As well as four broadening units, this student can choose their If you decide to study two majors there is still room for variety beyond your majors. Would like to focus on my core units and wondering if anyone can suggest some good electives/ broadening units for me? Certain undergraduate units may be taken as broadening or elective units. Realised there's a lot of elective and broadening units I have to choose. The unit outline will be available via the LMS and the UWA Handbook. UWA Handbook 2021 Units. Starting my psych double major at UWA in 2021! One single degree-specific major may leave room for up to 12 electives. When should you choose electives? If you structure your degree with just a degree-specific major, and no second major, then there is potential for up to 8 electives. Would like to focus on my core units and wondering if anyone can suggest some good electives/ broadening units for me? BeingSimpler. Units: Medical School : Sorted by: Unit Code [Change to sort by Unit Title] AHEA. UWA has a world famous reputation for providing a comprehensive and well-rounded education. Starting my psych double major at UWA in 2021! The flexible nature of your undergraduate degree will allow you to design a study plan that has both depth and breadth. Proposal forms are available on UWA's online curriculum management system CAIDi.Links to relevant policy and guidance documents are included in … The number of electives you can take will depend on the major(s) you choose and their individual requirements. These units can be added into any UWA Bachelor degree as major, complementary, elective or broadening units: Elective units provide you with the opportunity to explore a range of interests and new disciplines. Highly recommend as a broadening unit! " Realised there's a lot of elective and broadening units I have to choose. of Western Australia. STAT1520 - Economic and Business Statistics This unit covers basic statistics and is compulsory for all Bachelor of Economics and … Your chosen elective units can help you specialise in a specific field of interest, or simply give you the opportunity to try something new. While the core units in your degree will give you a thorough understanding of your subject of interest, electives allow you to broaden your knowledge further. Here are some of the easiest UWA units: 1. ... A major is a structured sequence of units in a particular discipline or field of study. Harking right back to very early medicine, this unit takes you through the changing relationships between human health, medical technology and environmental resources in past societies. Essential textbooks can be purchased from the commercial vendors to secure the best deal. The unit outline will be available via the LMS and the UWA Handbook. This Combined Bachelor and Master (CBM) is a four-year accelerated program for those with an ATAR of 90 or above. Once you have finalised your enrolment, it is a good idea to begin thinking about the electives you are interested in completing over the course of your degree. Does anyone know an extremely easy unit to get high marks in that I could do as an elective/broadening unit? Was thinking of choosing NEUR1001, ANTH1001, ENGL1002, PHIL2004, BIOL1131, IMED2200, or some art elective? Elective units Also known as ‘free choice’ units, these units give you a great opportunity to explore other areas of interest and expand your knowledge. ... IMED5417 Elective Remediation Unit; IMED5421 Preparation for Internship; MEDC. (Preferably with no exam) The number of electives you can take will depend on the major (s) you choose and their individual requirements. MKTG2238. Here are some of the easiest UWA units: 1. Undergraduate bachelors courses explained, When you need to decide on your major area(s) of study. Highly rated by students, this Level 2 elective is very engaging and well organised! ... IMED5417 Elective Remediation Unit; IMED5421 Preparation for Internship; MEDC. Starting my psych double major at UWA in 2021! 1,654 UWA subject ratings; ... Best elective unit I've ever taken! I recently transferred from Curtin to uwa to do commerce and I will only be credited 7 units; one unit short of a year. If you choose a double major you may have room to include up to six electives. Essential textbooks can be purchased from the commercial vendors to secure the best deal. Over the first three years you’ll complete a double major in Agricultural Science and Agribusiness, and some units from the Master of Agricultural Science. Elective units provide you with the opportunity to explore a range of interests and new disciplines within your undergraduate degree. In this example, a student has chosen to complete a Sport Science major which includes three complementary units. Reading lists and essential textbooks are subject to change each semester. Realised there's a lot of elective and broadening units I have to choose. Was thinking of choosing