Strength is key. But as it was refined over time, it became something more. They should crush the powers of the disorder. Scornful Rebuke forces a creature to take psychic damage whenever they hit you with an attack. At each of the levels listed above, you’ll learn two new spells. You can switch out the two skill proficiencies or even the feature per the book. Let’s see what we’ve got going on here. You can easily multiclass a paladin build with a few levels of sorcerer or a dip into hexblade warlock, but honestly, it’s solid as hell on its own and I don’t think we need to give up anything to meet our initial goals for this build. Shield of Faith is another solid low-level utility spell. Find Greater Steed is an upgraded version of Find Steed and an easy way to get yourself a free mount with flying speed. It is really, really good. So, yes, you can immediately revive a downed ally with 1 hp of Lay on Hands healing without needing to use up a spell slot. You can use an action to end a single spell on either yourself or a willing creature. Divine Sense allows you to detect creatures that are either celestial, fiend, or undead. Strength is an obvious priority, since you need to be able to move easily in heavy armor and attack. It isn’t enough for these paladins to establish order. You can, however, end the spell early and either break an enchantment on a creature or you can use an action to banish a creature back to their plane of existence. This feature, like all of your other features with unique resources, recharges after a long rest. Trust me, there will be plenty of other features that draw upon our Charisma! Death Knight; Dragonknight 4. Pair it up with Great Weapon Master and Divine Strike and you can turn what could be a miss into a hit for devastating damage. This build is simple, and relies on options from the SRD and the Basic Rules wherever possible. There’s so much value in a freebie AoE fear, especially when you consider Aura of Conquest. But I want to talk about using this character build from the other side of the Dungeon Master’s Screen. 2. The only stipulation is that the paladin acts in a way that serves their oath. This is just one reason why Charisma is an important ability score for us to focus on. You’ll be preparing this less frequently as you level due to acquiring better spells to concentrate on, but cherish the time you have with it while it lasts. Oath Of Conquest Paladin In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Paladin is one of the dishonorable charisma modules. Background: Soldier Now that you know this, you should always be ready to Divine Smite when you crit a creature that’s still got a lot of health left. Plus you still get +1 to Strength. Paladin characters likely to establish and represent goodness and law – they are not meant to lie or use venom, and some interpretations say they must only use slyness, missile armaments, and other types of real fighting as a last resort. When I played this character in a one-shot I made her a power-hungry evil character and it worked quite well. We’ll still need it for saving throws, ranged weapon attacks, and initiative. This Oath aligns well with a Ranger’s description, granting a nature-based Channel Divinity, Nature’s Wrath. They’ll need a high Spell Save DC to ensure these spells’ success. Polearm Master – If you’re not feeling like wielding a big ass sword or axe you can always go the route of the polearm master. The only condition is that the Paladin performs in a method that assists their commitment. The following build is probably the most versatile PvM Paladin build in the game as no enemy is immune to your attacks. Maybe it's just me, but hitting 5th level and going from one attack per round to basically 3 attacks per round sounded pretty boss. Check out this article for more info on point buy! This doesn’t require concentration which is what makes it great for a low-level dungeon delve! Banishment is a fantastic crowd control spell. We’re not much for ranged fighting. Tenets of Conquest. You can totally play Conquest as a Lawful Good hero. CON: 14 (+2) It’s some nice additional CC with no cost to your action economy. While it requires you to use up one of your precious spell slots, it’s oftentimes worthwhile. The Oath of Conquest calls to paladins who seek glory in battle and the subjugation of their enemies. Lucky – Lucky is a great feat for any build. A paladin who takes this oath has the tenets of conquest seared on the upper arm. Oath Spells: The Nature Paladin’s Oath Spells aren’t the best, but Paladins don’t suffer from poor spell selection given their ability to channel spell slots into divine smite. You can still choose to Divine Smite and add additional radiant damage to a hit, but you’ll need to add Improved Divine Smite’s 1d8 radiant damage to the total damage of Divine Smite. These paladins are made to break this stereotype of the “goodie-two-shoes” paladin. I played an evil one in a one-shot and had a blast. Keep in mind that this will only work during your turn so by RAW it won’t work when using a Ready action. While a deftness build is achievable, there are no benefits over the standard (and very easy to arrange) strength build, so the suggested option here—particularly for newer gamers–is power. Conquering Presence is an AoE Channel Divinity that forces nearby creatures to make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for up to 1 minute. It will also match the range of  Channel Divinity: Conquering Presence and Fear which is handy! Congrats! This can be unfriendly to your party, but Aura of Protection (Lvl 6) helps mitigate that and Aura of Courage (Lvl 10) eliminates the anti-synergy. It isn’t enough for these paladins to establish order. The 4th and 05th edition permits the paladin oath of conquest to contest their divinity’s arrangement. Once you win, don’t tolerate any dissatisfaction. I promise a mechanically unique experience while playing with this character concept. It includes abilities to restrain and inhibit enemies, allowing you to keep them right where you want them during a fight. Any of the +2 CHA +1 STR/CON/DEX ones are all options. I found it odd, because it was