Country. 84. | Since 1960, yields in sugar beet have more than doubled, rising from 30 tonnes to more than than 80 tonnes per hectare. The shade of the country corresponds to the magnitude of the indicator. For context, this difference is approximately equal to the land area of Mexico. This agricultural expansion would likely have been into fertile forested land, resulting in a loss of up to one-third of the world’s forests. The FAO allocates production data to the calendar year in which the bulk of the harvest took place. | Near East/North Africa. Yield in Russia is high at 1.45 tonnes per hectare. We currently use approximately 50 percent of global habitable land for agriculture; without cereal yield increases, this may have risen to 62 percent. Vol.40 no.1 Santiago Apr. Central America & the Caribbean There is therefore an important relationship between yields improvements and land use. 50. However, a failure to increase agricultural productivity in many Sub-Saharan countries has led to large increases in land used for cereal production. This trade-off between land use for agriculture and yields is very clearly exemplified in a comparison between cereal production in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. 4.3. India. values in 1961 are equal to 1.0. Crop yields are the harvested production per unit of harvested area for crop products. Per hectare. It is weighted by the commodity prices. This article previously covered aspects of agricultural land use; you now find this material in our entry on. Factors such as the green revolution, has led to impressive progress in increasing cereals yields over the last few decades. For many, changes in the arable land have been minimal (or have declined). However, this figure can vary between 30 and 180 tonnes per hectare depending on knowledge and crop management approach used in sugarcane cultivation. 38. | According to the results, yields were higher in 2019 for all the main crops, with the average winter wheat yield at 9.9t/ha, which is 17% higher than in 2018 and 7% higher than the five-year average. In many industrialized countries, particularly in the United States and Canada, farmers commonly deliver their newly harvested grain to a grain elevator or a storage facility that consolidates the crops of many farmers. The country with the lowest value in the region is Cyprus, with a value of 2,009.10. In the charts we see the average agricultural yield of particular crops over the long-term in the United Kingdom, from 1885 onwards. 11. ’ on the chart.The crop production index (PIN) is the sum of crop commodities produced (after deductions of quantities used as seed and feed). See also: Country ranking, Time series comparison, More maps: The average cereal yield has increased by 175 percent since 1961. This figure is second only to France in the EU. Cereal crops harvested for hay or harvested green for food, feed, or silage and those used for grazing are excluded. Description: The map below shows how Cereal yield (kg per hectare) varies by country in Europe. Production depends on the nature of the soil, the amount of rainfall, irrigation, quality of seeds, and the techniques applied to promote growth. How have crop yields changed over the long-term? kg/ha (arable land) % p.a. Sub-Saharan Africa produces about 19 million tons and Latin America some 25 million tons. In the 2019/20 crop year, a yield of 5.63 metric tons per hectare was expected for corn crops in Brazil , down by 1.6 percent when compared to the previous crop year. Overall, this means we use less land per person than we did fifty years ago. Am accessible overview of the history of corn can be found here. 6. 48. Oceania Crop quality improvement Grass, hay and silage Chaff Yield - storing Crops - selling List of vehicles and machines All available vehicles Tractors and trucks Trailers and semi-trailers Harvesters and headers Machines for fieldwork Loaders Machines for grass and hay Baling technology Belt systems Forestry equipment Animal husbandry machines, vehicles Misc machines and tools In the chart we see index trends in cereal production, yield, land use and population measured from 1961 (i.e. 49. Break-even yield (grain only) 8.0 6.8 7.8 6.4 5.6 7.0 6.4 Cost per tonne @ target yields* 124 128 125 128 135 120 133 Net Price (€/Tonne) 170 170 160 160 180 155 155 AID (BPS) = NOT included 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Straw (€/ha) 243 198 300 250 250 248 216 *Crop margins are underlined for the various crop target yields. Our articles and data visualizations rely on work from many different people and organizations. The country with the lowest value in the region is Cyprus, with a value of 2,009.10. Yields of over 20 tons per hectare have been achieved by some growers, even from large plantings, and certain trial plots have yielded the equivalent of about 30 tons per hectare. Engler and del Pozo (2013) – Assessing long- and short-term trends in cereal yields: the case of Chile between 1929 and 2009. DataBank Microdata Data Catalog. Cassava, yam, cocoyam and maize are the major staple crops in the humid parts of the country, whereas maize, sorghum, millet, cowpea and groundnut are the major staple crops in the sub-humid and semi-arid parts. these figues depend heavily on geographical location, cultivation inputs and techniques, establishment,harvesting and processing, etc. This entry can be cited as: Our World in Data is free and accessible for everyone. So some cereal crops are excluded from the data for some countries and included elsewhere, depending on their use. In the chart we see the indexed change in land area used for cereal production from 1961-2014 (on the y-axis), measured against the indexed change in cereal yield over the same period (on the x-axis). 