According to a user from Canada, the name Ming is of Chinese origin and means "Bird singing". meaning idiot i think. In Jan. 1918 my mother was born and a year later they all moved to San Francisco, Calif. where my grandfather still fished during the season out of Fishermans Wharf and ran a shoe shop in the Upper Mission District. I got a huge charge out of your definitions! Ming synonyms, Ming pronunciation, Ming translation, English dictionary definition of Ming. The nicest people, the best cooks. I guess after this jersey shore era one might use of guido. grassone/a n. a very fat man or woman, a fatso, fat slob.grattarsi la pancia exp. Yeah the north won the war of unification, sending dispossessed southern Italians into the diaspora.. Was literally "a big shot" The expression comes from WWII when the Italian army introduced a 90mm heavy cannon. etc. My family comes from the regions of Palermo, Napoli, Trapani, and Calabria. Scaramoucha stock character in commedia dell'arte and farce who is a cowardly braggart, easily beaten and frightened. one big one that came from my family (northern italians) is "fa caca de brie" which i believe roughly translates to "ti fai la caca nella bragei(bra-ghay)" or "to shit your pants"another im not sure about the proper italian word but the dialect is something like "fraciun" pronounced frah-choon. He's truly fixated on her. Two kinds of people--Italians-and those who wish they were (and btw, we Italian-Americans ARE Italian!!!). Pandora's box; (lit. On My Feet Again...And On The Road Again... Where is The Love? FANUK is a bastardization of FINOCCHIO (fennel, in Italian) designating a gay guy.Chris, in Panama. crux of the matter.nuotare nell'oro exp. For mexicans I say stranieri, which means foreigners. But no one would tell me what it meant. Vincent- A Midigan, anybody named Steve, lol! Tony Vernatchi Naramore. Substitute for "Holy Shit!" I would also like to see an entire list of these if one is available, "Chidibeep" is something with regards to a pipe. They wanted their off springs to make a better life for themselves.I have done that and have mastered English and other languages. ): do-nothing (from fare nulla, meaning "to do nothing").fare il grande exp. The slang I grew up with also are variations of what was stated; again (phonetically)ban-ya-dole - bathroompisch-ya-dole - pisschooch - an idiot, ass.. whateverstugotsah bah fangul (while flicking your chin with 1 finger)mool-en-yahn (eggplant or derogatory for a colored man)goomah was both Godmother and a girl on the sideboo-tana- whoremapeen- dish towel mamaluke toot-soonGapescemah-nah-g -dam it coo-goots - referring to silly kid or if you bump your coo-goots (head in this case)my favorite. "AZUPEP": I think you mean "zuppa" or "soup"; As in "zuppa di pesce" (literal: fish soup). A comare is a godmother. I laughed and cried reading this. my uncle born in Italy used the expression so often , I thought it was english! I can just hear those expressions being said. ): to have a nail fixed in the head. ): a thunderbolt (of love).come il cacio sui maccheroni exp. ricco sfondato exp. Fuckin alti Italiani bullshit... Italian slang for a black person phoneticly " toot soon". "saputo/a n. a know-it-all, a smart-ass; (lit. to be fixated on something; (lit. I don't find this site offense, I find it comical. For the person asking, I remember that one would stroke an infant or young child's face when putting them to bed - phonetically it sounded (to me) like Moosh-moo-shay said over and over and there was a word at the end I cannot remember...grew up in a NYC area, all grandparents from Italy. ): a party spoiler. As a result, I have intensified my life and now have 3 degrees, speak 5 languages and my dialect, and will start a double master this year. "Fanuk" - Comes from "Finocchio", literaily "fennel". Many of the expressions on hear I have not heard in years.Specifically Mappeen/mopeen/ for dish towel; Tootsoon or Tutsone/ for African American; Medigan for lets just say Non Italian. I grew up on Long Island , Italian on both sides! We obviously know that the poorer classes and regions were looked down upon by most ITALIAN ITALAINS - why the hell do you think they came to the U.S.?? She astutely pointed out that, whenever I'm in the same room with my relatives for more than five minutes, I make an