actually one of the other Oath Spells that attracted me to the conquest paladin in the first place - Spiritual Weapon. Douse the Flame of Hope. WIS:  10 (+0) That being said, compared to the ranger, paladins make-out okay thanks to their ability to prepare spells. The LG requirement is no longer in place, however. Considering that we’ll be using either a polearm or greatsword 99% of the time, we’ll almost always be able to make good use of this. Well, if they haven’t been able to stop you by now they’re surely doomed for the rest of the campaign. My favorite Conquest build is a Fallen Aasimar Shield Master. This aura, like all of your other auras, extends to 30 ft. at level 18 making it considerably more useful. Furthermore, your Resists will be SKY HIGH for Fire, Cold and Lightning(95 instead of 75) and Poison will be really decent as well(85 in … Spell save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma modifier, Spell attack modifier = proficiency bonus + Charisma modifier. Give yourself some cover by obscuring the battlefield as you deal a nasty 5d8 poison damage to all creatures within the spell that need to breathe! Now you just innately Divine Smite everything for a single 1d8 radiant damage on every hit. I’m playing a Conquest Paladin with one level of Hexblade Warlock. I mean, you’re a one-person army at this point. Beyond that, the paladin is hearty enough to sustain itself in combat. It has a bit of something for everyone! Using the correct and right build, they are the right mix of crime and security, capable of dealing damage while keeping themselves (and the other person) standing. Credit: Ralph Horsley & WotC. Thanks to this, it is useful in the widest range of campaigns. Bottom Line. It is really, really good. This is an extremely powerful feature as it’s a free mini Dispel Magic. The second-most significant score is Personality, as it is a useful stat for both skill checking and Paladin’s spelling ability. It gives up to three of your party an additional 5 max HP for 8 hours. This is because you can choose to Divine Smite after your attack hits. Thanx a lot for the good work you did here! Constitution keeps us in the fight and aids us in maintaining concentration, but I’d say that despite being a frontline character it’s still not as important as Charisma for this build. You can even cure multiple diseases and poisons on a target at once by expending 5 x number of conditions and a single action. So, kill Xihirli? We need it to deal massive amounts of weapon damage and wear heavy armor. I’m not going to go into detail for every single paladin spell. Also, creatures behind total cover aren’t detected by Divine Sense which sucks but is understandable. Thematically, they tend to use intimidation and shows of force to break the wills of their enemies. Paladins, though, are not traditionally focused on crowd control. Plus, since it’s a bonus action you won’t be sacrificing much of your action economy to use it! Bottom Line. The only requirement for this is that you, the paladin, are conscious. If your party doesn’t have someone better-suited to cast Dispel Magic you should probably grab this one. The Paladin is a blessed adventurer, who crusades in the name of best and command, and is a divine spell caster. We get one free use of Searing Smite per long rest from being a tiefling. Instead, we’ll wield something that can make use of Great Weapon Master so we can choose to gamble for some even more burst damage. You may wind up getting a ton of mileage out of this feature, or it may just be a minor convenience. The paladin class at its core is notoriously excellent at providing some hefty burst damage thanks to Divine Smite. The Paladins after the Oath of victory often coincide with the authorities of the Nine Hales. We’ll do well to be the face or one of the faces of the party. Creatures from other planes of existence have disadvantage on attacks against you for the duration. We don’t need to focus as much on Wisdom, despite it being another common saving throw ability since paladins have proficiency in wisdom saving throws. While you can use Cleansing Touch at higher levels, Dispel Magic allows you to remove multiple spell effects from any target, not just allies. Seriously, I’d love to break this build out in a real campaign sometime. Sure, you sacrifice a little bit of damage compared to just Divine Smiting your target. The damage is based on your Charisma modifier, and by level 15 this should probably be 18+ so it’s a free 4-5 psychic damage. Just like with Dispel Magic, if no one else can revive a dead party member, it’s up to you to keep this one prepared when you know the party is going into a dangerous area. Plus we have quite a few spells that we can prepare to give us additional utility if we need to. Keep in mind as well that psychic damage is a very rare resistance for creatures to have so this is going to be consistent chip damage. All of these spells also count as paladin spells, even if they aren’t already part of the paladin spell list. These spells have to, of course, be from the paladin spell list. Class: Paladin You’re now immune to all diseases! The Paladin class is, in reality, one of the best classes in the 5th version, a long way after prior versions of Dungeons and Dragons. The path of a paladin is not for the weak of heart, mind, or will. Plus it’s a 4th-level spell. Yes, you can now make two attacks when you take the Attack action. Equipment-wise, wear the heaviest available armor, carry a shield, and … The Oath of Conquest capstone is basically like you are temporarily a hasted, raging barbarian that’s dipped into champion fighter for a whole minute. You can pop a creature out of existence for up to 1 minute or permanently if they’re from a different plane of existence (and don’t have a way to get back). Insight is always helpful for a conversationalist as you can utilize it to see what the person’s true intentions or thoughts are. Scornful Rebuke isn’t flashy, but it’s reliable as hell. And for that matter, it fits Oath of Conquest from Xanathar's Guide to Everything nicely. Paladins don’t typically get Cantrips, but Legacy of Avernus gives us Thaumaturgy