Li, B., Zhang, D.-F., Jia, G.-Q., Dai, J.-R. & Wang, S.-C. Genome-wide comparisons of gene expression for yield heterosis in maize. The third panicle sampling was conducted 15 days after heading. Whole Transcriptome QC Report. The total DNA of the two parents was extracted with the Plant Genome DNA Extraction kit. The expression level of ALK31,32 was higher in CY6203 than in its parents at the middle filling stage (Fig. Transcriptome and genome sequencing elucidates the molecular basis for the high yield and good quality of the hybrid rice variety Chuanyou6203. RNA editing referred to variants on the mRNA level through InDel or base substitutions58,59. Eigengene-based intramodular connectivity measures, MSU RICEGENOMEANNOTATIONPROJECT RELEASE 7, Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, The weighted gene coexpression network analysis. Summary Genome sequencing … Log(FC)_YB represents Log2FCCY6203/C106B of sward leaf samples7 days before heading. CAS  Chen, L. et al. While ICI therapy has been used to treat different cancer types, it … Plant J. NGS technologies are used for whole genome sequencing, epigenetics, transcriptome analysis, de novo genome sequencing, large-scale analysis of DNA methylation, discovery of non-coding RNAs and protein-binding sites, biomarkers identification for early diagnosis, and more. SYBR-based qRT-PCR analyses were performed on ABI Step One Plus according to the protocol (ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix) provided by the manufacturer (Vazymebiotech Co., Ltd., Nanjing, China). 2 and OsNRT2. The average number of variations per gene was 8.87, and the average number of variations per 200 Kb was 35.47. A total of 66,319 SNPs and InDels between CH3203 (34,102) and C106B (32,217) were detected in the 5′-UTR, exon, intronic, and 3′-UTR regions according to the reference genome annotation (Fig. (A), (B), (C) are Chuan106B, Chuanyou6203 and Chenghui3203, respectively. What is a good Spanish equivalent for "sledgehammer argument"? in BMC genomics. An SNP downstream of the OsBEIIb gene is significantly associated with amylose content and viscosity properties in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Article  2020 Jun 16;21(1):407. doi: … The total exon region of the genome … 1 interacts with OsNRT2. 140, 1070–1084 (2006). Research Real-time DNA and RNA sequencing — … The \(\overline{{{\text{FPKM}}}}_{{{\text{CH}}3203\,{\text{or}}\,{\text{C}}106{\text{B}}}} \) is the mean FPKM value of a gene in the CH3203 or C106B transcript. Wickham, H. ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis (Springer, Berlin, 2016). The nucleotide sequence of the exons of a gene represents the genetic code of the gene to synthesize the specific protein. Trojan "Win32/Tnega!MSR" found by Windows Defender - aliases used by other antiviruses? Among RRL techniques, two main approaches are widely used today: the RAD-seq approach Transcriptome represents the whole content of RNA present in a cell including mRNA, rRNA, tRNA, degraded RNA, and, nondegraded RNA. In the biological process, photosynthesis negatively regulated light-harvesting (Supplementary Fig. Accumulated expression level of cytosolic glutamine synthetase 1 gene (OsGS1; 1 or OsGS1; 2) alter plant development and the carbon-nitrogen metabolic status in rice. For over a hundred years, researchers have been exploring the molecular mechanism of heterosis, starting from the previously proposed hypotheses of dominance, over-dominance, and epistasis to later transcriptome analysis at gene expression levels1. Luo, W. & Brouwer, C. Pathview: an R/Bioconductor package for pathway-based data integration and visualization. The term can also sometimes be used to refer to all RNAs, or just mRNA, depending on the particular experiment. BGI Transcriptome Sequencing services are executed with the DNBseq sequencing technology, for great sequencing data at the lowest cost in the industry. Huang et al. It has no concept of exon and introns. The substitution of bases in the coding region of the ALK gene may change the crystal structure of amylopectin, which may lead to a change in ASV in rice31. Your genome is a large section of about 3 billion DNA nucleotide bases. and JavaScript. The number of DEGs in the 18 functional modules ranged from 39 (light green module) to 2996 (turquoise module). Fine mapping SPP1, a QTL controlling the number of spikelets per panicle, to a BAC clone in rice (Oryza sativa). Rice 11, 37 (2018). Nishimura, A. et al. Of the common DEGs, the numbers of upregulated DEGs between CY6203 and CH3203 were all greater than those of upregulated DEGs between CY6203 and C106B in panicles and flag leaves at the booting, flowering, and middle filling stages. Fujita, N. et al. Proc. Biochem. Second, both strands are always sequenced in genome sequencing, but RNA-seq can be strand-specific. Evol. indicated that polymorphic promoter cis-regulatory elements were closely correlated with DEGs with an additive, as well as over- and under-dominance, gene action33. Recent papers have also shown that the long-read sequencing achieves approximately 90% … 45, W122–W129 (2017). Google Scholar. Improving cooking and eating quality of Xieyou57, an elite indica hybrid rice, by marker-assisted selection of the Wx locus. 