NEUR1001, ANTH1001, ENGL1002, PHIL2004, BIOL1131, IMED2200, or some art elective? PUBH1102. Search by unit code or unit name Highly recommend as a broadening unit! " The University of Western Australia’s course structure gives students the opportunity to study units outside of the knowledge area of their degree via broadening and elective units. Your chosen elective units can help you specialise in a specific field of interest, or simply give you the opportunity to try something new. School-leavers and undergraduates (assessed) AccessUWA provides you with an opportunity to enrol in units at UWA without being formally admitted to a degree course. How to Make Rational Decisions under Uncertainty, 500 years of Historical, Maritime and Industrial Archaeology, Chinese 9: Understanding the Chinese State, Chinese 10: Understanding Chinese Society, Historical Linguistics: Language History and Language Change, Linguistics of Australian Indigenous Languages, South Asia and the Middle East: Foreign Relations and Politics, Social Movements and the Politics of Change, Learning and Teaching Languages Other Than English, Intermediate Quantitative Methods in Psychology, Psychological Measurement and its Application, Psychological Science in the Modern World, Western Art Music 3 (Modernist and Postmodernist), Intellectual Property and China's Innovation-based Economy in Global and Comparative Contexts, History and Theories of the Built Environment, Advanced Film: Immersive Cinematic Experiences, Visual Culture and Art in America: 1900–2000, Picturing the Self: Portraiture in Nineteenth-century Europe, The Dutch Golden Age and the Art of Exploration, Financial Accounting: Theory and Practice, Global Energy Production: Challenges and Opportunities, Algorithms, Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Communication and Problem Solving with Statistics, Introduction to Bayesian Computing and Statistics, Applied Statistics and Data Visualisation, Clean, Green and Ethical Animal Production, Science Communication as an Academic Discipline, Aboriginal Health Community Organisation Placement, Human Biology: Applications and Investigations I, Human Biology: Applications and Investigations II, can enrol in a maximum of 12 Level 1 units, must enrol in at least four Level 3 units. Starting my psych double major at UWA in 2021! Some units may be worth more than 6 credit points (e.g. The University of Western Australia (M303) School of Indigenous Studies 35 Stirling Hwy Crawley, Perth Western Australia 6009 Telephone (+61 8) 6488 2467 Toll Free 1800 819 292 Fax (+61 8) 6488 1100 . If you structure your degree with just a degree-specific major, and no second major, then there is potential for up to 8 electives. If you decide to study two majors there … Whether or not you have studied music at UWA Handbook 2021 Units. I loved this unit! View handbook Learn about elective and broadening units. If you need to view all units offered across the University use the 'Alphabetical listing' (recommended) or the 'All units' link. Would like to focus on my core units and wondering if anyone can suggest some good electives/ broadening units for me? Starting my psych double major at UWA in 2021! The University of Western Australia M413, 35 Stirling Highway Perth WA 6009 Tel: +61 8 6488 2051 Email: CICOS rovider Code: 0126G UniPrint 125230 Music Broadening and elective units. Check whether your chosen majors require complementary units, and how many, as this will affect the number of elective choices you have. Realised there's a lot of elective and broadening units I have to choose. ... Elective units … Unfortunately I can't weigh in for the new broadening units. Was thinking of choosing NEUR1001, ANTH1001, ENGL1002, PHIL2004, BIOL1131, IMED2200, or some art elective? I was thinking of overloading and doing an extra elective or broadening unit. Elective units provide you with the opportunity to explore a range of interests and new disciplines within your undergraduate degree.If you structure your degree with just a degree-specific major, and no second major, then there is potential for up to 8 electives. Reading lists and essential textbooks are subject to change each semester. The Student Guild can provide assistance on where to purchase books if required. Topics are all interesting, easy HD if you engage in content, as... 1 day ago. The unit outline will be available via the LMS and the UWA Handbook. At UWA, our goal is to produce independent graduate engineers who are empowered to change the world and seek solutions to humanity’s greatest challenges. Units are normally worth 6 credit points and involve 150 hours of student workload (including contact hours, personal study and exams). You can also take broadening units as electives. Was thinking of choosing NEUR1001, ANTH1001, ENGL1002, PHIL2004, BIOL1131, IMED2200, or some art elective? The rule of thumb was never do introductory language courses as they take up a lot of time and effort. Doing