The total number of clients was 9,039. New Search Modify Search. Evaluation of the Aboriginal Justice Strategy. This is especially true when considering the future cost savings to the MJS produced by AJS programs through reduced rates of recidivism on the part of program participants. It was built on a strategic framework of prevention, early intervention, increased diversion and reduced re-offending and looked at intervening … In Manitoba, the RCMP, Manitoba Justice, and the Department have worked together to develop a Manitoba-specific strategy to increase pre-charge diversions. The AJS is managed by the Aboriginal Justice Directorate, a component of the Department of Justice Programs Branch. • whether there is merit in considering recommendation 2.1 from the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory, Besides the Program, they may also have a similar role for other funding programs in the region, so they gain wide experience in working with their communities across a range of program areas. In the context of this evaluation, operational efficiency was assessed by calculating the administrative costs associated with the Gs&Cs, and the factors explaining this ratio. Gladue reports are prepared to assist the court in taking into account the unique circumstances of Indigenous defendants when determining sentencing. … Nous ne pouvons trouver cette page Web (Erreur 404). The intention is to involve the Indigenous organizations in further planning and seek their comments on a draft information package. Aboriginal Justice Strategy Evaluation Case Studies. recipient needs, within and beyond the ACW and AJS programs. Tending the Fire Evaluation and Evaluation Framework. Aboriginal Justice Strategy Evaluation, Final Report. KIs pointed to the fact that the AJS FPT WG is not part of the Department’s structure of committees of senior officials, and therefore has no effective mechanism through which to move its ideas forward or make decisions. The AJS seeks to help make communities safer and healthier by supporting community planned and delivered alternative justice programs and services. In 1988, Aboriginal leader, J.J Harper, was killed in a confrontation with a police constable. Gladue programs exist in some courts, including some in Ontario funded through the AJS, and some community-based justice programs provide Gladue report services on an ad hoc basis. It was created in 1991 as part of an overall federal Aboriginal crime strategy and has been renewed three times: in 1996, 2002 and, most recently, in 2007 for a further five year renewal and expansion. establishing a set of possible core competencies for CJWs to help guide AJS programs in their efforts to hire and provide training. Case study respondents clearly indicated that they appreciated the regional presence of the program, and provincial/territorial representatives consider it critical to the AJS’ success, particularly in fostering relationships with the MJS and in troubleshooting communities with challenges in implementing effective programs. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice initiatives. For example, one of the community-based justice programs, the United Chiefs and Council of Mnidoo Mnisig, accepts pre- and post-charge diversions and provides advice on sentencing to youth and adult band members. Some of these have to do with the way that communities plan and implement their programs and services. The challenge in examining referrals is to understand how many Indigenous people entering the justice system are not referred, and why. Correctional services statistics indicate that there has been a reduction in adult Indigenous custodial admissions between 2010-11 and 2014-15 (see table below). The incremental reduction in the yearly recidivism rate can then be calculated as an average cost savings to the MJS each year over the eight-year period in question, for each AJS-funded program participant. The programs have proven in many cases to be successful in reducing recidivism and improving the lives of participants. A few police/Crown survey respondents indicated that if they knew more about the programs or if the programs covered more offences or provided more services for different types of offenders, they would be more likely to refer individuals to the programs. Table 8 below outlines the percentage of time that the AJD met the departmental service standards in the administration of Fund projects. Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of British Columbia. This means that approximately 9,000 individuals who participate in AJS-funded community-based justice programs each year have access to programs that offer a real opportunity for change. In this context, the AJS’ administrative cost ratios are deemed acceptable. The first element concerns whether or not available AJS programs and services are culturally appropriate and of sufficient quality to constitute a response to the needs of Indigenous people. As section 4.2.5 describes in more detail, an analysis of recidivism rates indicates that program participants are about 40% less likely to reoffend than those eligible but not participating, and that this effect carries over well past the time of the offences in question (at least eight years, which is the limit of the analysis). Additional community-based justice program costs were also excluded. Region. KIs indicated that they believe cultural relevancy is inherent in the AJS design because the programs are determined and delivered by the communities. Within the Department, there have been recent efforts to better coordinate these related policy and program areas, but there is still room for improvement., AJD SOP CHAPTER 1 - Program History and Context, p.2. The Productivity Commission’s Indigenous Evaluation Strategy issues paper cites a 2016 ... have a better evidence base of how family and culture is a critical protective factor to reducing contact with the justice system.” We do need to consider just a fundamental shift in the way we do it, because ultimately if we don’t, we’ll be in the same position in 20 or 30 years. The summation symbol shows n equals eight years as the upper limit of summation, and the social discount rate of i set at 0.08, or eight percent. JOHNSTON RESEARCH INC. Johnston Research … Please also note: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain names, images and voices of deceased people. A prevailing view among KIs was that although FPT WG discussions were useful and important, the ideas that emerged did not appear to lead to policy and program changes. January 1, 2011. The AJS is managed by the Aboriginal Justice Directorate, a component of the Department of Justice Programs Branch. Justice Canada Evaluation Of The Aboriginal Justice Strategy Community Case Study - Community Justice Worker Interview Guide. January 1, 2009. Six recent AJS-funded programs do provide Gladue-related services. Managing their core functions is often all they can handle, unless funds are available for additional workers from other sources. These include addressing gaps in services to Indigenous people and reviewing changes in the criminal justice system and sentencing reforms; and increased use of restorative justice processes and other initiatives to reduce the rate of incarceration amongst Indigenous Canadians. ... For more information read our Aboriginal Justice Strategic Plan for 2012-2016.,, This may indicate that more awareness-raising on Indigenous cultural values and systemic discrimination is required, as well as increased knowledge and awareness of the legal expectation that alternatives are to be considered, and how the community-based justice programs can provide culturally appropriate alternatives for Indigenous peoples.
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