The Earth has a 4.6-billion-year history. If we, as Homo Sapiens, are most closely related to Homo Neanderthals, why is the timeline not congruent to this relationship? However, what we hear from religious people not only make zero logical sense but has not resulted in a single positive thing. we are meant to be the chosen ? Lumpers tend to assume greater variation within a species, while splitters are more prone to think that a sample with trait differences is a new species. Their elongated legs and short arms helped them climb trees easily and run faster than modern-day human beings. height, weight, shape). Who is the “missing link”, because it’s not a what. The Red Deer Cave dwellers had the following distinctive features that differ from modern humans: flat face, broad nose, jutting jaw with no chin, large molars, prominent brows, thick skull bones, and moderate-size brain. This explains the time problem AND why we carry such a diluted percentage of Neanderthal DNA. How to explain it to the lament human of the past, God. “Your spirit” knowing right from wrong, is subjective at best. We are all connected and bound together here on earth, whether God is real or not, so we should act like it and treat each other with compassion and make sure we are all treated with dignity, respect, and given equitable resources to make our best go at life. The Titanic Was on Fire for Days Before It Sank, A Break-up Letter with Astronomy, From a Young Black Woman. The Homo heidelbergensis male was about 5ft 9in (175cm) tall and weighed around 136lbs (62kg), whereas the female average height was 5ft 2in (157cm) and with a weight of 112lbs (51kg). Early humans seem to have recognized the dangers of inbreeding at least 34,000 years ago, and developed surprisingly sophisticated social and mating networks to avoid it, new research has found. There are rapids and there are quiet pools. Three well preserved crania are accounted for, the best preserved being from an adult male having a brain capacity of 1,450 cm3 (88 cu in). This cranium of a Homo rhodensis was found in a lead and zinc mine in Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia (now Kabwe, Zambia) in 1921 by Tom Zwiglaar, a Swiss miner. Your spirit has been trained by those who taught you “right from wrong”. Scientists have discovered a wealth of evidence concerning human evolution, and this evidence comes in many forms. If you do good, you reap good and if you do bad things you reap bad. Well I am white and if we (whites) have mixed blood of a (sub human) in us like the neanderthals that means we stepped backwards in evolution. Science does have its drawbacks lol. Besides hunting, they discovered how to propagate certain plants and how to breed animals, which changed history forever. But hey Id have no problem coming from an ape !! This is where I must interject. In my opinion currently scientist have 5 pages of a 1000 page novel so I just don’t believe they have the story figured out. It could walk on two feet when on the ground, but probably spent considerable time in trees, perhaps feeding, sleeping and escaping predators. The creation of god is not a mystery , man invented him/her/it. Fossils dated between 14,500 and 11,500 years old were found in Red Deer Cave and Longlin Cave in China. The RH- factor is derived from Homo Capensis sub-species (which had elongated heads and were very similar in appearance though, to modern man, moreso than homo erectus or neanderthal.) Think about it there were dinosaurs so why couldn’t there have other types of people. You can’t evolve backwards. To those people “religion” did something good for them. Can you imagine what these artist’s would come up with if they had 20 skulls fragments from different breeds of dogs, i.e. Religious Knowledge Survey”-(Pew Center) 2) “In US, atheists know religion better than believers” (The Christian Science Monitor) 3) “Atheists Are Sometimes More Religious Than Christians” (Atlantic Monthly) To anyone “without a dog in the fight” reading the above would provide convincing evidence that the quickest path to doubting the Bible’s content is to read the thing. To “Some guy on the Internet” on inter-species breeding: Depends on how close the DNA is – in chromosome count etc. I do have doubts about Rudolfensis, not enough evidence yet to support it as a hominid. Certainly it has been my experience that I have met very few Christians as familiar with what’s actually in the bible as me (and none that have read it cover to cover as have I and several atheists I’ve met.) Homo habilis had a cranial capacity slightly less than half of the size of modern humans. Also if you check the first link in the Homo sapiens section it says oldest fossil of modern humans, meaning we are Homo sapiens. Some humans are better athletes, others excel in Quantum Physics. This debate is about the origins of homo sapiens and has not a thing to do with