You can also subscribe without commenting. Explore the highways and byways of Miami Beach in Kyle’s Bentley Continental GTC on Turo, where you can book the perfect car for your next adventure, courtesy of local hosts. Called the Turo Seed Initiative, those who are eligible can raise up to $15,000 via crowdfunding and Turo's matching program. Earn extra cash by sharing it on Turo. I purchased the insurance, and full fuel at return. I had declined their insurance as my own coverage was more than sufficient. Click the link for each issue to learn more. The valet attendant seemed confused by the question and was unable to help either. Scroll down to see your “Approval status.”. | Read 3,741-3,760 Reviews out of 8,224 Check out what 5,479 people have written so far, and share your own experience. And others may be issues that simply can’t be resolved. to count towards your company rating, you can also leave a comment for this review. Very bad company I wouldn't recommend at all. I have any and all documents they may need to prove who I am abd have a clean dricing record for years!! You will be able to edit the text before publishing. I sent Turo support an email in order to rectify this. Car-rental app Turo aims to list shares publicly in 2021, report says. Same thing is happening to me now...I have asked them to clarify what exactly the problem is and they just keep sending the same automated response with no reasoning. Responsible, nice people. So I stopped driving for Lyft and started focusing on other, higher-paying activities, such as giving 110 percent to my 9-to-5 job at BiggerPockets. Turo was able to get ahold of the owner immediately after the car broke down and advised me that he had denied that the car had any issues when he rented it to me, so it was important that I was able to show that he knowingly gave me car in not-so-great condition. I was denied, then invited to join. Explore the highways and byways of Aurora in Bikram’s Honda Pilot on Turo, where you can book the perfect car for your next adventure, courtesy of local hosts. On march 25th, a Turo driver pulled out of a store, crashing in me. There are a few reasons why our system may not allow you to book a car. Turo is an American peer-to-peer carsharing company based in San Francisco, United States.The company allows private car owners to rent out their vehicles via an online and mobile interface. Zygmunt of Ottawa, Canada. I rented a car from Turo back in November. There are a few reasons why our system may not allow you to book a car. A big draw back for me personally is that Turo sounds like a time consuming job. It was never deposited. They finally switched their name to Turo because it's under "new management". This is so UNPROFESSIONAL AND UNACCEPTABLE! list of notifications and what they mean. We had great luck with the first two renters. If you’re not able to book a car, you may be able to resolve the issue on your own by doing these key things: If there’s an account issue stopping you from booking a car, we likely would have sent an email with information and instructions. They are continuing to send same automated email. Turo's customer service is … Only contact customer support if the instructions in our email or in the article tells you to do so. It was on the step piece under the license plate which is only 3/4 of an inch thick vertically and the dent was creased 3 inches horizontally (like he backed into a pole). Learn more. Turo told me that this owner usually responded to requests in 48 minutes, but it only took 20 minutes for me to hear back. Turo review rated 1.3/5.0 with 2 Comments: I am a very irrate customer! Turo says the rear bumper is normal wear and tear even though it was right at 3 inches. Turo started off strong and now has switched to unethical business practices. I have a right to know why this decision was made. See the list of common account issues below that may be preventing you from booking. Yes I understand the laptop is telling me the drive is not formatted but when I plug the same drive into my PC it clearly is formatted and I'm able to access all the data on it. Saimah's Experience 444 views. Thank You for Your Reply! After creating an account and lodging the correct documentation/info for approval I was denied. On top of that, appears he put a bad tank of gas in. They blocked my contact on Turo app from the owner of the vehicle. They denied me and took 200 out of my account. It took me almost 7 weeks to get my damages paid for. If we deny you access to Turo because of a low auto insurance score, we’ll let you know via email. I did see this article in CleanTechnica a few weeks ago which lays out someone's experience in Georgia And others may be issues that simply can’t be resolved. Explore the highways and byways of Aurora in Bikram’s Honda Pilot on Turo, where you can book the perfect car for your next adventure, courtesy of local hosts. You may be able to resolve some of those issues on your own. If you’re not able to book a car, you may be able to resolve the issue on your own by doing these key things: Check the inbox and spam folder for the email address tied to your Turo account to see if you’re unable to book a car because of one of the issues below. How long will it take to resolve my issue? They connect me with trusted dealers and cars . I was permanently denied without any explanation as to why. Try to call Turo to see if I will be reinstated and treated better, but nope. Essentially, it is a three-digit score that predicts the probability that your would-be renter will file an insurance claim. Note that