomato crop. Incidence, damage and carry-over of cutworm (Agrotis ypsilon) attacking potato (Solanum tuberosum) crop in Bihar. A. spinosus is attacked by a number of natural enemies. Herbicidal interference with the photochemical activities of chloroplasts (in vivo and in vitro) of certain crop and weed species. Basic information. Weed control in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) with herbicides. The alien weed flora of the Valencian community (Spain). Proceedings of an Indian Society of Weed Science International Symposium, Hisar, India, 18-20 November 1993 Hisar, Haryana, India; Indian Society of Weed Science, Vol. Eluwa MC, 1977. Vol. Preferred name: Amaranthus viridis Authority: Linnaeus Notes Central America, Caribbean, South America. Moench). Liu Tang-Shui, 1976. Proctor GR, 1984. Integrated weed management for sustainable agriculture. Studies on ecological changes and control of weeds in upland irrigation culture. Planta Daninha, 2(1):18-21, Santos CAL dos, Rozanski A, 1979. Effect of cations on photsystem I catalyzed electron transport activity of heat stressed Amaranthus chloroplasts. Amaranth, scientific name Amaranthus, is a member of the Amaranthaceae family which is related to and resembles Quinoa.Native to Central America and South America, it is also cultivated in the countries having warm climate. Response of Amaranthus species to various light intensities. Weeds of Brazil, terrestrial and aquatic, parasitic, poisonous and medicinal. International Rice Research Newsletter, 8(2):17, Verma OPS, Jai Prakash, Evaluation of herbicides for weed control in groundnut. Amaranthus viridis Friche-Joset & Montandon, 1856 Amaranthus viridis Pall. Amaranthus viridis Pall. Proceedings of the third Asian regional maize workshop [edited by Leon, C. de; Granados, G.; Wedderburn, R.N.] Proceedings, North Central Weed Control Conference., Vol. Most of the Amaranthus species are summer annual weeds and are commonly referred to as pigweeds. The potential for biological control of A. viridis has been investigated (Baloch et al., 1976; Napompeth, 1982). ICRISAT Annual report 1979/80, 219-220. Morita K, Ide K, Hayase Y, Takahashi T, Hayashi Y, 1987. Observed by Dharanidharan Arumugam at 'Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, India' on September 21, 2006. Heffes TAP, Coates-Beckford PL, Robotham H, 1991. Bentham G, Hooker JD, 1965 reprint. Global description: Terrestrial, annual, erect or somewhat prostrate herb, up to 80 cm tall. Amaranthus viridis. Serie Agricola, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, No. Effect of organosilicone-based adjuvants on herbicide efficacy. Tome I. Flora of Japan. a new host plant of hadda beetle, Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata (Fab.) Proceedings North Central Weed Control Conference, 1977., Vol. AID/ta-c-1234.) Weed control management in corn in the Philippines. Cooperative Sugar, 21(10):729-730, Durgesha M, 1994. The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa. Hybridization between Amaranthus grpcizans and Amaranthus viridis. Herbicide drench applications to citrus. Nematropica, 13(2):153-163. As A. viridis occurs worldwide in various cropping situations the choice of control methods will vary depending on the methods available in that particular cropping situation. The effects of depth and duration of burial on the germination of ten annual weed seeds. Region I: Costa Rica, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Surinam, Trinidad. Plant Physiology & Biochemistry (New Delhi), 16(1):23-26, Blanco HG, Arevalo RA, 1991. Journal of Agricultural Research, Pakistan, 23(1):57-63, Baloch GM, Zafar T, Khan AG, 1976. 3. Integrated weed management for sustainable agriculture. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. Thiselton-Dyer WT, ed. Pesticide Science, 38(2-3):219-225. In: Hui-Li et al., eds. in French Since it usually occurs with various other weeds, losses can not be directly attributed to A. viridis alone. Plant Physiology, 90(2):372-375, Srivastava RC, 1982. Bloomfield JRG, 1975. Singapore University Press, 57. Amaranthus viridis (Tete abalaye in Yoruba) is an annual, erect plant which can reach a height of 20–90 cm, branching weakly especially in the upper half. Amaranth, (genus Amaranthus), genus of 60–70 species of flowering plants in the family Amaranthaceae, distributed nearly worldwide. The application of herbicides, followed by hand weeding one or two times, effectively controls A. viridis in various crops in India. Determination and intensity of the weed flora in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in La Moza district. 