your moronic cult beliefs. Good. I think the writer may have intended to say SUB -species, of which there were several living at the same period in history. As for time, we can generally only grasp time by measuring it; that’s why we’ve corralled it’s infinite capacity into digestible units of minutes, hours, years, and so on as measured by sundials, clocks, calendars and other such instruments. Stories, myths and legends grew up about them. Definitely the most confused.. Now I do believe in God, and through focused and extensive research from multi-cultural religions or so called mythology. Let’s begin at the beginning of the book, the first book. Homo habilis is the... 3. Y’all following me so far. I agree its very doubtful, because this article states that Neandrathols were extinct 20,000 years before Home Sapiens ever existed. Many of you might think that we are the only species of the human genus that ever walked on this planet. The books and profits that are debated to this day!!!! In Homo rudolfensis the cranial capacity based on the new construction was reported to be downsized from 752 cm³ to about 526 cm³. A long time ago, there was more diversity in the human species. When you view the actual fossilized evidence, it is plain to see that a LOT more research needs to be done! The first fossil was found by the scientists Louis and Mary Leakey at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania in the 1960s. Why does it not make sense ? Homo heidelbergensis are likely to be descended from the morphologically very similar Homo ergaster from Africa. And we discovered those are made of even smaller element tool things called quark’s. Would not interbreeding between species account for more variation, and therefore more species evolution,) than simple evolutionary process would allow or account for? He interviewed everyone he could that he thought would discredit a creator. However, wolves CAN easily breed with coyote (which are of the same genus [canids] – but distinct species); and we call them ‘hybrids’ (not mixes as in the case of domestic dogs and wolves – as the domestic dog is really a watered down wolf). The fact that there are 49 groups of actual RH factors, indicates the merging of various sub-species across the board throughout history. And Homo Sapiens from as early as 160,000 years ago. However, in adulthood, their brains became larger. . Faith answers the question “Why?” things are which can conveniently answered with anything you choose to fabricate as faux fact or superstition. Evolution proceeds similarly. We are now the only living members of what many zoologists refer to as the human tribe, Hominini, but there is abundant fossil evidence to indicate that we were preceded for millions of years by other hominins, such as Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, and other species of Homo, and that our species also lived for a time contemporaneously with at least one other … The difference in the skull from other Homo species led to the creation of a new species called Homo rudolfensis. We are 98% Whale too!!!! They were the first human species to adapt to colder climates and to build their own shelters to live in. That is saying something living was made from something not living and to date that has proved impossible. They interbred freely and the best adapted survived to form a new type of humanid. They might.Can you prove they don’t?What makes You so sure?I have seen ghosts.But what did I actually see is it a reflection A holographic recording afigimant of my imagination.Something else.Five people were there four saw the ghost One did not.Same room same time Why?is there a God? Stop trying to justifying Evolution with the stories of Jesus which are mostly inaccurate anyway. Even in uncontacted societies, resides a “shaman” of sorts, that dictates the ebbs & flow of societal affairs. God would not need to do that and would not care at all about what we do or believe. allah is a moon god. Extinct species of the genus Homo include Homo erectus (extant from roughly 2 to 0.1 million years ago) and a number of other species (by some authors considered subspecies of either H. sapiens or H. erectus). I’m sure humans weren’t around, because if we were than it took a long time to make the wheel and a pointed stick for that matter. Too bad though. “If there was a god, he/she would never even have to communicate with us. There is no gain in that. The archaeologists are the problems of scientific research. They had most of the features of modern humans, they used different tools for hunting, and wore symbolic ornamental objects. I do not have to respect your beliefs, they are ridiculous, however I respect your right to believe what ever you chose. This article states that Neandrathols existed between 350,000 to 600,000 years ago. There are some ‘varieties’ of sapiens due to evolving with their environments (ie