contacting us more than once about the same issue won’t result in a faster response. Simply rent, unlock, and go in an instant with the Getaround app. Thank god for turo Overall I love the website . To complete the approval process, log onto Turo, go to your Account page, tap “Get Approved to Drive” at … I wanted to like Turo. I applied for Mturk in December of 2016, and by January 22, 2017, I … What a nightmare Look through the inbox and spam/junk mail folder of the email address tied to your Turo account. Turo is not on your side, and will do everything possibly to pay you as little as possible. Driver was an unauthorized driver and the renter of the car was the passenger. He approved my request and I was given the owner’s phone number and exact location. Got a car? Book instantly Bikram’s Honda Pilot for $59/day on Turo today! Best, Turo Verification Team This is RIDICULOUS and very frustrating! My claim was denied, and they won't tell me why. Guests who engage in any Prohibited Uses with a vehicle booked through Turo, may face a penalty fee, suspension, and/or removal from the platform. Guess what? But the third woman who rented our car has been a nightmare. Others may require help from customer support. You may be able to resolve some of those issues on your own. I have any and all documentation needed to give them if needed. Once you read the email we sent or review the issue (following one of the article links above), you’ll know whether the issue can be resolved. They connect me with trusted dealers and cars . If you can’t find an email from Turo, check the “Approval status” on your Account page for a notification. How Turo works. Must be due to my orientation (gay). I need to know how to open an account on my name and get approval for a rental. I got denied to rent with turo. It was on the step piece under the license plate which is only 3/4 of an inch thick vertically and the dent was creased 3 inches horizontally (like he backed into a pole). Book instantly Bikram’s Honda Pilot for $59/day on Turo today! Contact Review Author as Verified Representative, Business Solutions For Verified Company Representatives, Pissed Consumer © 2021 All Comment the review as Turo verified representative. Horrible horrible company. Please note that further communications from you will be read, but not responded to. I've been researching this, and I don't agree with their decision. When I first listed my cars on Turo and GetAround I simply added the new vehicles to my personal insurance policy. I called the police and a report was done. In fact, it may disrupt the process flow and add to your wait time. Read about their experiences and … If it can, follow the instructions we give you. The check in and and checkout process, delivery can really eat up a lot of time and tie you up. Book instantly Kyle’s Bentley Continental GTC for $440/day on Turo today! It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. If you contact us about a final decision we’ve already made, we won’t be able to change that decision. Getting paid ★ Earnings and payment Requesting reimbursements from your guests Reimbursement tool Unfortunately their customer support is a nightmare. After being told that I have successfully moved to an on-site, it was proposed that, since I was not in SF, a 6 hour Google … If you can’t find an email from Turo, check the “Approval status” on your Account page for a notification. I just would like a call from a manager & get this resolved!! its all a scam do not trust turo if anyone has been a victim to them please contact me this people need to be shut down I even got scammed outside the website and they never reported or shut down the guy posting cars on it ! A question for you experienced with Turo. | Read 6,181-6,200 Reviews out of 7,032 Clayton Hawkes told Truro Crown Court he … Write a private message as Turo verified representative. Turo charging me for damages from an accident without claiming insurance from 3rd party? Turo - Denied rental because of Auto Insurance Score Sep 24, 2018 @ Pissed Consumer Keep in mind that the email we sent you about this issue will give complete information about resolving it. Saimah's Experience 633 views. Rights Reserved, You Are About to Contact, I have read and agree to the Pissed Consumer. If it can, follow the instructions we give you. I've seen a few S's near me but they don't seem to get many takers, maybe the service isn't really taking off (i know it's been around a while under the name "relayrides" previously). It seemed like a no-brainer for me, the incremental costs of the adding these vehicles were almost insignificant! Have you ever tried the “sharing economy”? I interviewed at Turo (San Francisco, CA) in Apr 2019. Thank god for turo Overall I love the website . I was told it would be deposited into my account within 5 to 7 business days. How to change your password and email address. Your current scenario: Using personal insurance to cover your Turo fleet. Because you are technically borrowing a car, any LDW or other rental coverage you may get from your credit card likely will not apply. Check your inbox and spam/junk mail folder for an email with the Subject line “You’re unable to book on Turo.” If you believe the score we received for you from TransUnion is incorrect, take these steps: Private messages do not impact your company rating. Or learn how to earn with Getaround carsharing and offset the high cost of ownership. That is really interesting. Others may require help from customer support. Turo denied my claim, I am in a dilema of taking them to small claim court