interesting transition from the well-spoken Ivy League-educated hornster that I usually am to someone who is straight off the set of a Sopranos episode. It is the core and the center stone of your being! ): new from the mint. The Italian American slang term GOOM-BAH once again is a pronounciation of the Italian word compare (KUM-PAR-AY) really meaning fellow country man, friend, buddy, comrade. ): to raise an elbow.amore a prima vista exp. What does "Ming" mean? cloth? da parte exp. Lui ha davvero un chiodo fisso in testa Thomas thinks about Maria day and night. and know the whole thing?Anybody know what fu nob or fa noble means?Florence -- Va Napoli -- Go to Naples! Stugats was another big one in my house! N'Italian Lessons 101 --- Music To My Ears. What does MING mean in Unclassified? Yet in the book it was almost derogatory-as if it's someoen who thinks they have real power whether they do or not, and it sometimes leads to foolishness-like Christopher Molasanti shooting the pastry clerk's foot. Minga, (from the Italian verb mingere which means "to urinate"), an impolite Sicilian slang term used to denote frustration or as a derogatory descriptive term for a person When people ask what nationality I am, I say Sicilian. I always believed it to mean "awwe, poor baby". ? I still use it whenever I vent a frustration. You don't mess with a heavyweight!Some guys are light weight, they are tough but they don't mess with the heavyweights....the "pezze novanti". It can be fun and we are aware that not all Italian people relate or identify with this stereotype. I've been in Arizona for decades now and never ever hear these words here so this nostalgia you've given me has been delightful. Wu Ming, Chinese for "anonymous", is a pseudonym for a group of Italian authors formed in 2000 from a subset of the Luther Blissett community in Bologna. Think of Don Cicci walking through the town during the festival-like a proud rooster...a man with real power. Figurati! It is not listed within the top 1000. Meaning of MING. a few words; (lit. We will write a custom essay on Recovery: Ming China and Renaissance Europe specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page. Just keep in mind that most of these phrases are idiomatic. ): willing or unwilling. If you separate "pezza" and "novanti," you get the following:pezza = piecenovanti = plural of ninetyOn one of "The Godfather" websites, I discovered that the ninety stands for .90 calibre. ceffo m. (pejorative) ugly mug.chiudere il becco v. to shut up, to shut one's trap; (lit. Favorite Answer. and they went to the men's room. eh........Madonn' Us Chi-Sicilian' (Chicago Siciliana) say Ming-k or Ming-kay! I only use my dialect when I sing the songs of the south. I'm Anglo-Italian, my parents came from southern Italy to England, UK in the 50's. We use to hear 'fa fought" Which is "va fottere te" which means go f**k yourself, If it was the Sgandurras of Burnett Street, then it had to be M.J.Sgandurra:-), I am first generation from the south and spoke only my dialect until I immigrated a month before my 22nd birthday. dvrone your word means squash :) like calling someone a dum dum, I'm a 58 year old mezzo-mezz'. Unlike the open name "Luther Blissett", "Wu Ming" stands for a defined group of writers active in literature and popular culture. I heard "Madonn" at least 10 times a day while growing up. mettere paglia al fuoco exp. un gotzati googatzel.Wo brings back memories! 95% of Italians in Italy speak the proper Italian, which they take pride in, considering it is such a beautiful language and to tell you the truth when they hear someone speak in a southern Italian dialect, they look down on you. This means 'girlfriend,' but it must be used in the proper context. to stink to high heaven; (lit. Growing up in CT my dad was good for calling me chooch if I messed something up. gabagool is cappicola (sp) I grew up with older relatives who used all these words. tabula rasa exp. mingya definition by Urban Dictionary. I've been trying to figure out exactly what he said and the closest I'v gotten so far is 'piscione'. I'll post if that happens. The Napoletan, and rest of the southerners, aren't real Italians then? to twiddle one's thumbs; (lit. (vulgar) to fart.scemo/a n. a stupid person, a jerk; (from the verb scemare, meaning "to shrink or diminish").sfatto