along with two additional smite spells. ; Gnome [+2 Int] Similar to the Halfling though the INT is even worse.The small size but without the benefits of Lucky or the Dex Bonus. Sure, we’ll probably lug around some javelins or maybe even a heavy crossbow, but it’s anything but our forte. Of course, this is super powerful so you can only use this once per long rest, but let’s be honest. Not only that, but Oath of Conquest Paladins have some fantastic goodies in the form of reliable AoE crowd control that most other paladins don’t have. Oh, keep in mind that if the target is a fiend or undead you’ll deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage when you use Divine Smite. Up until 5th edition, though, paladins have generally been framed as the “good guys” of D&D. But, spellcasting is all about making choices anyway so this is nothing new. Oath Of Conquest Paladin Build The Paladin class is, in reality, one of the best classes in the 5th version, a long way after prior versions of Dungeons and Dragons. You won’t gain any additional Paladin spells from this Oath that Rangers don’t have with just three levels of Paladin. Today I’m moving on to monastic traditions and paladin oaths in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.There are a mere five subclasses this time, so we’ll get through 18 of 31 subclasses. As I said earlier. There are principles for conquering the upper arm of a Paladin who takes this promise. Oh, and thanks to our naturally high Charisma and some utility spells we’ll be exceptional face characters if the need arises! Most noticeably, both features come from the paladin’s subclass whereas the cleric gets Turn Undead and one from their subclass. The idea is build a paladin optimized to avoid the combat frightened the enemy and distruct them when is necessary. Paladin capstones are tied to their subclass which I’m a fan of. Generally speaking, it’s usually worth it to use Divine Smite often and with gusto. It’s an excellent spell to have available to you! Note: Choose your background based on flavor. Several of these Paladins go far as to support with authorities of the Nine Hells, who evaluate the rule of law on the comfort of mercy. Paladin: Oath of Devotion The Oath of Devotion binds a paladin to the loftiest ideals of justice, virtue, and order. Sentinel – This is an exceptional feat to pair up with Polearm Master due to the increased frequency of opportunity attacks you’ll be able to make, but it will work well regardless. It is not sufficient for these Paladins to launch commands. Many promises are about guarding others, maintenance laws, and gaining power. Oathbreaker Paladin. Even the most honestly unclear Paladin falls toward goodness, more often than not. To start off character creation for a powerful paladin, let's set the record straight on a paladin's ideal ability scores--certain stats may have an effect on what race and feats are chosen further down the road. Now in its last edition, the D&d 5e Oath Of Conquest introduces a surprising and exhilarating innovative play style for Paladins. Many assist gods or other divinities still, but in 5e paladins, make a promise in its place of serving a lord. Now, speaking of consistently useful, who wants more damage? Paladins are half-casters meaning that they’re a mix of martial combatants and divine spellcasters. Some oaths are about protecting others, upholding laws, obtaining power, etc. While it requires you to use up one of your precious spell slots, it’s oftentimes worthwhile. ), can prepare their spell list when they take a long rest, meaning that they can effectively take whatever spell they choose in addition to their freebies from their race and subclass. It transforms you into a sturdy tank with a powerful toolkit for barring down and annoying opponents. If they leave survivors, they leave them in a state that ensures that they cannot enact revenge upon the paladin, the party, or any of their loved ones. Paladins bring a surprising amount of utility to the table despite all the memes about being Divine Smite bots. Branding Smite*, Hold Person*, Spiritual Weapon*, Aid, Find Steed, Magic Weapon. Summon a trusty, magical, and intelligent steed! Ability Scores: This was done using point buy. We have plenty of utility, much of which has individual resource pools. With the various build of a dexterity-based fighter, power will be in this location and can rapidly become the dump score sitting around a score of 8; with ability, it is still more significant to have higher skill than intelligence. A Paladin swears to uphold their Oath, their force of will on doing what is ‘right’ pushes them to strive forward. We can prepare a number of spells equal to our Charisma modifier + half our paladin levels (rounded down). In the video below we discuss making this character as a player option. Aura of Protection is a fantastic utility feature that gives yourself and all friendly creatures within 10 ft. of you a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier to all saving throws. Your powerful lord stands before you, reciting an oath that you repeat, committing yourself to the tenets. Of course, don’t save all your spell slots just for crits, but keep it in mind nonetheless. It’s a decent freebie to give yourself some extra damage and potentially force an enemy to use an action to douse the fire. I will use the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance. Oath Spells: About half of the options on the list are bad, but you generally get one viable option from each pair spells. Conventionally, Paladins are holy fighters. Note: Dragonborn have the most ideal ASI pair for our build, but I prefer the Descendent of Zariel Tiefling’s features and additional spells so I’ll be using them. Rule with an Iron Fist. Goals of this Build Heavy-Hitting Single Target Damage. That is a big plus for the Paladin, and not immediately obvious to new players. If you need a functional build with nothing fancy or complicated, this is a great place to start. Oath of Conquest Paladins gets both an AoE crowd control and a single-target damage enhancement Channel Divinity. 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