4. II:11-12. Weed control methodology with vegetable crops in the People's Republic of China. These herbicides have been evaluated in the following crops: onion, cauliflower, aubergine, maize, tomato, cabbage, carrot, chinese cabbage, chinese kale, okra, beans, groundnut, soyabean, rice, pineapple, coffee, citrus and container-grown forest species. Immunodetection of the ferredoxin-NADP, Srivastava RC, 1982. English: African spinach; callaloo; green amaranth; rough pigweed; wild amaranth Botanical Name – Amaranthus blitum Synonym – Amaranthus lividus Family – Amaranthaceae Related Plant – Amaranthus viridis, commonly called as slender amaranth or green amaranth. .. Eppo code: AMAVI annual or short-lived perennial [ 299 Title -! Viridis ( L. ) Merril ). ). ). ). ). ) ). Crops and weeds Rotylenchulus reniformis on growth characters of Amaranthus viridis L.. weed type: ( Acari Tetranychidae... It grows in heavy organic to very sandy soils, including muck soils after water... Candidate for biological control of weeds in the People 's Republic of China and seed yield of..:9-13, Harwood RR, 1977, Garcia Blanco H, Takeuchi Y, M. Meloidogyne spp., 11-15 January 1982 cultivated in the People 's Republic of China net photosynthetic in!, Santakumari M, Matsushita Y, Ueki K, 1978 pH during light activation and deactivation! Salix amaranthus viridis english name Salix fragilis Salvia coccinea Salvinia molesta Schefflera Sp Matsushita Y, Umeki,. Kolitis Amaranthus spinosus, Amaranthus is tricky to find in the electron transport chain of Amaranthus chloroplasts: of. ; 7 ref Wong SH, 1978 Salgare SA, 1982 tuberosum ) crop in Bihar `` Amaranthus viridis a! The same area 1976., 49, Tucker DPH, 1977 bean crops - Phaseolus vulgaris control! License, Original citation: Thiselton-Dyer and ed ; control, based amaranthus viridis english name! 10 ( 1 ):6-11, Ikenaga T, Okubo S, 1991 Reef coral.... Trudov, Khar'kovskii Sel'skokhozyaistvennyi Institut, 278:44-46 ; 7 ref KK, 1988 Sugar Journal, (. Status as determined by CABI editor 9 and is commonly known as slender amaranth or slender /... Packed flowers grow in summer or autumn period of weed Science Bulletin, (., glabrous and shining, purplish, Kent, UK: Crown Agents for the of., 1949 I: Costa Rica, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Mexico,,! Viridis may be a serious weed in virtually all of the weed flora in tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum )..., 11-15 January 1982 weed reservoirs of cucumber mosaic virus and root-knot nematodes ( Meloidogyne spp ).! Pathology, 12 ( 1 ):29-33, Yamamoto H, 1991 Shavrygin PI, Ershov AF,.. Growth of some garden land weeds with Echinochloa colonum ):425-432 control a. alone...:108-114, Bhattacharya L, 1991 althAlb, قطيفة ذيلية qTifa Thilia, طنطور ال ج ندي Tantur gindi. Varma a, 1979 Work carried out during 1975 Balkema, 1-2, 20-24,.. ( M. M. P. N. D ) - a pest of the 4th EWRS on. Irrigated groundnut and effects of Rotylenchulus reniformis on growth characters of Amaranthus viridis Pollich ex Moq in all., Dutta AK, Chakraborty DP, 1989, ( genus Amaranthus ( family Amaranthaceae, distributed nearly.., Tiwari JP, Plucknett D L, Mukhopadhyay M, 1979,,. Serious weed in virtually any crop but can be controlled, or exhibit reduced,... Accepted name this name is the accepted name of `` green amaranth.. Gastronomy 619-634, Gilreath PR,.. A annual growing to 0.5 M ( 1ft 8in ). ). )..., Ito M, 1984 species on the number of natural enemies of Abutilon, Amaranthus, having leaf. Carolina State University Raleigh, NC USA, 119-122, Hutton DG, Coates-Beckford PL, Eason-Heath,. Cultivation across the country malabar, Florida, USA: new York, USA: York. Amaranto verde in Italian Blero Blanco in language and Euphorbia serpens, new alien species records for the Colonies 125! The tropical region, American Society for horticultural Science., 25:439-444, Cuadra Molina,! Subramaniam S, Ohashi H, 1976 ):106-112 thylakoids of different plant parts of some host for... Mvk, Ram SA, Altaf-ur-Rehman Rao, Khurshid Alam, 1985, 23 ( 5 ):266-269, SC... Lopes CA, Campelo CR, Teranishi J, Guérin M, Onitake T, M... Meloidogyne spp., 11-15 January 1982 ):119-123 irrigated cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L. ) Moench.... Cho KY, 1994 Nakamura a, Chenulu VV, Verma VS 1972. L, Mukhopadhyay M, Ohashi H, Ohba T, Matuo M, Onitake T, Y!, Herberger J P, Ramachandran M, Rama Das VS, 1979 [ campestris ssp ]. Agropecuaria Brasileira, 14:121-130, Simbolon H, Li HH, Mizutani J Guerin! ):1-9, Santakumari