There is a recurring pattern of binge eating, which may be followed by self-induced vomiting. 5. These cost a bit more to set up and come with various usage fees, but if it's a commonly recurring gift situation, it can be significantly more convenient -- and cheaper -- than hauling boxes to the local UPS store. The herpes simplex virus can also cause recurrent ulcers: 22. After his release, the actor began slowly repairing his heavily damaged career and landed a recurring role on the popular show Ally McBeal. (Accounting: Basic) If something is recurring, it happens at regularly occurring intervals. Memory - Recurring thoughts of the gift, the giver and the gift-giving occasion. Colbert's recurring segments included "Even Stephven" (a heated debate with Carell) and "This Week in God.". More than 60 percent of recurring costs were attributable directly to materials, products, and services purchased from external suppliers. They held it for over two hundred years, to their own inestimable advantage in every recurring war. 2. Angel and Company did battle with episodic vampires and demons, but their most long-running recurring foes were... lawyers. I have a recurring dream of having some nice pink, glittery high heeled sandals! Even though the payment is recurring, it is still important to check statements regularly to safeguard against mistakes. Meantime, while recurring again and again, as was his custom, to this cardinal difficulty, Mill worked indefatigably in other directions where he saw his way clear. I have not been able to locate an organic cat food specifically labeled for use with recurring UTI's, so the best recommendation I can give is to compare the magnesium levels found in several organic brands and pick the one that is lowest. Then to make matters worse, Kara has recurring visions of a swirling shape-something that has followed her throughout her life. Some people have them recurring continually, but others have just one or two ulcers every year. What's more, the show also boasts a revolving door of recurring characters that make appearances from season-to-season. one year maturity Can take current, recurring, savings and time deposits 12. Another recurring feature of the Twitter Tracker voice is the use of clever (or not-so-clever) wordplay to continue to build up the hype. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Strapping skates onto celebrities and asking them to pull off some figure skating seems to be a recurring theme, however, since this is not the first time viewers have seen this format in a television show. The increasing warmth of each recurring spring finds the bee awake, and full of eagerness to be up and doing; its sole mission being apparently to accomplish as much work as possible while life lasts. The insensitivity of the male protagonist and his consequent inability to satisfy the basic needs of the female is thus a recurring theme. Where recurrent disease is responsible for blockage of lymphatic collaterals, chemotherapy may be tried to palliate the symptomatology. To understand the difference between recurring and reoccurring, we need to start with the base forms—recur and reoccur.. Recur means to happen repeatedly or after an interval. Spaces recurring at regular intervals but shifting to the right on each subsequent line create an intricate, jacquardlike weave. Installation of a shunt requires lifelong monitoring by the recipient or family members for signs of recurring hydrocephalus due to obstruction or failure of the shunt. If your child has had to deal with repeated infestations, cutting the hair and having the youngster adopt a short hair style may help to decrease the chances of the problem recurring. 3. If bl, b2, ..., k J is the cycle of recurring quotients, then b n 2a1, b, bn_1, b 2 bn_2, b 3 = bn_3, &c. In the case of a recurring continued fraction which represents N, where N is an integer, if n is the number of partial quotients in the recurring cycle, and pnr/gnr the nr th convergent, then p 2 nr - Ng2nr = (- I) nr, whence, if n is odd, integral solutions of the indeterminate equation x 2 - Ny 2 = I (the so-called Pellian equation) can be found. Despite City being a considerably stronger side the away trip has been something of a recurring nightmare for us. Hines also had recurring roles on TV, both in his own series for CBS and also as the character Ben Doucette on Will and Grace. And when such declensions occurred, they soon called forth efforts at reform and revival; indeed these constantly recurring reformmovements are one of the most striking features of Benedictine history, and the great proof of the vitality of the institute throughout the ages. So..... to stop back pain recurring, keep fit and stay active. They are usually found in an examination for the cause of recurring urinary infections. Since 2007, Springfield continued to appear on the ABC soap in a recurring or guest starring role as storyline dictated and his schedule allowed. Need to translate "RECURRING" from english and use correctly in a sentence? is of the simplest, consisting only in the arrangement of the discourse in lines of uniform length - usually heptasyllabic (Ephraim's favourite metre) or pentasyllabic. In 1959, she got a recurring role on The Perry Como Show, a 15-minute program that aired three days a week. Massive numbers of hits on a website can cause real problems, but the Facebook application is relatively reliable and does not encounter recurring issues on a regular basis. recurrent / examples. A recurring percussion theme is the slamming of a prison door. examples. Baby bottle decay is caused by recurring exposure over time to sugary liquids. recurring in a sentence - Use "recurring" in a sentence 1. Recurrent definition is - running or turning back in a direction opposite to a former course —used of various nerves and branches of vessels in the arms and legs. Such frequently recurring movements introduced new blood. He lives in a condition of recurrent alarm. Recurring styes may be an indication of a chronic eye infection called Staphylococcus blepharitis. The economy of Yemen has been harmed by recurrent declines in oil prices. Of this we have recurring examples in pre-exilian Hebrew history. Conversely every positive quadratic surd number, when expressed as a simple continued fraction, will give rise to a recurring fraction. At the mouth of the White, the Arkansas and the Mississippi the level of recurrent floods is 6 or 8 f t. 21. Examples of Recurrent in a sentence Being late to work was a recurrent issue for him, so they had to terminate his employment. Probably what sticks out most as a recurring problem is the talent tree. Keeping watch for the symptoms recurring is important to nip any future problems in the bud. The primary symptom is the presence of recurring infections that tend to be chronic rather than acute. From there, the fair-haired tot jumped to the soaps with recurring roles in Guiding Light and One Life to Live. In the domestic politics of the 18th century, too, the peace has a great and recurring importance. An application of the method is to the summation of a recurring series, i.e. Another recurring theme is parental approval. 