sun exposure, vit D production dictated skin color and other examples). The sexual dimorphism between males and females was slightly greater than seen in Homo sapiens, with males being about 25% larger than females. The Homo neanderthalensis, or the Neanderthal, is the closest extinct human relative to present day humans, and lived 250,000 to 40,000 years ago. Well it is fact that the Neanderthals and Homo spiens intermingeld and slowly became what we are today. Australopithecus Africanus are the first of early ape species classified as hominids. Science, just like religion, is something we hear from someone else. Canis Lupis is the Grey (or Timber) Wolf, while Canis Lupis Familiaris would refer to domestic dogs. Evidence shows large deer were cooked in the Red Deer Cave, giving the people their name. Humans all have the same number of dna strands or whatever they are pushing. Having a mix of archaic and modern features, they are tentatively thought to be a separate species of humans that became extinct without contributing to the gene pool of modern humans. Maybe whichever way we tend has more to do with our basic personality and our unique set of human experiences than anything else…, What role does Cro-Magnon play and how do they differentiate from the other more modern Humans? So please if you have facts please provide them so we can update our books. But to the modern thinker it was science that said what could have happened with backing as to the events of creating the atmosphere aka the light. It coincides directly with extinction of the North American megafauna.. One theory explains the extinction as occurring due to human hunting of these large mammals. Unless this is designed to fool people. Let’s jump ahead to the ice age, life was thriving the one moment of unexpected disaster hit, probably the tail end of that Frozen ball if gas decided to join the party on earth. “Muslims” believe the people that were born from Prophet Adam formed the eighth generation of humans. And even within our human framework of time, there’s an elusive relativity where, for example, waiting at a stoplight can sometimes seem almost longer than a blissful week of vacation that just blew past. He was the first to point out that every species has emerged from an earlier one. Have you counted every single humans dna? As not too long ago as 15,000 years in the past, we had been sharing caves with one other human species generally known as the Denisovans.And … It’s amazing how 1400 years ago people knew there were other generations and how we just getting to know it now. I have a question for anyone who is privy to the answer or willing to answer to the best of their ability. What on earth has that to do with the discussions about the development of the human species ? Odd that you persist in claiming that. Possibilities are endless as our knowledge of our world and the universe increasingly grows but we will only get that knowledge through science. Either you’re a jew, Christian, Muslim, Atheist or whatever makes you feel better about yourself and how a man came about, we all came from the main source. i’m happy without one . It has only caused killings and division among people throughout the history. The only human species left is Homo sapiens. Herto Bouri is a region of Ethiopia under volcanic layers. And, certainly the Neanderthal and Sapien could have intermixed and possibly Denovisan (though, overlapping isn’t well known), as they were so similar. Remains left by Homo Neanderthals include bone and stone tools, which are found in Eurasia, from Western Europe to Central and Northern Asia. There is today a totally different species living with us today. The workman handed it over to Professor Otto Schoetensack from the University of Heidelberg who later identified and named the fossil. What is so frustrating are these artist’s renditions. Many Africans do in fact share some of these genes though less than Europeans. Christians got a really weird view I think but overall we all have the same God and really I dont see how that is confusing.? Neanderthals are also the best known of extinct human species: researchers have now found bones from hundreds of Neanderthals in countries across Europe, the western Asia and central Asia. I have a spirit that knows right from wrong. You left out Homo Naledi. Let’s now get to the really interesting stuff. Homo erectus is thought to be the first hominid to hunt in coordinated groups, use complex tools, and care for infirm or weak companions. Thank you Mr Socrates. These early hominins stood about 1.79 m (5 ft 10 in),(Only 17 percent of modern male humans are taller) and were extraordinarily slender, with long arms and legs. I have read the bible, cover to cover at least 5 times, which is a large part of the reason I do not believe in it. It can’t even explain some common things like evolution. We Homo sapiens did not was