1.0. excl. Middle East This page has a list of countries by Maize yield (kg per hectare), according to officially-recognized international sources compiled by the World Bank. The cultivation of cereals varies widely in different countries and depends partly upon the development of the economy. 96. Today, the world can produce almost three-times as much cereal from a given area of land as it did in 1961. The data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. Most Recent Year. This ‘spared’ land amounts to 1.26 billion hectares in 2014– roughly equal to the area of Mexico and Europe combined. If we compare this increase to that of total population (which increased only 136 percent over the same period), we see that global cereal production has increased at a much faster rate than that of population. 2013. 8.3. Note: This page was last updated on December 28, 2019, Home | About | Search | Site Map | Blog | Indicadores en Español. Source: Food and Agriculture Organization, electronic files and web site. 1.0. Sugarcane is a cash crop, but it is also used as livestock fodder. 6. Add country 134. Learn about tomato production including cultivation methods and production guide, planting methods, planting season & spacing, pests and diseases controlling in field, yield per acre/hectare, irrigation and manuring the crop. | This data can be viewed for other countries and regions by selecting ‘ Since 1960, yields in sugar beet have more than doubled, rising from 30 tonnes to more than than 80 tonnes per hectare. 70% less land was needed. However, if global average cereal yields were to have remained at their 1961 levels, we see the amount of additional land (in blue) which we would have had to convert to arable land if we were to achieve the same levels of cereal production. The 10 year increase in yield for this region is 28%. DOI: 10.1111/j.1728-4457.2013.00561.x. 1. The country with the highest value in the region is Belgium, with a value of 9,050.70. 178. 99. Country. This has inevitably allowed us to ‘spare’ land we would have otherwise had to convert for cereal production. Some countries, including Ethiopia, Nigeria and Algeria have followed the rest of the world in yield increases. Expansion of cereal production has followed very different paths in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Although yield is only a partial gauge of performance, it reflects the available production technology across farms. From 1961 to 2014, global cereal production has increased by 280 percent. Ciencia e investigación agraria. Similarly to cereal yields, productivity gains in sugar beet and potatoes have been most impressive over the latter half of the 20th century. There are a number of factors which are likely to have contributed to sustained yield gains: fertilizer application, irrigation, increased soil tillage, and improved farming practices. TABLE 2: Biofuel yields for different feedstocks and countries. All simulated crop yields are presented at standard moisture content, i.e. 115. 5. 8.8. 36. This visualization shows the index of the arable land area needed to produce an equivalent aggregate of crop production, relative to the land area needed in 1961 i.e. As we see, average corn yields in the United States remained relatively flat throughout the 1800s until the 1930s. The FAO allocates production data to the calendar year in which the bulk of the harvest took place. … 194. 266. Description: The map below shows how Cereal yield (kg per hectare) varies by country in Europe. The average yield of cane stalk is 60–70 tonnes per hectare per year. Figure 1 illustrates average wheat yield per hectare for each typical farm. This process of cross-breeding between open-pollinated varieties, combined with improved breed selection practices is thought to define the key turning point in US corn yields.1, In the chart we see the average yields in key cereal crops (wheat, barley and oats) in Chile from 1929-2014. The initial period of yield gains in the late 1930s-early 1940s coincides with the transition period of farmers from open-pollinated varieties to hybrids. The major staple crops in Nigeria are cassava, yam, maize, sorghum, rice and millet. However, a key driver in the initial rise in yield is considered to be the adoption of improved corn varieties from plant breeding developments. All Countries and Economies. 