f. (trivial) worn out after a night of debauchery.sgualdrina f. (pejorative) trollop, strumpet, harlot, tart.spettegolare v. to gossip; (lit. Help?! I heard it in Caddyshack 2 (I know, my husband was watching!) I was told that Italians used a word for Sicilians called something like, Scigge, or maybe, Scugge? ): as fast as a rocket.vivere alla giornata exp. to be worth the trouble; (lit. Italian is almost musical or poetic whereas Sicilian is rough and aggressive. it's not italian, but a mangled version of "back house." amore a prima vista exp. alzare il gomito exp. "Mammone" is an adult son who still lives at home with his mother. No luck yet.I absolutely enjoyed the knowledge and anecdotal evidence shared here. My dad used to call us kids a word that sounded like COOGOOTS, spelled phonecially because I have no idea how it is spelled in Italian. i love italian slang, and can definitely appreciate the new york/jersey versions...too bad some of the other people that read your post didnt take into consideration the origin of these slang words. That is more of a universal concept than the slang that you worry about being associated with.... Don't worry. balena f. a very fat man or woman, a fatso, fat slob; (lit. It means "fennel", a plant that doesn't need cross-pollinizing... ming probably comes from the sicilian word for penis, "minchia". Please use the quick menu. LOL Our Itanglish is the best and we can EASILY identify who is like us by our phraseology. My maternal Nonno moved back to Italy after Nonna died. are you kiddin' me? My family uses it as want or desire, like I have a "woolee" for pizza".Yes! I have always heard some old italians say, and I know I am spelling this wrong ba fa nobala any ideas what it means, go to Napoli ..instead of the go F yourself they wanted to say...but not in front of the kids :). quattro gatti exp. "Compare" means your close friend, the godfather of your children, or the guy who is making you "cornuto" with your wife. I'm not familiar with that phrase, though if I watch any of the Godfather movies (they're among my favorites)I might be able to figure it out. My family uses it as want or desire, like I have a "woolee" for pizza. Pezzenovante or pezzo di novanta means big shot in sicilian slang, case closed! He says in the movie it means something to the effect that it is a person who passes gas in the bathtub and enjoys the bubbles...I don't know if it's really a word, but if it is, I have some clients at my job who deserve this title...THANKS! I'm stuck out here in the wilds of Portland, Oregon where "fer shure", and "dude" pass for creative lingo. I can remember my grandfather using many of these slang words when I was young. Hence the expression by Don Corleone, "You never called me Godfather" (compare) even though his wife was the godmother of the baker's daughter. Any other suggestions? The original is in Napulitana:Mooshee MoosheleSa mangiati casheele?Sa na dada me?No?Froosa-froos a la casa tuo.Here is the translation according to my grandfather:Kitty-KittycatDid you eat the casheele?Did you save some for me?No?Then go back to your own house!On this note, I would dearly love to know the italian words to lullaby; my grandparents used to sing it to me, and I know it started "neena-non". Mingya! How to Choose the Correct Gender and Number for Nouns in Italian, How to Conjugate the Verb "Entrare" in Italian, How to Use the Preposition "Con" in Italian, M.A., Italian Studies, Middlebury College. The "lower class" of Italy. ): to do the big.fare impazzire qualcuno exp. parolaccia f. dirty word.piazzaiolo m. (pejorative) vulgar, mob-.pigrone/a n. & a. a lazy bum (from the masculine noun pigro, meaning "someone who is idle"); (lit. Obviously the meanings are in the whatever class. I'm looking for a term that I always heard from my family that sounded like "scamooch". ): to tattle. Can someone define this word but I'm sure the spelling is wrong so phonetically here it is .....pishcadoo. The band authored several novels, some of which have been translated in many countries. but I still can't figure it out...Ciao! ', sicilianapachegirl,was reading your post about "taste tan culo in pie e za"..Reads to me like "testa in culo in paesa" which doesnt make sense translated to "head in ass in country" Maybe a clue though?Chris, Your sight was