Family History, Civilisation and Barbarism in European Culture, American Outlaws: Crime and Punishment in the United States, Renaissance, Reformation, Revolt: Europe 1450–1650, Italian Culture in Word and Image: from the Middle Ages to the Risorgimento, The Shape of Italian: Communicating Between Worlds, Logic: How to Defeat Your Foes with Reasoning, Knowledge and the Justification of Belief, Tradition vs Modernity: Understanding Spain Today, Culture, Ecologies, Extinction: Environment and Society in a Time of Crisis, Migrants, Refugees and Travellers: Mobility and Immobility in Transnational Lives, Think Like a Neanderthal: The Archaeology of Human Origins, Phonetics and Phonology: the Sounds of the World's Languages, Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Psychology, Electronic Music: Experimental Investigations, Earth, Water, Air & Fire: Material Explorations in Environmental Art, Art in the Environment: Deep-Time Performance and Socially-Engaged Art, (Inter)national Studio for Arts and Culture, Living Paris: Experiencing and Representing the Modern City, Zen Gardens to Manga Mania: A Survey of Japanese Art, Introduction to Museum and Curatorial Studies, Changing the World: Social Innovation, Finance and Enterprise, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell, Fundamentals of Probability with Applications, Quantitative Methods in Environmental Management, Foundations of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Plagues, Pox and Pandemics: the History of Death and Disease, Communication and Project Planning in Health, Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Biological Anthropology: Human Adaptation and Variation, Psychosocial Aspects of Sport, Exercise and Health, Integrating Philosophy, Politics and Economics: Rational Choice, Religion, Society and the Divine in the Roman World: From Augustus to Augustine, Greece Without Borders: The Hellenistic World, Sex, Gender, and the Body in the Greco-Roman World, After Antiquity: Receptions of Greco-Roman Culture from Augustine to Atwood, Australian Literature: Classic and Popular, Victorian Dreams and the Technological World, French Exceptionalism and Contemporary France, African American History: Freedom Struggles from Plantation to Prison and Beyond, Crime and Punishment in Britain 1600–1900, From Sudan to Saddam: Australia's Foreign Wars, Vikings, Crusaders, and Mongols: Medieval Europe in Conflict, Rights, Rule and Power: From Magna Carta to the French Revolution, Intimate Strangers: Journeys in Indigenous Australian History, Imagining the Nation in European Cultural History, Dante's Divine Comedy: a medieval masterpiece for the modern world, Metaphysics: a User's Guide to Time Travel, Continental Philosophy: The Origin and Influence of Phenomenology, What to Do? Last date to add a unit has passed You can only add units online up until the 'last date to add a unit' for the teaching period. The University of Western Australia (UWA) course structure gives students from all degrees the opportunity to study Electives. Failing Elective Unit @ UWA? Elective units Also known as ‘free choice’ units, these units give you a great opportunity to explore other areas of interest and expand your knowledge. You can choose units from any undergraduate degree, as long as you satisfy the unit rules and the units fit into your study plan. MEDC5801 Development and Communication of Research; MEDC5901 Thesis Research (full-time) I was thinking of overloading and doing an extra elective or broadening unit. One single degree-specific major may leave room for up to 12 electives. Would like to focus on my core units and wondering if anyone can suggest some good electives/ broadening units for me? Upon successful completion of a minimum number of units, you can apply for undergraduate admission based on … And you probably want the content to be interesting and valuable… seeing as you’re paying for the unit and all. Online anytime for current students, future students, community and UWA staff. For more information on choosing electives, browse the units available in the following table or see a course adviser at your assigned Faculty Student Office. Does anyone know an extremely easy unit to get high marks in that I could do as an elective/broadening unit? The University of Western Australia (UWA) course structure gives students from all degrees the opportunity to study UWA Business School Electives: Bachelor of Arts;;Bachelor of Commerce;;Bachelor of Science;;Bachelor of Biomedical Science;;Bachelor of Automation and Robotics;;Bachelor of Music;;Bachelor of Business;;Bachelor of Environmental Design;;Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics and Economics;;;Bachelor of Advanced Computer Science [Honours];; Level 5 A course normally consists of a number of units. 