Bacterial Leaf Spots; Fungal Leaf Spots; Gray Mold/Botrytis; Powdery Mildew; Root Rots; Stem Cankers; Viruses; Insects/Mites; Diagnostic Chart: Indoor Plant Problems; Winter Indoor Plant Problems; Selecting Indoor Plants; Care; Poinsettias; Articles; Invasive Plants; Native Plants; Trees/Shrubs; Weeds; Fruits; Herbs If repotting isnât possible, then drenching the existing potting mix with a solution of white oil or neem oil (diluted as per label instructions) will help alleviate the problem. Wiping leaves with a soft, damp cloth to remove traces of mould and mildew is usually all thatâs needed to eradicate all traces of infection after youâve attended to the points above. It can be tough for a plant to recover from this disease. It doesnât usually infest potting mix so plants wonât need repotting. Diseases aren’t that common on most houseplants grown indoors because environmental conditions aren’t favorable for plant pathogens to grow and infect the plants. Covering the surface of pots with a 4-5cm layer of decorative pebbles or a medium grade gravel or grit helps prevent adults laying eggs in the potting mix. Some outdoor gardeners choose to bring their plants indoors during the winter months since they know lighting fixtures can be used to sustain the growth. However, there are fungal, viral and bacterial conditions that can affect them. /*-->*/ As light levels fall in the winter some plants may benefit from being moved to a lighter position such as nearer a window as long as the minimum required temperatures can be maintained. Improvements in plant lighting have helped indoor gardens grow by leaps and bounds. Here, we discuss the latest tips and information — from grow lights and hydroponics to houseplants and microgreens — to make your indoor growing experiences blossom. Level 2, Bldg E, 24-32 Lexington Drive Fungicides are available, however most indoor gardeners will find that these chemicals probably cost more than a new plant. Indoor plant care is especially important during the winter period when a minimal amount (if any) of sunlight comes through the window. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! It could be powdery mildew and if left untreated it will give you stunted plant growth, leaf drop and yellowing of plant tissue. Diseases That Affect Yucca Plants And Ways to Control Them. Read more articles about General Houseplant Care. As far as pests go, there are many. Lack of water may result in browning of leaves, wilting, loss of green colouration and dry appearance of the plant overall. Height – 3 to 6 ½ feet (1 to 2 meters) Exposure – very well-lit, or even full sun Soil – soil mix. Anthracnose. It usually appears in winter on plant leaves and flowers. [CDATA[/* >*/, Evergreen Garden Care Australia, Many plant diseases can quickly return if the dead plant matter isn’t properly disposed of. Growth may also become distorted. This pest is more commonly found on outdoor vegetable crops like beans and tomatoes, but white fly can invade indoor plants too. Insecticide sprays seldom have much effect on this pest because of its propensity to breed rapidly. It breeds in warm, moist potting mixes that are manufactured with composted pine bark. Use clean soil when repotting, carefully scrubbing pots before reusing to kill any disease organisms that may be present. If it’s dry, add some water, but if it’s wet (or slightly moist), leave it alone. However, indoor gardening is not without its nemeses. While a likely source of concern, it’s just oneof many. Sign up for our newsletter. To help you with indoor plant disease identification and diagnosis, here are some of the most common problems that occur … Powdery Mildew – Does it look like someone sprinkled white powder over your leaves and stems? Today it’s possible to produce fresh veggies and beautiful flowers in your own home year round! This page is designed to help identify some of the more common plant diseases and provides earth-friendly solutions (see organic fungicides) for combating them. Houseplants affected by bacterial dropsy or edema exhibit water-soaked spots with cork-like swellings along the leaf surface and stem. Knowing symptoms and providing appropriate control measures in any garden or orchard is one of the primary tasks in agriculture and horticulture sectors. Long term effected plants may become infected with disease or viruses, the leaves may also turn yellow in random patches. Common Plant Diseases: Introduction to Common Plant Diseases:- Well, to become a successful farmer, you should be aware of common garden plant diseases and pests or crop diseases. Indoor Plants react quickly if the conditions in which they are growing are not favourable. Resembles fuzzy Gray Mold. The disease usually doesn’t kill the houseplant and controlling the cultural conditions is usually enough to … The specific care that’s needed for a dracaena, how and when it should be repotted, watered and what diseases infect it. Take any affected plants outside and give the leaves a blast with the hose to dislodge the pest. Gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) — attacks older foliage and flowers, causes brown, wet spots on leaves or flowers. The most likely are here in this guide to indoor plant disease identification. Indoor Gardens. The most common include: Aphids; Caterpillars; Cyclamen mites; Earwigs; Eelworms; Mealybugs; Red spider mites; Root mealybugs; Scale insects; Thrips; Whiteflies; The most common diseases that your houseplants might suffer from are: Black leg; Botrytis; Leaf spot; Powdery mildew; Root rot; Rust; … Light levels decrease rapidly as plants are placed further back from the window. [CDATA[/* >