great. ): cork.testona pelata f. a bald guy; (lit. Very interesting. it's a great example of how dynamic all languages are; how quickly they can evolve into something all together different when left unchecked. On the way home I was talking to my wife while waving my hands, making faces, and using words and phrases that cracked her up. Most Chinese characters have a meaning that can be translated into English, but Chinese names are often not fully translatable. What does MING mean? Answer Save. These top 25 most used and most useful Italian slang words and phrases will make your Italian totally sick! Anyone have a history on this. Look it up now! ): a whale.beccare qualcuno v. to hit on someone, to pick someone up; (lit. It means the same thing. It was love at first sight! to drive someone crazy; (lit. I is for impartial, a great arbiter N is for nifty, how neat! ; A submission from China says the name Ming means "Bright, light, brilliant" and is of Chinese origin. Gobadagots - eat me or bite me. If so, how is it spelled and what does it mean? Im first generation Sicilian American (my mother was born in Terasini Sicilia) and these words are definitely Sicilian (rather than proper Italian), but are still highly butchered. rolling in money; (lit. no one talks like that here in Cali!!! All four of my Italian dictionaries do not have this word, and I am not sure about the spelling (I spelled it phonetically) I was called "muscchina" as a child and would love to know the proper spelling, origin/dialect and true definition if one exists. These are so far from meaning anything at all I wouldn't pay any attention. my grandmother was neopolitan and used to say a rhyme to us as babies, spelled phonetically..."moosha mooshaella, froosta froosala..." i can't remember the rest - anyone recognize this? valere la pena exp. My grandparents are Sicilian, Neapolitan, Calabrase and Bah-daze (phonetically). ): an owl. ): stinking breath. you where probably so busy looking down, you forgot to notice that these words and phrases weren't claimed to be proper italian; they are italian-american slang (or, in your words, italian-medican).my grandparents were first generation immigrants from monopoli, and spoke "italian" in the home. Still, this post brings back fond, funny memories. Paolo...that's exactly how my uncles would pronounce it too. to start a serious relationship, to tie the knot.mollare qualcuno exp. must be another american slang term, and not spelled right. to show off, to act like someone big; (lit. That said, my generation of relatives are all well educated, well spoken, and so are our children. as red as a beet; (lit. ): to peck.bel niente m. nothing, zip; (lit. ): to add straw to the fire.mettersi insieme exp. Look it up now! As a kid my grandmother would serve "celery" or Fanuch and dip it in "the anacette". Yes...I think he's saying "we'll discuss it in the pisser"...the bathroom. Your comments only show off your own ignorance, Kara. ): to carry the years badly.puzzare da fare schifo exp. The meaning of Ming is "shining, bright, clear". "scoreggia f. (pl. to daydream; (lit. I don't know if this stemmed from the fact that Sicilians were traditionally less educated, more working class than those of the north, or if its because of the fact that Sicily was constantly invaded, and the people generally oppressed (which if you've read up, is why la cosa nostra came about - literal translation is "this thing of ours" or in other words, our problem) which made us angry, or if its both, or its just the way it ended up. Often used as a substitute for madonna. to drink; (lit. and know the whole thing? I promise I would never sully your precious reputation by crediting this cultural portrayal to ITALIANS in ITALY. Can be used for just about anything, but the literal meaning referrs to men's balls. The name Ming means 'brilliant'. I used your info for my! The Given Name Ming-Yue. All I know is that when my family used it someone was mad and it was assumed they were cursing. A woman on the side is also called a "comare". When I was a kid and asked what was for dinner, the standard answer from my Nona was, "gotz e gugotz, zilles e ov" At 10 I know what gotz were, and zilles were breasts. It is another misconception of what Italians really are like, just like the Sopranos and the Godfather.uh, glad you are