9 Super Fun, Interesting Electives to Spice Up Your Semester | UWA Student Guild This broader learning is useful, but you don’t want it taking up your whole life, right? I recently transferred from Curtin to uwa to do commerce and I will only be credited 7 units; one unit short of a year. I'm on old courses at UWA, and we only ever got 2 elective units from outside your own faculty (Engineering). project or dissertation units). What’s on offer? MKTG2238. WILG2201: Professional Experience Practicum is a 6-point Level 2 elective/broadening unit, which offers domestic and international Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce students* work placements with industry partners, paired with learning content, and academic and work supervisor assessment activities. The University of Western Australia M413, 35 Stirling Highway Perth WA 6009 Tel: +61 8 6488 2051 Email: CICOS rovider Code: 0126G UniPrint 125230 Music Broadening and elective units. If you structure your degree with one degree-specific major there is potential for up to 12 electives. STAT1520 - Economic and Business Statistics This unit covers basic statistics and is compulsory for all Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Commerce students. The UWA course model is progressive, personalised and benchmarked against the world’s leading universities. Archive View Return to standard view. Elective units provide you with the opportunity to explore a range of interests and new disciplines within your undergraduate degree. Elective units provide you with the opportunity to explore a range of interests and new disciplines within your undergraduate degree. There's lots of group work here, and if you don't have a good group, you... 2 days ago. When choosing your electives remember that in your degree you? Harking right back to very early medicine, this unit takes you through the changing relationships between human health, medical technology and environmental resources in past societies. Warning: The 'All units' link will generate a list of about 3000 units. If you choose a double major you may have room to include up to six electives. WILG2201: Professional Experience Practicum is a 6-point Level 2 elective/broadening unit, which offers domestic and international Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce students* work placements with industry partners, paired with learning content, and academic and work supervisor assessment activities. UWA recommends units which will help to prepare for the GAMSAT. Once you've had a look at the core units for your major, take some time to explore the broadening unit and elective unit options. If you decide to study two majors there is still room for variety beyond your majors. Electives can be chosen freely from the Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 units available in our undergraduate bachelor's degrees, providing you satisfy any unit rules including prerequisites and/or co-requisites. The Student Guild can provide assistance on where to purchase books if required. (Preferably with no exam) If you understand the principle of ethical scholarship and develop academic literacy, then you will know how to avoid academic misconduct. These electives are listed below by level and in broad subject groupings: Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) Course structure, McCusker Centre for Citizenship Internship, McCusker Centre for Citizenship Internship (0 credit points), Making a Difference: Civic Participation and Social Change, Aboriginal Encounters: Strangers in our Backyard, Boodjar Moort Katitjin: Introduction to Indigenous Heritage and Knowledge, Indigenous Ways of Knowing 1 (Introductory), Myths of the Greeks and Romans: Story, History and Reinvention, Love, Belief, and Death in Europe, 800-1800, Ethics for the Digital Age: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy, Being Human: Culture, Identity and Society, Language Learning and the Multilingual World, Fine Arts Studio: Record, Visualise & Imagine, Ways of Seeing: Themes and Theories in Art, Learning Effectively: Improving Your Learning and Teaching, Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics, Mathematics: from the Renaissance to Modern Day, Issues in Women's Health Across the Lifespan, Active Leadership 1: Developing Leadership Skills, Wild Card–Interdisciplinary Approaches to Real World Problems, Service Learning for Guild and Student Leaders I, Service Learning for Guild and Student Leaders II, Indigenous Knowledge: Mind, Body and Spirit, Indigenous Ways of Knowing 2 (Intermediate), The Foundation of the Roman Empire: 44 BC-AD 68, Netflicks: Cinema and Long-form Television, Twentieth- and Twenty-first Century French Intellectual Thought, Australian-Japanese-German Traditions and Practices, From 'Glorious Revolution' to Industrial Revolution: Making Britain, 1688–1888, Looking for Australia: From the Deep Past to Federation, When Empire Strikes: Imperial Expansion, Resistance, and Rights from Europe to Australasia, Who Do We Think We Are? 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