102. The FAO explains the construction of the PIN in detail here. You have the permission to use, distribute, and reproduce in any medium, provided the source and authors are credited. Production data on cereals relate to crops harvested for dry grain only. In order to grow more food, we can increase the output from a given area of land (called ‘intensification’), or expand the area over which we grow our food (called ‘extensification’). The trade-off between higher yields and land use, Arable land needed to produce a fixed quantity of crops (1961 = 1), Cropland per capita vs. population density, Global agricultural land use by major crop type, Global land spared as a result of cereal yield improvements, Land use per 100 kilocalories by food and production type, Land use per unit protein by food and production system, Land use vs. yield change in cereal production, Peaking farmland: global arable and permanent crop area and Ausubel (2013) projections of peak farmland, Projections for global peak agricultural land. [12] Critics have argued that increasing agricultural productivity results in increasing human overpopulation problems. The UK barley yield has exceeded that seen in 2015 and now sits at 7.0 tonnes per hectare. Statistical Concept and Methodology: A cereal is a grass cultivated for the edible components of their grain, composed of the endosperm, germ, and bran. We will always indicate the original source of the data in our documentation, so you should always check the license of any such third-party data before use and redistribution. Europe Data from 1961 onwards is taken from FAOstat; database online here. The darker the shade, the higher the value. |. The idea for this chart is taken from Ausubel, Wernick, and Waggoner (2013).4, The authors write: ‘A combination of agricultural technologies raised yields, keeping downward pressure on the extent of cropland, sparing land for nature.Countering the global rise of population and affluence by parents and workers, consumers and farmers restrained the expansion of arable land by changing tastes and lifting yields. 103. Cereal yield (kg per hectare) - Country Ranking. Increasing yields reduces the pressure of expanding agricultural land. Information is collected for the area under cultivation (expressed in 1 000 hectares), the quantity harvested (expressed in 1 000 tonnes) and the yield (expressed in tonnes per hectare). 13.5% for wheat and barley, and 15.5% for maize. Most of our improvements in cereal production have arisen from improvements in yield. China. 3.6. Thus, data on agricultural land in different climates may not be comparable. 1.9. Wheat: UK wheat yields decreased by 12%, falling from 9.0 tonnes per hectare in 2015 to 7.9 tonnes per hectare in 2016. 142. This is in strong contrast to Sub-Saharan Africa where the area of land used for cereal production has more than doubled since 1961 and yields have only increased by 80 percent. Cereal yield is measured as kilograms per hectare of harvested land. The FAO report yield values as the national average for any given year; this is calculated by diving total crop output (in kilograms or tonnes) by the area of land used to grow a given crop (in hectares). Have we achieved this through land expansion or improved yields? Cereal crops harvested for hay or harvested green for food, feed, or silage and those used for grazing are excluded. There are also about 56.8 thousand hectares of farmland devoted to organic cereal planting in the United Kingdom. Maize yield, measured as kilograms per hectare of harvested land. 10. Download to Excel (xls) The data are collected by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) through annual questionnaires. Online here.The original sources given by my source are Evenson and Gollin 2003 and FAO 2006a. TABLE 3: Hypothetical potential for ethanol from principal cereal and sugar crops. Africa … The wheat yield of three tons and rice yield of two tons combine for five tons of grain per hectare, helping to feed India's 1.1 billion people. Average farm yields ranged from approximately 29 bushels per acre (1.95 metric tons per hectare) for the typical farm in Australia to 119.1 … In most of the cases yield data are not recorded, but are obtained by dividing the production data by the data on area harvested. Russia is estimated to have had a 10.5 million tonne sunflower crop in 2018⁵ with a production area of 7.2 million hectares. Menu. Definition: Cereal yield, measured as kilograms per hectare of harvested land, includes wheat, rice, maize, barley, oats, rye, millet, sorghum, buckwheat, and mixed grains. Production data on cereals relate to crops harvested for dry grain only. Despite a notable expansion of agricultural land in the early 1990s, over the last few decades land use for cereal production has increased only marginally. There are likely to be certain regional and seasonal differences in yield within a given country, however, reported average yields still provide a useful indication of changes in productivity over time and geographical region. 6. Latin America and the Caribbean. 1961 = 100). When citing this entry, please also cite the underlying data sources. Modern inputs – irrigation, improved varieties of cereal & fertilizer – have expanded rapidly around the world but have lagged in Sub-Saharan Africa, as seen in the following graph. Crop Yield: A crop yield is a measurement of the amount of agricultural production harvested per unit of land area. 111. Most European, American (both North and Latin American), Asian and Pacific countries have seen a much larger increase in cereal yields relative to area used for production. 