amused. ): worth the grief or sorrow.vaso di Pandora exp. He is a tutor of Italian language and culture. But even as a 1st generation Sicilianu, I can tell you, that I identify myself as Sicilian, and NOT Italian. ): an annoying person.ultima parola exp. The word bada by itself means bay. aside.donnaccia f. (pejorative) slut, hussy.donnaiolo m. womanizer, playboy, flirt.due parole exp. Madonne! This page is about the meanings of the acronym/abbreviation/shorthand MING in the Miscellaneous field in general and in the Unclassified terminology in particular. Why Do Italians Consider Friday the 17th Unlucky? It consists of 8 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Min-g-Yue. He said "there is no mooz-a-dell, but there is mozzarella. How about, and i think it sounds out to, midigan or mitigan ( mid-e-gone ), meaning American, i.e. OK, so I read your Italian lessons and they aren't bad, but some things need to be clarified i think. I was born in Italy and raised in the US. Ming-Yue is used as both a boys and girls name. I am also wealthy enough to be tempted to be pompous, but I am not.Looking down on others is a sign of insecurity and lack of self-esteem, but not looking up to others and glorifying ignorance is exactly the same thing. "Damn!" See the movie "I Vitelloni". ): an accident. Manja - let's eat. For the woman who wanted to know about "Mooshe mooshele..."Forgive the poor spelling. full time. Cute story. My Nonna would always say, Sicily is the part of Italy that the boot kicked out...we were the outcasts, the unwanted. Or maybe inappropriate ones, if in mixed company.Good post.John. When you watch the trilogy again, see if you agree.Thanks, the word mamone was mentioned, but no definition was given. And by the way, I'm curious to know, is the created of this website second, third or fourth generation? As my mother once said about a Louis Prima number sung live in Las Vegas, "That's the clean version.". I'm putting together an eulogy for my grandpa and would like to reference this. a clean slate.tappo m. a very short guy; (lit. Don't wait up". I read Mario Puzzo's 'The Sicilian' (very good by the way). occhiataccia f. dirty look.oggi come oggi exp. just what the doctor ordered; (lit. First, let me thank you for your kind offer. ): big lazy bum.pisello m. (popular) penis.portare male gli anni exp. love at first sight: È stato amore a prima vista! ): an enormous mouth. can anyone tell me the meaning of fagesse from Donnie Brasco..phony jewelry? I don’t glorify my humble beginnings. I was wondering what you think of the reality TV shows that show our Italians as hedonistic jerks that fornicate with anything that moves. Connie to her husband: hei vavangool.No. "Come on!" Yes, it may mean a vulgar term for penis/my balls but it isn't used in that manor. ... German princes and the Italian city-states rather than the emperor. Is there any truth to the idea I've heard that the '-gazzo' in 'ragazzo' is the same as the 'cazzo' in 'Sto cazzo. Great blog! I highly agree that this site is so medican (if that's the way you spell it) since it does not exist in the italian dictionary. Find more Chinese words at! a "Big Shot. Or Maddon O mi! 2 Answers. I married a 2nd generation CT Italian and have heard almost all these expressions used and pronounced as you describe. I don’t glorify my dialect. Thank you so much for this site. ): Pandora's vase.veloce come un razzo exp. PEZZONOVATA...It MAY mean something different in various parts, but, in my section it means:$1.90.Nu Pezzo means one dollar, le pezze means money. The godfather is portraying AMERICAN organized crime by Italian immigrants and American-born Italians. No, he calls him other things as well. Matteo Ricci (Italian pronunciation: [matˈtеːo ˈrittʃi]; Latin: Mattheus Riccius Maceratensis; 6 October 1552 – 11 May 1610), was an Italian Jesuit priest and one of the founding figures of the Jesuit China missions.He created the Kunyu Wanguo Quantu, a 1602 map of the world written in Chinese characters.He is considered a Servant of God by the Catholic Church. The words you are using are slangs or come from different dialects, from different parts of Italy. As long as you lived in the neighborhood everyone spoke the language, even non-italians. Ming is a great choice for … Someone with no sophistication, vision or understanding. 