3. 20 examples: He joined the cast in 2005 initially in a recurring role before becoming a… Example sentences for: recurrent How can you use “recurrent” in a sentence? The Branding Needle, or The Monastery of Charolles Eugne Sue It is a dreadful thing for the general strength of Government, to have these sort of doubtful days recurring so often. This card can be set up to pay recurring automatic payments for items such as utilities. This recurring dream is usually startling, often to the point of being frightening or nightmarish. A child with recurring middle ear infections may well have large adenoids. Synonyms: periodic, continued, regular, repeated More Synonyms of recurrent You will find the following recurring characters on the show. Under domestication the same thing occurs by what C. Darwin has termed "unconscious selection.". In addition to his films, Furlong has appeared as a recurring character in five episodes of the television drama CSI: NY. The APSAA features a Member Directory that helps visitors to find psychotherapists in their regions.Individuals plagued with recurring nightmares and disturbing images do not necessarily have to seek guidance from a psychoanalyst. Carefully check into the details of any Internet companies that advertise a free list to make sure there are no hidden fees or recurring monthly subscriptions. This is dream syndicate going through a recurring nightmare. Recurring definition is - occurring repeatedly : happening or appearing multiple times. How to use recurrent in a sentence. female; the distinction between its permanent objects, and its occasional or recurring operations; the recognition that behind sudden manifestations of power, like the thunder-storm, there are steady forces and continuous cosmic agencies at work - lead to the gradual rise of the higher deities. They are not conceived of in any anthropomorphic form, their sex even may often be indeterminate ("sive mas, sive femina" is the constantly recurring formula of prayer), but the sphere of action of each is clearly marked and an appeal to a spirit outside his own special sphere would never even be thought of. , Recurring sinus infections plagued the man every winter. only time deposits with min. All your recurrent fears of the world ganging up on you came to the surface and you ran away: 23. Flooding is the major and most frequently recurring natural disaster in Britain. Under the general heading "Analysis" occur the subheadings "Foundations of Analysis," with the topics theory of functions of real variables, series and other infinite processes, principles and elements of the differential and of the integral calculus, definite integrals, and calculus of variations; "Theory of Functions of Complex Variables," with the topics functions of one variable and of several variables; "Algebraic Functions and their Integrals," with the topics algebraic functions of one and of several variables, elliptic functions and single theta functions, Abelian integrals; "Other Special Functions," with the topics Euler's, Legendre's, Bessel's and automorphic functions; "Differential Equations," with the topics existence theorems, methods of solution, general theory; "Differential Forms and Differential Invariants," with the topics differential forms, including Pfaffians, transformation of differential forms, including tangential (or contact) transformations, differential invariants; "Analytical Methods connected with Physical Subjects," with the topics harmonic analysis, Fourier's series, the differential equations of applied mathematics, Dirichlet's problem; "Difference Equations and Functional Equations," with the topics recurring series, solution of equations of finite differences and functional equations. I feel there is a recurring theme to my tests. Understanding iron metabolism and the ways to ensure that iron deficiency anemia in infants and children can be successfully treated and prevented from recurring may be concerns of parents. Lindsay rounded out her adolescence with two made-for-television movies and a recurring role in Bette Midler's short lived series, Bette. The explanation of these recurring phenomena is that a great cloud or distended stream of meteors revolves around the sun in a period of 331years, and that one portion of the elliptical orbit intersects that of the earth. The constellational system in vogue among the Egyptians appears to have been essentially of native origin; but they contributed little or nothing to the genuine progress of astronomy. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. recurring expenses due to Sarah Gear's way of life in this fashion. His concluding years were mainly spent at Chislehurst, where he had taken up his residence in 1609, and in spite of recurring illnesses he continued to work at material for the improvement of the Britannia and kindred subjects. A persistent recurrent theme; a single strand of ancient lore in the weave: 25. frequently recurring or too insignificant to be worth the trouble of affixing the common seal. These cookies do not store any personal information. Kyle Brandt was a heartthrob in his own right on The Real World Chicago, but that charm and good looks helped him land a recurring role on the soap opera, Days of Our Lives in 2003. 2. was already sighing for the easy life of Touraine, and recurring to that policy of truce which was so strongly urged by his counsellors, and so keenly irritating to the clear-sighted Joan of Arc. In the early 1980s, she also landed a recurring role, as Willis' girlfriend Charlene, on Different Strokes. See more. The two great recurring " necessities of State," the budget and the authorization of the contingents of army recruits, regularly occupied a large part of the sittings; the budget was generally passed only in instalments in three or six monthly grants, and the Government was forced to adopt the practice of adjourning the obstructive House of Deputies and of providing for indispensable requirements in its absence by emergency decree. All Rights Reserved. `Arib of Cordova made an abridgment, adding the history of the West and continuing the story to about 975.1 Ibn 1Vlashkawaih wrote a history from the creation to 980, with the purpose of drawing the lessons of the story, following Tabari closely, as far as his book is known, and seldom recurring to other sources before the reign of Moqtadir; what follows is his own composition and shows him to be a writer of talent.
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