Anthracnose. Anthracnose, caused by the fungus Colletotrichum cereale, is an important disease on golf courses.The pathogen may cause a foliar blight or a rot of crowns, stolons, and roots. Its symptoms will vary depending on the crop that the fungus attacks. Leaf lesions that are yellow with black centers may also occur. Be certain anyformulation of pesticide youpurchase is registered for the intended use, and follow the label instructions. per 1,000 sq. Treating for anthracnose is much like any fungal turf disease, but it is important to understand when and how to treat for this turf fungus. Host Grass: Common Bermuda, Buffalo Grass, St. Augustine Grass(Stenatophrum secundatum). Anthracnose can be found on all northern turf grasses and causes a severe disease of Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua) called anthracnose foliar blight (AFB). Anthracnose disease of centipedegrass turf caused by Colletotrichum eremochloae, a new fungal species closely related to Colletotrichum sublineola. Anthracnose used to be predominantly a summer stress disease affecting mostly turfgrass foliage. Anthracnose is a serious disease of Annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.)and Creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera).). Turf Disease. Anthracnose in Turf Best management advice. So overwatering should be avoided. This is often considered one of the most difficult diseases on greens to deal with by a superintendent especially once the disease progresses to the basal rot stage and the turfgrass shows signs of thinning. Conditions that stress turfgrass plants, such as soil compaction, poor drainage, low mowing height, and low amounts of nitrogen fertility also contribute to this disease. Disclaimer: Reference to products is not intended to be an endorsement to the exclusion of others which may have similar uses. It is necessary for a film of moisture to be present on either the roots or foliage for infection to occur. Anthracnose on turf is caused by a fungus called Colletotrichum graminicola.This fungus is commonly found on dead or decaying organic matter, but when the conditions are right, it can cause foliar blight and basal rotting on almost all turf grass species. Anthracnose Management . Conditions Favoring Disease: Anthracnose favors temperatures over 26°C.It occurs in areas that experience more than 10 hours a day of leaf wetness for several consecutive days. This disease can appear as foliar blight with infection showing in the leaves or a basal rot that attacks crowns, stolons and leaf sheaths of the turf. As the severity of this disease increases, the infected patches can grow to 150mm in diameter and the base of the infected area turns black and the grass can easily be plucked from the base of the turf. The label alsocontains information on how to apply the fungicideas well as any precautions. Anthracnose Turf Disease Prevention 25th May 2018 in Announcements, Education. More than 10 hours a day of leaf wetness for consecutive days. See: turf fungicide table. per 1,000 sq. Extended periods of leaf wetness contribute to the development of the disease, as do practices that cause mechanical damage to the turf (top dressing and verticutting). Literature Cited 1. Disease Control in turf - Anthracnose disease (Colletotrichum graminicola) - how to eliminate anthracnose disease from golf and bowling greens, particularly in bentgrass, couch and Poa annua in Australia. It causes irregularly shaped patches that are yellow to brown in color. Hot summers in cool temperature areas are when the disease is most noticeable. Conditions associated with outbreaks Insightful ICL technical update videos now available. Any person using products listed in these articles assumes full responsibility for their use in accordance with current directions of the manufacturer. Anthracnose causes the wilting, withering, and dying of tissues. The research project was completed in 2011, and the researchers published additional information on the biology of anthracnose disease and best management practices for cultural control of anthracnose in the May issue of GCM. Saturated soils A., and Tomaso-Peterson, M. 2012. Crown tissues become infected and plants yellow and die. Mycologia 104:1085-1096. ft on a 14 day schedule, or 2 fl. Anthracnose is seen within certain warm- and cool-season turfgrass species. For home lawn use in New York State, some products may be found in our table on turf fungicides. 2. ft. when the disease is present. Plants can wilt, wither and die. Along with Clemson’s Bruce Martin, Clarke conducts one-day seminars on growing healthy turf. Ten years ago, anthracnose may not have even cracked the Top 10. In cooler, wet conditions, Anthracnose may cause a distinct rotting at the base of the plant. Disease triggered by low nutrition and compaction leading to reduced turf vigour. Anthracnose is a common problem for superintendents whose courses have creeping bentgrass or annual bluegrass. Anthracnose is usually prevalent in late summer but can be present at any time of year. It commonly infects the developing shoots and leaves. Anthracnose favours temperatures over 25°C. The pathogen now known as Colletotrichum cereale, was formerly known as Colletotrichum graminicola.. GardenTech ® brand's Daconil ® fungicide offers three-way protection to prevent, stop and control anthracnose and more than 65 types of fungal disease. Causes of Anthracnose Common Turf Disease Diagnosis. What is anthracnose? Disease Description: Anthracnose can occur on golf putting greens as either a foliar blight or a more damaging basal crown rot. Anthracnose typically infects turfgrass, particulary Wintergrass during warm weather when the turfgrass canopy is wet and or humid. The series concludes this month Anthracnose (Colletotrichum graminicola ) is a turf disease pathogen that can affect turf across the UK and Ireland.It is typically viewed as the second most common turf disease, after microdochium patch.Anthracnose can affect all turf species but is most prevalent on Poa and Fescue grasses.

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