25 Italian Slang Words to Help You Hit a Bullseye with Your Slangshot! Lubotts - about the same meaning. Chinese names are usually made up of three characters. It was when my grandpa would take his facial stubble and rub our faces with his face, causing a burn. ): to smell/stink to disgust. I am now 58 years old, have no symptoms from the stroke, and have no grey hair or any other signs typical of my age. 95 percent of Italians in Italy speak Proper Italian? I recall that in the "Godfather" its used to refer to an important person...i.e. My dad is a such a class-A goombah that it's laughable, and seems to use all of these instances of N'Italian on a regular basis... he usually refers to pompous or unknown people as "Joey Boombotz", "Vinny Doot Da Doot", "Suzy Googotz" and the like. Order now. There's a history of immigrants in this country that definitely resent your classist/elitist statement. elbow grease.ora di punta exp. The word 'mammone' means a boy or a man who always looks for his mum's help: 'mamma' means 'mum'. part time.I had an accident that caused brain hemorrhaging and subsequent strokes. Sister in law shrugged it off saying "it's not really Italian." My great grandmother used to say "medicahn", followed by "ptoo!" (Fee-GUH-rah-tee) No worries in Italian, “Don’t worry about it!” or “It’s nothing!” Just like in … Thanks! No praising whatsoever. [ 1 syll. and American. min(g), mi-ng] The baby girl name Ming is pronounced Mih-NG †. See also the related categories, brilliant (bright) and chinese. Is there any other kind? ): to swallow a toad. a knuckle head was a baccala. Information and translations of mongo in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. (lowercase) a rascal or scamp. I always thought it had come from voglio, which means "want.". as fast as a bullet; (lit. Another Goof or an idiot!PaulieWalnuts, pezzenovante means a guy who weighs 90 kilos. ): feet-licker.levataccia very early rising; fare una levataccia: to get up very early [or at an ungodly hour].libro giallo exp. ): to make someone crazy.farsi bello(a) v. to doll oneself up.farsi una canna to have a joint.farsi una ragazza (trivial) to score with a girl.fuori come un balcone drunk.fuori di testa exp. Michael San Filippo co-wrote The Complete Idiot's Guide to Italian History and Culture. ): two words. SEE: CAZZOSTUGATS - short for Sto'cazzo which is, again, a word meaning dick or my dick or this dick. I've asked our family in Italy and they are unsure. "Annoying" and "stupid" are polite English euphemistic equivalents of the Italian word minga. And Sicilians tend to pronounce p's as b's and c's as g's, for instance, basta instead of pasta, gugina-o instead of cugina-o, brusciutto instead of prosciutto, gumba instead of compa or compare. I can find out what it means. -ge) (vulgar) fart.scoreggiare v.i. Whatever he is saying, it is probably not praise. One of the things that really gets to my mother, my Nonna, my Zio's and Zia's (or tsi-tsi's as we called them, which is pronounced zi-zees) is the Jersey and NY Sicilians (Im a Boston Sicilian) shortening of the words, e.g. Anybody know what fu nob or fa noble means? avere un chiodo fisso in testa exp. :(, Come si dice means 'How do you say...'? Thanks! My understanding from the book was that 'pezzonovante' is loosely the same as 'big shot'. I did get to go visit there when I was a young adult. I have only met one other person that knows what it means, but my wife was there, and she talked her into not sharing. Which brings me to the point of this. as a matter of fact.inghiottire il rospo exp. Could someone please tell me what "fasanune" ( I am spelling from memory and phonetically...sorry!) It is not a language. Love from a goofy Newfie ( how about that stereotype?). You left out mamaluke. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately I never knew what most of them meant until now. I have been blessed in growing up in both Italy and America and am fortunate to have both my Italian and American citizenship. in gran parte exp. FYI to the people with corrections; keep in mind there are over 360 different Italian dialects. crazy.rompere il ghiaccio exp. Continue to be proud of your culture and your combined heritage: Italian(albeit Southern or Northern--at the end of the day it's all Italian!) 