7. The origin and history of corn crops is an interesting topic and widely discussed within the scientific literature. 1.4. 6.0. Germany produces about 8,050 kilograms of cereal per hectare. TABLE 4: Voluntary and mandatory bioenergy targets for transport fuels in G8+5 countries. Production data on relate to crops harvested for dry grain only. The simulations were carried out for each STU within a RWS zone. Rice is grown in more than a hundred countries, with a total harvested area of approximately 158 million hectares, producing more than 700 million tons annually (470 million tons of milled rice). First published in 2017; most recent substantial revision in September 2019. Although there are a few exceptions–notably across Sub-Saharan Africa, the continued increase in cereal yields across the world has been the major driver of total cereal production. The data collected from official national sources through the questionnaire are supplemented with information from official secondary data sources. In 2018, the South American country's yield for this crop was estimated at 3.04 tons per hectare. The noticeable shrinkage in the extent of cropland as a function of the Crop Production index since 1990 provides encouragement that farmers will continue sparing land.’. 92. 71. | For example, globally in 2014, the index value was 0.3; this means only 30% of the arable land area was needed to produce the same quantity of crops relative to 1961. 89. Most Recent Year. In the chart we see that the global area under cereal production (in blue) has increased from 625 to 721 million hectares from 1961-2014. Since the turn of the millennium however, cereal yields in the UK have been relatively stagnant. Our data on agricultural yields across crop types and by country are much more extensive from 1960 onwards. In the chart we see the change in average yield for key crop commodities since 1961. In the chart we have plotted average corn (maize) yields in the United States from 1866-2014, based on data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and UN FAO. 113. Most of a crop harvested near the end of a year will be used in the following year. According to the crop yield data placed before the House, India's rice yield was 2191 kg/hectare, while the global average stood at 3026 kg/hectare, while wheat is 2750 kg/hectare as against the world average yield of 3289 kg/hectare. In the first chart, we have plotted cereal crops (wheat, barley and oats). The darker the shade, the higher the value. Selected Countries and Economies. Average wheat yield for the farms in 2013 to 2017 was 65.3 bushels per acre (4.39 metric tons per hectare). Cereal yield (kg per hectare) Ghana. 131. The United Kingdom harvests about 7,707 kilograms of cereal per hectare. Cereal crops harvested for hay or harvested green for food, feed, or silage and those used for grazing are excluded. We see UK yields in sugar beet and potatoes tend to have much higher yields than cereal crops by mass (although they are likely to have a much higher percentage of water weight). South Asia. Close. In the period since 1940, yields have increased more than five-fold. TABLE 1: Biofuel production by country, 2007. Data on cereal yield may be affected by a variety of reporting and timing differences. Development Relevance: In developed countries, cereal crops are universally machine-harvested, typically using a combine harvester, which cuts, threshes, and winnows the grain during a single pass across the field. First-wheat yields were 4% higher than the five-year average at 10t/ha, with second wheats 15% better at an average of 9.8t/ha. Millet and sorghum, which are grown as feed for livestock and poultry in Europe and North America, are used as food in Africa, Asia, and countries of the former Soviet Union. Overall, we see that improvements in cereal yields from the 19th century into the first half of the 20th century were relatively slow– by the 1940s, yields were typically in the range of 2-2.5 tonnes per hectare. Most of a crop harvested near the end of a year will be used in the following year. 0.8. excl. In 2014, we used 16% more land for cereal production than we did in 1961 (approximately equivalent to double the area of Germany). Our World In Data is a project of the Global Change Data Lab, a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number 1186433). Actual yields North America This progress, however, is not equal across all regions. Given that demand for animal-based foods is projected to grow by 70 percent by 2050 and that pastureland accounts for two thirds of agricultural land use, boosting pasture productivity is … In developing countries, a variety of harvesting methods are used in cereal cultivation, depending on the cost of labor, from small combines to hand tools such as the scythe or cradle. | All visualizations, data, and code produced by Our World in Data are completely open access under the Creative Commons BY license. For … Population and Development Review, Volume 38, Issue Supplement s1, pages 221–242, February 2013. Cereal grains are grown in greater quantities and provide more food energy worldwide than any other type of crop; cereal crops therefore can also be called staple crops Cereals production includes wheat, rice, maize, barley, oats, rye, millet, sorghum, buckwheat, and mixed grains. If distributed equally, cereal production per person has increased despite a growing population. Definition: Cereal yield, measured as kilograms per hectare of harvested land, includes wheat, rice, maize, barley, oats, rye, millet, sorghum, buckwheat, and mixed grains. 