or use the online arbitration service,, suggested by Turo the arbitration cost will be covered by Turo, although I have to waiver the appeal right after anybody who has experience, please share your thoughts, thanks 14 … If you want your response DENIED Turo Claim Let’s Investigate - Duration: 7:44. You can try to reach review author by writing a comment to the review or try one of our business solutions. You will be automatically registered on our site. situations can still happen even if you don’t really drive that car. Turo denied my claim even though I've been paying for their standard level insurance that supposedly comes with zero out-of-pocket expense for damages. Insurance & protection. If you’re a Turo host who wants to offer delivery, you must get approved to drive. Turo. Do you agree with Turo’s 4-star rating? makes 0 sense this people needs to be shut down and won't disclose anything of why I got denied !! They have no real reason to deny me! Get contact details that poster left for the company. Requirements with regard to age, license, identification, and communication differ by region. I suggest boycot on Turo… I am a very irrate customer! Your personal carrier will than drop you like a hot potato when they learn you did Turo without getting a commercial policy. Or we may still be reviewing your materials. Book instantly Kyle’s Bentley Continental GTC for $440/day on Turo today! Rationale is that theft, hit & run, etc. MY LEXUS WAS TOTALED DURING IT’S 2ND TRIP ON Turo – Rent unique cars or earn money renting your car. The White House denied the conversation happened, telling The Times, "President Trump has led the largest mobilization of the public and private sectors since WWII to defeat COVID-19 and save lives." On top of that, appears he put a bad tank of gas in. Next is the protection fee, which is a fancy term for insurance. We are new to Turo and decided to put one of our personal cars on the site for rent - a Mercedes S-Class. | Read 6,381-6,400 Reviews out of 7,896 Username and password will be sent to you via email. Reason of review: To mitigate a lot of that, I read there is "remote check in". Turo customer service agreed with me because pictures before rental began proved my case. No lines or key exchanges. I have had no tickets, or wrecks in YEARS!!! Note that contacting us more than once about the same issue won’t result in a faster response. Rent nearby cars, trucks, and vans, by the hour or day, on Getaround. It got damaged, and MasterCard rejected my claim. I’ve also been looking at adding another vehicle explicitly for Turo and would still carry an auto policy, but maybe with lower coverage. We are processing your message. Turo has the right to deny access to or to remove users at any time for any reason. The app is beautiful, lots of vehicle options, good prices and the process seems simple and painless. Thank you, A pissed off customer. There is … In most cases, if you’re unable to book a car, we would have sent you an email explaining why. If you wish that your prior post be removed, submit a notarized letter. He gave me a terrible review, and Turo customer service doesn't want to remove the review. Poor customer service. Book instantly Nathan’s Audi Q5 for $79/day on Turo today! The Truro murders are etched in South Australia’s history as one of our worst serial killings. Check out what 8,021 people have written so far, and share your own experience. Now, I'm stuck with a $1300 repair bill. This is how Turo makes their money, as the actual rental fee itself goes to the owner of the car and not to Turo. That is what uninsured cost to repair means. I am warning you!! The notice eluted to background. I was hit by another vehicle while in a turo car. Trump denied asking to have his face carved on Mount Rushmore, but said it 'sounds like a good idea to me!' You've been warned. I got to the freeway and within 2 miles someone swerved and hit the side of the car. ... Of course the host denied the claim, even though it was documented on the Turo messaging app, and did not process my refund. Part of my claim was denied because I only took the 5 required before and after pictures. Related: Turo - Fraudulent Charges & False Claims. Pissed Off! Lucky for me, the person following me had it all on a … Look for a notification that explains the issue or gives you instructions. If you don’t meet the. Follow the. Car sharing marketplace Turo has teamed up with Kiva to offer interest-free loans to Black people and folks from traditionally underserved communities to buy cars and then share them on Turo. Some experiences can be better then others but overall even if you dont have the best experisnce , turo is very accessible and always ready to make sure everything met your needs I then spoke to ‘Javier’ via Turo’s live chat, who told me my application triggered a “verification hold” and that I … Once you read the email we sent or review the issue (following one of the article links above), you’ll know whether the issue can be resolved. Do you agree with Turo’s 4-star rating? At 3 inches of mine San Francisco, CA ) in Apr 2019 to access. The protection fee, which is a fancy term for insurance for Turo Overall I love website! The police and a report was of owner of the car was the passenger raped a when. Are a few reasons why our system may not allow you to a. And exact location release the details of our personal cars on the site for rent - Mercedes... $ 440/day on Turo and Hyrecar pros and cons using consumer ratings with latest reviews let ’ s rating! 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