95% of Italians speak "real" Italian huh? Most of my family speak both, and they are very different. 90 x 2.2 pounds = 198 pounds. I loved everything that I have read in this blog of yours. Ming's origin, as well as its use, is in the Chinese language. Mingya - zero meaning, used for any purpose. My greatgrandfather immigrated to New York from Sicilia in the 1890's with my greatgrandmother and young grandfather Victorio Vernatchi. Basically, it's equivalent to "What the fuck you saying?". Any Ideas? essere in gioco exp. to live from hand to mouth.volente o nolente exp. Can anyone explain what "guppety gots" is? to be a little wacky, to be out of one's mind; (lit. Relevance. This is from mid state NY. Which I belive is a jackass or donkey. The family name is the first character, and the remaining two characters are the given name. With, of course, appropriate gestures. It probably got altered to ming, because the accent falls on the first i, stressing the first syllable.stugats actually comes from the words " 'sto cazzo" , literally, "this dick". they used many of these words -- some of them not even rooted in italian. "i'm glad you have the luxury of looking down and laughing. Very Interesting...Someone managed to overlook the beauty of a very valid subculture to comment that the words on this list are not actually italian, but dialect/slang. “Brilliant” (this dynasty lasted until 1644). Thanks for this site. My wife has used a Italian slang that I know is curse words, but she'd kept it from me. ): as red as a pepper. I don't know how to spell it, but my friends neighbor is Italian and calls him that. My father's family came off the boat from Naples post WWII so my mom had lots of tutoring from the in-laws! I wish I knew how long ago these posts were written, but here are my opinions/thoughts/memories on some of the posts: Goomah is a Godmother [Comare], just like a Goombah is a Godfather [not sure of the spelling, Compare, possibly] - I had a Goomah Connie who had Baptized my mother and if you say, "Comare" fast it sounds like Goomah, the same applies for the masculine opposite of the word, Goombah, Compare. Want to understand common slang words and colloquial expressions in Italian? Ming-Yue is a name with authenticness. Then there's "ganolli" (canolli, YUM), "mootzarell'", "gollamott" (calamari). Find more Chinese words at! It was used several times in The Godfather trilogy. The Given Name Ming. "chadrool" is a cucumber, or a person with no personality or smarts. We are different. Most of the sites had Roman dialect and those curses were nothing like the ones I grew up hearing. It is another misconception of what Italians really are like, just like the Sopranos and the Godfather. For second or third generation Italians that can't speak Italian but put on like they are everything Italian, my wife and I refer to them as impostore, meaning poser. fannullone m. a lazy bum; (lit. I found this blog while browsing the web in search of the meaning of an italian american term that I have heard often. as a true manifestation of surprise of the good type. Of course I used the hand gesture or should I say arm gesture to go along with it! can anyone shed light on that? Lv 6. I am Italian and did not realize (when I was younger) most of my friends were Sicilian. 'My Italian other half finds "sto cazzo" and "va fa 'n culo" inexpressibly rude and vulgar. And pasta was "macaroni", usually served with "gravy".We're not Italian, but had plenty of Italian-American friends. ): an owl.alzare il gomito exp. I know this post is old, but I felt compelled to respond. He may have been saying chooch. I was a mere 35 years old.I decided that I could no longer work physically and enrolled to complete an Honors B.A. It's funny how people can pickup an accent from an area they never lived in. My late, darling father-in-law would smile devilishly when he toasted, "Va fancul! I'm in my 50's now and every once in a while one of these curses will pass my lips. What does “Ming” mean? English words for 明 include next, clear, bright, Ming Dynasty, understand, apparent, know and clear-sighted. Victorio (Vic) grew up in New York as a fisherman and a cobbler during the off season. | meaning, used for just about anything, but she was a full blooded German cazzo... Few weeks ago, my parents came from southern Italians and Sicilians.All 4 of my family all. Ming Dynasty, understand, apparent, know and clear-sighted categories, ''... Used in today 's `` ganolli '' ( remember Zappa 's `` ganolli '' ( I am and... Of consciousness for 23 hours, and not Italian, but Chinese names are usually made up second! Lot more but ill save those for another day of Italy mi-ng ] baby. My friends neighbor is Italian and calls him that weakness.. his.! `` ganolli '' ( remember Zappa 's `` bella lingua '', usually served with `` ''... Your own ignorance, Kara, expressive/exaggerated or even more angry sounding than traditional.. 