4 and Supplementary Table S7). 61, 235–261 (2010). Therefore, heterozygosity is generally a prerequisite for gene expression and phenotypic variation in hybrids1. S4). Yamanaka, S., Nakamura, I., Watanabe, K. N. & Sato, Y. Shotgun transcriptome sequencing is used to detect and quantify coding and non-coding RNAs, as well as to functionally characterize and annotate genes that have been captured in DNA sequencing. 12, 323 (2011). In this QC report, we show representative library QC and sequencing QC and mapping metrics that will be provided to the customer for whole transcriptome … Bao et al.2 identified 595 upregulated and 25 downregulated tags in LYP9 using the serial analysis of gene expression technique and found that most of the genes were related to enhancing carbon and nitrogen assimilation. Did Wikipedia pages of Transcriptome and Genome helped you? OMPHs for SPW/D and ANSPP were 8.85% and 27.77%, respectively. 49(1), 12 (2015). Illumina sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry is the most widely adopted next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, producing approximately 90% of global sequencing data. The results showed that a great quantity of mRNA editing phenomena occurred in CY6203 due to its heterozygosity, and most mRNA editing ratios were approximately equal to 0.5. Nucleic Acids Res. PLoS ONE 7, e34231 (2012). In principle, the concepts behind Sanger vs. next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are similar. S6 (Springer). These authors contributed equally: Juansheng Ren and Fan Zhang. If not where they didn't help you, This is a rather basic question and I don't think it's a good one for the site, in the message from stack exchange it says "if you ask beginner questions, survey questions, or social-conversation questions, experts and pros will not be interested". 5B). Hence, exons remain in the mRNA molecule. 106, 326–331. To obtain OsJAR1 and OsJAR2 are jasmonyl-l-isoleucine synthases involved in wound- and pathogen-induced jasmonic acid signalling. Log(FC)_WB represents Log2FCCY6203/C106B of panicle samples in 15 days after heading. Appl. Slattery, R. A., VanLoocke, A., Bernacchi, C. J., Zhu, X.-G. & Ort, D. R. Photosynthesis, light use efficiency, and yield of reduced-chlorophyll soybean mutants in field conditions. To further clarify the biological functions of each module between F1 (CY6203) and its parents (C106B and CH3203), the genes of each WGCNA module were previously subjected to KEGG pathway enrichment analysis by ExPath 2.0 ( and GO enrichment analysis by agriGO v2 ( Li, J. et al. In contrast, the DEG expression levels of CY6203 in pathways of nitrogen metabolism and carbon fixation were continuously higher than those of its parents in photosynthetic organisms of all three stages, while their increase gradually decreased, especially in charge of carbonic an hydrase [EC:] (LOC_Os01g45274, LOC_Os04g33660, and LOC_Os08g36680) and ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase small chain [EC:] (LOC_Os12g17600, LOC_Os12g19381, and LOC_Os12g19470) (Supplementary Fig. 144, 2009–2023 (2007). The quality and integrity of DNA and RNA were tested using the Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 system (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA). Finally, RNA editing was also analysed. et al. Whole genome sequencing (WGTS) for oncology is a complex genetic test which involves sequencing the genome of the tumor and the matched normal specimen and transcriptome sequencing of the tumor specimen. At the middle filling stage, the number of DEGs between CY6203 and C106B was greater than that of DEGs between CY6203 and CH3203. I have a computer engineering background, not biology. Genet. Despite improvements in sequencing methodology, whole transcriptome analyses are still tedious, especially for methodologies producing long reads. In recent years, RNA sequencing (RNAseq; including whole transcriptome sequencing (WTS) and targeted exome RNAseq) was successfully established for … The enrichment results were visualized by ggPlot267. Q-Line Locked-down, research-validated devices for applied sequencing … E: Panicle samples 3 days after heading. Cai, H., Xiao, J., Zhang, Q. the yellowish-green gradual discoloration represents the pathway of nitrogen metabolism in the green-yellow and yellow module. The variation information such as Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP), Insertion and Deletion (InDel), Copy Number Variation (CNV), and structural … We remove no significant DEGs between F1 (CY6203) and its parents (C106B and CH3203) in panicles and flag leaves at booting, flowering, and middle filling stages. You have introns and exons. Jin, J. et al. The 30-day seedlings were transplanted with a spacing of 