once alone. Religion is politics. There is evidence that Homo floresiensis made stone tools and used to hunt small elephants and large rodents. Pretty sure investigative journalist and atheist-turned-Christian Lee Stroebel could hold his own against just about anyone. Neanderthal is an extinct species of human with the closest similarity to modern humans. The do this in the Hall of Man at the American Museum of Natural History. The definition of species says that two species can’t breed to create fertile offspring, so they can’t vary this way. This rubbish about having 1 or 2% Neanderthal DNA, means nothing, same as saying man is 99.5% Chimpanzee. We have the will to do good or not. I think there’s 8, one may be a minute evolutionary change and not it’s own species. This seems like a long time to us, but remember kids, that is only a blip on our scale of time. Ignorance is bliss my friend and you are a shining example of such. Ancient Girl's Parents Were Two Different Human Species. The immediate ancestors of early humans were most likely late australopithecines. We are Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Born 90,000 years ago, the child is the first direct evidence of interbreeding among Neanderthals and their cousins the Denisovans. I totally agree with your position about action-less “Christians”. Only to show we are the sub humans, and it is still alive in us. I believe the Anthropology “Industry” is self perpetuating, to keep these professors and other reseachers in high paid jobs, and receive grants from the governments, so they continually have to “Discover” the origin history of man. Wars for the last millennia have all been fought in the name of a “god”…the beliefs which stem from the society’s religion, involved in the war. Some simple basic questions . That’s how we’re able to mathmaticaly predict the probability of a certain thing happening. They were stronger than modern humans with a huge body size: male (164-168cm) and female (156-158cm). Superbly expressed. A study has indicated that the Neanderthal and the modern human brain were similar at birth. Science on the other hand answers the question “how?” which requires research, experiment and reproducible outcomes transforming hypotheses (educated guesses) with theory (proven fact). The origin of the second god would seem to be “the tree of organic life” or “mother nature” however you want to look at it. No forms of art or sophisticated artifacts other than stone tools have been uncovered, although red ochre, a mineral that can be used to mix a red pigment which is useful as a paint, has been found at Terra Amata excavations in the south of France. . Good article and useful scientific information. Which unfortunately cannot be said for the religions of the world. Homo erectus were generally in the range of 4 feet 9 inches to 6 feet 1 inch with a weight of around 88 to 150lbs. Though numerous fossil bones indicate some populations of heidelbergensis were “giants” routinely over 2.13 m (7 ft) tall and inhabited South Africa between 500,000 and 300,000 years ago. The mule/horse sterile blend is not indicative of all inter species hybrids. As humans began to find explanations using observation and experimentation, together with the more highly developed brains capacity for reason, so came the age of Science. Also the shared genes some scientists point to have to do mostly with cold weather, so looks like typical species distribution might account for what genes ending being retained by some Homo Sapiens. Yes. I do think things can and do evolve but I have room for God too. The first Homo heidelbergensis fossil was discovered on October 21, 1907, by a worker in Germany. As mankind progressed and developed a written language so the stories became more intricate and were recorded as a kind of `truth` and wisdom. The contradiction is when someone takes a parable and tries to claim it is literal. This species had reduced sexual dimorphism,a smaller more orthognathous (less protrusive) face, a smaller dental arcade, and a larger cranial capacity(700–900 cm³ in earlier Homo ergaster specimens, and 900–1100 in later specimens). Random or planned creation of a 3,270 year old Homo Sapien or Neanderthal different blood?... Astronomy, from the fossils from Africa had a place, designated by men and named. Falling into one of two groups, “ lumpers ” and from an ape!!!!!! Our minds to not be as I have read all the other hominids up at a rate seen... Deer Cave, giving the people to pay attention to him more than what he can not change mind! Sub-Species which over time, arrived at Homo sapiens ) Eve were created in God ’ s ideas a. A pity is finite and it needs to be mutually exclusive relatively complete skull division people! Privy to the scarcity of cranial fossils so many simple questions the religious ignore/ choose to... 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