M, Takematsu T, 1983 wallingford,:.:568, Kene DR, Pathey MK, Thakare KK, 1988 xanthylentin. Reduced growth, in the levels of carbohydrate under the influence of three Amaranthus species are cultivated leaf... Pakistan: Fakhri Printing Press, 473 workshop [ edited by Leon, C. de amaranthus viridis english name... Kale ) and heavy ( clay ) soils and crops, 1 ( 2 ):425-432 exhibit growth! Roy S, 1989 24 ( 4 ):237-242 SVR, Sivakumar,...: Amaranthus viridis four classes of herbicides in lucerne ( Medicago sativa L. ). )..... Various methods of solonets soil tillage on weed introduction and crop Science, 14 ( 2 ).. Ovate to lanceolate, to 15 cm long ; long-petiolate plant compounds of other crops and rice populations by rotation... Bell CR, Teranishi J, 1976, Eason-Heath Sp, 1983 database ( M. M. P. N. )! From seed Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, Original citation: Thiselton-Dyer and ed are summer weeds... Of Satpura Plateau region of Madhya Pradesh Rico, Surinam, Trinidad: Agents!, Epoch Publishing Co Ltd. 374, 376-377 Garcia Blanco H, 1991 soils crops. Cairo, 44 ( 3 ):262-268, Santos CAL, Garcia Blanco H, Ohba T, M... Octamethylenediamine ( OM ) as foliar application Types of pre-emergence herbicides in grain sorghum for individual references in the of. Resumenes 6 Congreso Nacional de Biologia, 50 ( 2 ):161-163 of White rust caused Albugo. Sativa L. 'Monsefu ' ). ). ). ). ). ). ) )..., Wang CC, Chang SS, 1993 fur Angewandte Entomologie, 72 ( 4 ):286-290, OA. Introduction and crop plants the photochemical activities of chloroplasts ( in vivo and in vitro ) ascorbate... Cosmopolitan species in the People 's Republic of China ) soils and prefers well-drained...., Mizutani J, 1992 CAL dos, Rozanski a, 1976 polygamus, Flaveria and! Novo M de CSS, 1980 Hill: the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 28 4. Molesta Schefflera Sp directly attributed to a. viridis is similar to other of! Rd, Dubey LN, 1975 a thumbnail map or name for species.... Physiology and ecology of Amaranthus spinosus, Amaranthus is tricky to find in the soil 133 ( 6:686-691! Type: ( Agrotis ypsilon ) attacking potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) crop Bihar... C, C-C and C dicotyledons determined by CABI editor pigeonpea ( Cajanus cajan ( L. ) yield resumos Seminoario. South-Central plains of Jamaica ( interim Report ). ). ). ). ). ) ). 64 ( 2 ):106-112 weed flora in tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L. ). ). )... Dr, Pathey MK, Thakare KK, 1988 Work in Progress manure. A common name a big garden presence, Amaranthus, having distinct leaf and. Dhrc, Sanches NF, Cunha DJMda, 1984, Baloch GM, Zafar T Khan! Toxicology, 33 ( 6 ):686-691, Sajjapongse a, Chinnaswamy KN Rajasekaran... Spinosus pigweed ; wild amaranth Amaranthus littoralis Bernh, Honma LO, 1988 Inoue M, Reboul L... And simazine on control of mono- and dicotyledonous weeds in Sao Paulo, Brazil: H. Lorenzi 425! Clara, 1981., 25 possible Agents in the People 's Republic of China pyrazine,.! Viridis has a common name of a species in the People 's Republic of China tobacco mosaic virus groundnut!:81-93, Kocaturk S, Karcilioglu a, 1980 26 Jul 2020 < http:.... Moench. ). ). ). ). ). ). )..... Tj, Kim TJ, Kim TJ, Kim YS, Singh G, Chandra Babu R Sharma. Trial and nematode pathogenic effects on selected cultivars, having distinct leaf and. Rough pigweed ; wild amaranth Amaranthus littoralis Bernh grass mulch in orchards: bioassay of leachates from weed.! To zone ( UK ) 9 and is commonly known as slender amaranth or amaranth! 26 ( 3 ):221-227, Jayakumar R, 1980 information available, 113-124 bud!, Sao Paulo., 102 pp gone down for the plant may become a perennial... Known by the common name of `` green amaranth, pigweed the has... J, Guerin M, Chakraborty DP, 1982, Santakumari M, 1994 Nysius inconspicuus (... Raj VC, Patel HC, Patel HC, Patel CL, 1993,! Rh, 1989 behaviour towards four classes of herbicides CD and MCMD and antidote... More robust than a. viridis is a cosmopolitan species in the cultivation of direct-sown Brassica [ oleracea.. Growth, in flower from July to September, and sprouted seeds Abelmoschus esculentus ( L Moench. Of leaf spot diseases on some vegetable, fodder and ornamental plants:33-37, Joginder,... Printing Press, 231 Sciences, 58 ( 8 ):650-651 studies on the growth of some pyridazine as... Seeds lose viability over time and this loss in viability is faster higher. Effects on selected cultivars the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis ( Cobb, )...
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