17 cm × 25 cm, with three replications. The red arrow represents positive regulation. Proc. First, we used FastQC software to evaluate the quality of the raw reads. After the variety Chuanyou6203 (CY6203) was released, it was welcomed by farmers. Then, by comparing the variant types of CH3203 and C106B at the same position, different variant type sites were selected, and the number of different SNP/InDel per 200 kb was calculated. Plant Sci. The automatic one-step network construction and module detection method with default settings were carried out, including an unsigned type of topological overlap matrix (TOM), a power β of 18 (R Squared Cut = 0.85), a minimum module size of 30, and a branch merge cut height of 0.25. Each sampling time was 9:00–10:00 with three replications. ISSN 2045-2322 (online). performed the project design, data analysis and wrote the manuscript; F.Z. Tabuchi, M. et al. And its planted area had quickly reached 200,000 hectares in rice area of southwest China. Thank you for visiting Among these DEGs between CY6203 and C106B, there were 829 (27 + 475 + 73 + 228) (829/1164 × 100% = 71.22%), 459 (71.5%), 1,658 (36.72%), 1,488 (68.26%), and 1,453 (55.56%) upregulated DEGs, respectively. Microsatellites and a single-nucleotide polymorphism differentiate apparentamylose classes in an extended pedigree of US rice germ plasm. The five agronomic traits were single plant weight per day (SPW/D, in grams/plant/day) = single plant weight/days of maturity, plant height (PH, in centimetres), panicle length (PL, in centimetres), the average number of spikelets per panicle (ANSPP), and 1000-gain weight (TGW, in grams). 5A), which might indicate the balanced expression of some related quality genes of C106B and CH3203 in CY6203. A … Transcriptome sequencing relies on next-generation sequencing (NGS) methodology and techniques. There was a high significant difference (p < 0.01) between CY6203 and C106B in TGW and ASV, respectively. Li, H. et al. Based on the hierarchical clustering of these samples using the FPKM value (Supplementary Figs. Acad. Exome vs RNA Sequencing: Exome sequencing is the sequencing of the complete set of exons or coding DNA regions present in an organism. For example, the average 0.8376 of GL730 type belonged to CH3203 type at three stages, and 0.8576 of the Edh2 type belonged to CH3203 type at only the booting stage. Article  In PL, a high significant difference (p < 0.01) was found between CY6203 and CH3203, and there was no significant difference between CY6203 and C106B. Is it wrong to demand features in open-source projects? The development of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI), a type of cancer therapy that helps the immune system fight tumours, was one of the most significant milestones in cancer treatment in the last decade. Theor. El-Kereamy, A. et al. Plant Cell Environ. RNA sequencing refers to the sequencing procedure of Ribonucleic acids (RNA); the transcriptome. Li, D. et al. Wang, S. et al. 9). 2-RNA-Seq (RNA sequencing), also called whole transcriptome shotgun sequencing (WTSS), uses next-generation sequencing (NGS) to reveal the presence and quantity of RNA in a biological … Similarly, increasing the expression level of Gnp4 also increased the spikelet number26. Predicted quality mechanism of hybrid variety Chuanyou6203 based on previous reports. Sci. Log(FC)_HB represents Log2FCCY6203/C106B of sward leaf samples3 days after heading. However, the gene (new name: OsJAR2) was determined to be involved in the wound- and pathogen-induced jasmonic acid signalling39. In brief, the “genome” is the collection of all DNA present in the nucleus and the mitochondria of a somatic cell. On 3,000,001 bp-3200000 bp of chromosomes 2, the number of variations per 200 Kb was up to 578. In summary, we speculate that the photosynthetic CO2 uptake rates and nitrogen utilization efficiency are improved in CY6203 due to its sustained better chlorophyll accumulation and suitable size of the photosynthesis antenna from the booting to the middle filling stage (Fig. Sci. Google Scholar. With advancements in next-generation sequencing technology, plant and animal whole genome sequencing (PAWGS) has become a rapid and comprehensive method to analyze the entire genome when a species’ reference genome is available. Zhang, G. et al. The module eigengene value was calculated and used to test the association of each module with each of 43 samples. Bao, J. et al. CAS  Article  75, 245–249. Epigenetic regulation of circadian-mediated changes in chlorophyll biosynthesis and starch metabolism is a direct reason for growth vigour in plant hybrids1. In order to evaluate the robustness of our … Among these DEGs between CY6203 and CH3203, there were similarly 4,582 (60.15%), 673 (73.55%), 868 (49.94%), 5,662 (73.13%), and 5927 (73.64%) upregulated DEGs at the booting, flowering, and middle filling stages, respectively. Given the ability of RNA-seq to reveal active regions of the genome… PubMed Central  Yield-, quality-, and KEGG pathway-related genes were selected based on previous reports at and their annotated information in the funRiceGenes database ( Field management followed normal procedures for rice. Here, we report the whole-genome and transcriptome sequencing, followed by subsequent de novo assembly, of the E. spelaea genome solely using the Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) long-read sequencing platform. The expression heatmap of each module and expression histogram of corresponding eigengenes showed that the eigengenes were regularly expressed at different levels at the different stages or materials (Supplementary Fig. We used transcriptome sequencing data to correct the genome sequencing data to improve the accuracy of genomic sequencing. 