5.7. Help us improve this site Help / … The statistics that are collected on agricultural products relate to more than 100 individual crop products. The simulation results were up-scaled successively to SMU, RWS, CZ and country, using harvested area per STU as weighing factor. Most Recent Value. 9.5. Production data on cereals relate to crops harvested for dry grain only. East Asia. 7. What caused this significant drive in yield improvements? Asia 9. N.B. Browse by Country or Indicator. Washington, DC: World Bank. U.S. wheat yield per hectare 2010-2028 Published by M. Shahbandeh, Aug 9, 2019 The U.S. wheat yield was about 46.3 bushels per acre in 2017/2018. Chile ranked first for cereal yield > kg per hectare amongst Emerging markets in 2008. In Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, al… Crop production systems have evolved rapidly over the past century and have resulted in significantly increased crop yields, but have also created undesirable environmental side-effects such as soil degradation and erosion, pollution from chemical fertilizers and agrochemicals and a loss of bio-diversity. Crop harvested for hay or harvested green for food, feed, or silage and those used for grazing are excluded. 50. TABLE 5: Applied tariffs on ethanol in selected countries 100. Online here. Productivity gains between the 1950s and 1990s was rapid, growing 2-3 fold over this period. Also shown on this figure are specific technological, economic or policy events which are likely to have influenced the change in cereal yields over this period–these events have been highlighted by Engler and del Pozo (2013). 59. Sub-Saharan Africa. 3.9. World Chile. [1] The 2018 sunflower crop was bountiful in other countries too. Land use for cereal production in South Asia has increased by less than 20 percent since 1961, meanwhile cereal yields have more than tripled – which meant that much more food could be produced in South Asia without an equivalent extension of the agricultural land. China (People's Republic of), Soybean, 2019: 1.9 Tonnes/hectare China (People's Republic of), Rice, 2019: 4.9 Tonnes/hectare China (People's Republic of), Wheat, 2019: 5.6 Tonnes/hectare China (People's Republic of), Maize, 2019: 6.3 Tonnes/hectare. Explore the data. Livestock production per hectare varies significantly from country to country and is lowest in the tropics. 6. | This figure is based on the combination of two datasets: data from 1929-1955 is based on figures in Engler and del Pozo (2013), which has been combined with UN Food and Agricultural Organization statistics from 1961 onwards.2. The shade of the country corresponds to the magnitude of the indicator. Crop yield is the measurement most often used for cereal, grain or … Land use per 100 kilocalories by food and production type; Land use per unit protein by food and production system; Land use vs. yield change in cereal production; Organic agricultural area; Peaking farmland: global arable and permanent crop area and Ausubel (2013) projections of peak farmland; Projections for global peak agricultural land Please consult our full legal disclaimer. 0.0. Here is the code I used in the video, for those who prefer reading instead of or in addition to video. Long-term cereal yields in the United Kingdom were some 500 kg/ha in Medieval times, jumping to 2000 kg/ha in the Industrial Revolution, and jumping again to 8000 kg/ha in the Green Revolution . 6.1. This is an important contrast to Africa where results are more mixed. Share of global habitable land needed for agriculture if everyone had the diet of... Share of land area used for arable agriculture, Share of land used for permanent meadows and pastures, The change of cereal yield vs. land used for cereal production, Tractors per 100 square kilometres of arable land. World Bank ( 2008 ) – World Development Report ( 2008 ) – Peak farmland and the for... In different countries and over time is not equal across all regions ): Agriculture for Development this trade-off land. Can produce almost three-times as much cereal from a given area of land area of Mexico everyone! K. Wernick, Paul E. Waggoner ( 2013 ) – World Development Report 2008! At 1.45 tonnes per hectare have the permission to use, distribute and. Given by the UN ’ s food and agricultural Organization ( FAO ) in glossary. Are more mixed secondary sources cover official country data reported by various international organizations range of crop commodities since.! Have had a 10.5 million tonne sunflower crop in 2018⁵ with a value of 9,050.70 you have the permission use... 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