6, 6258–6258. In summary, our updated genome and transcriptome sequencing of the casper and roy mutants provides novel genetic clues for the iridophore loss. The green arrow represents negative regulation, and 1 and 2 represent panicle samples 7 days before heading. Log(FC)_EB represents Log2FCCY6203/C106B of panicle samples in 3 days after heading. Internet Explorer). 45, W501–W508 (2017). * In addition to high-quality data, Illumina offers integrated whole-transcriptome sequencing workflows that simplify the entire process, from library preparation to data analysis and biological interpretation. This has led to the emergence of transcriptome (or RNA) sequencing … Rice OsNAR2. PubMed Central  Gao, Z. et al. Using the Illumina-platform, a total of ~ 175 million and ~ 65 million paired-end clean reads measuring 150 bp in length were generated with average coverage of ~ 61 × and ~ 22 × for the genomes of CH3203 and C106B, respectively (Supplementary Table S1). Rep. 5, 8750 (2015). Correspondence to with whole-genome sequencing. Bioinformatics 26, 139–140 (2010). 1, OsNRT2. In this study, a transcriptome analysis of the panicles and flag leaves of the hybrid rice CY6203 and its parents in the formation of yield and quality stages was performed to identify the molecular modules related to yield heterosis and high quality. 3), we listed the Log2FCCY6203/CH3203 or C106B values of cloned genes related to the detected KEGG pathways, yield, and quality in Supplementary Table S11. Zhang et al. Zhang, H.-Y. Products & Services Products & Services Sequencing platforms Learn more Consumables. Chuanyou6203 (CY6203) is an outstanding hybrid rice variety with excellent quality and high yield, stained from a cross between the Wild Abortive Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (WA-CMS) line Chuan106A (C106A) and the restorer line Chenghui3203 (CH3203). Appl. Characterization of SSIIIa-deficient mutants of rice: the function of SSIIIa and pleiotropic effects by SSIIIa deficiency in the rice endosperm. Whole-transcriptome sequencing (mRNA-seq) Total RNA sequencing; MicroRNA sequencing (miRNA-seq) Because next-generation DNA sequencing is a complex process involving various types of library preparations, sequencing and data analysis, a meeting with the sequencing … Article  Lu, F.-H. & Park, Y.-J. First, genome sequencing depth is usually the same across a genome, but the depth of transcripts can vary. The edgeR package57 was applied to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) among all samples. Liu, T., Mao, D., Zhang, S., Xu, C. & Xing, Y. Protoc. Acad. Therefore, developing new varieties with both high yield and good quality is a heavily researched topic in hybrid rice breeding. The 17,105 DEGs were used to construct coexpression modules by WGCNA14. Reduced-representation library (RRL) sequencing approaches enable sequencing of a fraction of the genome as well as of homologous regions in a set of individuals. The GC contents of CH3203 and C106B were 43.29% and 40.73%, respectively. The structure of starch can be manipulated by changing the expression levels of starch branching enzyme IIb in rice endosperm. also believed that the overdominant effect was a major contributor to the grain number heterosis of WFYT0255. Approximately 40.61% of mRNA editing ratios were between 0.4 and 0.6, and 1.68% of mRNA editing events (editing ratio ≥ 0.8) in CY6203 favored one of its parents at three stages or a particular stage, suggesting that the hypothetical heterosis mechanism of CY6203 might involve dominance or epistasis. Google Scholar. To identify DEGs between CY6203 and its parents, we identified genes with a Log2fold change > 1 or < − 1, and a false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05 in comparison as significant DEGs64. For assisting in sequencing efficiency and nitrogen utilization efficiency of CY6203 was higher in CY6203 compared with its.... Rice starch biosynthesis lead to a diverse array of rice mutants lacking ;... Density of different SNPs and InDels in Chenghui3203 and Chuan106B genomes and their different cloned yield-, quality- and pathway-associated! Project design, data analysis and wrote the manuscript ; F.Y.G., L.H.Z., X.J.L. X.Q.Z.. 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