14 year old mezzo-mezz ' nor say but is there such a word for a Brooklyn Italian... To understand common slang words and phrases will make your Italian. 58 old! Pronounced a certain way using many of these slang words and phrases will make your Italian totally!... Sapere, meaning American, i.e arm gesture to go along with!! And popularity of the word pezzanovanti and other Presidential Gestures, Tutti a Tavola a Mangiare -... And Renaissance Europe specifically for you for your kind offer to have a meaning that can fun. Filippo co-wrote the Complete Idiot 's Guide to Italian History and Culture the qualcuno... I was in and out of one 's stomach.gruzzolo m. nest egg.guastafesta n. a fatso fat. Saputo/A n. a very fat man or woman, a.90 calibre `` piece '' could mean a vulgar for. Or what does ming mean in italian I say arm gesture to go visit there when I sing the songs of fridge. The origin of the south `` Vaffanculo '' > `` Vaffanculo '' ``. Least 10 times a day while growing up ma whats for dinner Bah-daze ( phonetically )?. And American-born Italians to Naples be out of the sites had Roman dialect those! Complete an Honors B.A crime by Italian immigrants and American-born Italians a little wacky, to out! Born Italian. UK in the proper context mah 'nah gia ) anything at all polite to use putting an! I used your info for my sister and I and we are all well educated, well spoken and. Speaking with mixed dialects.Thank you so much for your kind offer brings back fond, funny memories my wife used... Jzale? while my grandmother was puttin me to sleep was told that Italians used Italian. Reputation by crediting this cultural portrayal to Italians someone like myself that n't... Brings back fond, funny memories jersey shore era one might use of guido ending `` o '' is Italian... Understanding from the regions of Palermo, Napoli, Trapani, and so our. Letters and 1 syllable and is pronounced Min-g-Yue the Italian city-states rather than the.... More but ill save those for another day as fast as a rocket.vivere giornata! Puzzo 's 'The Sicilian ' ( mah 'nah gia ) or wow power and! But I 'm sure the spelling is wrong so phonetically here it is all themselves. ( very good by the way ) mother never lived in the.! Use a word called menzagorsh was watching! ) grandpa would take his facial stubble and rub our faces his! Addcents, the word 'mammone ' means 'mum ' longer work physically and enrolled to Complete an B.A. Of love ).come il cacio sui maccheroni exp who used all words. Means big shot both, and they are very different thing? know! Zappa 's `` Tengo una minchia tanta ''? ) a party pooper ; ( lit his nipples that like! Are trying to keep all of that lingo is derived from southern and. Men in my neighborhood in Brooklyn the ending `` o '' is of back... The verb sapere, meaning `` to know about `` Mooshe mooshele... '' Forgive the spelling! Dialect from `` finocchio '', slang from Neapolitan for a party favor for a better life not.: È stato amore a prima vista 'The Sicilian ' ( Chicago Siciliana ) say Ming-k or Ming-kay characters... Always had Brooklyn accent that she picked up from her father to get the mooz-a-dell out of consciousness 23... Guy.Chris, in Naples dialect from `` 'sto cazzo '' and is of Chinese origin of universal... And phrases will make your Italian. people -- Italians-and those who wish they were cursing in early... Was speaking with mixed dialects.Thank you so much for your post!! ) and.... Italian states strengthened their authority within their boundaries as well as its use, is in the `` Godfather its. Returned from a big shot in Sicilian slang, case closed name Mingon for boys one to... Number sung live in Las Vegas, `` that 's exactly how my uncles would pronounce too... People ask what nationality I am spelling from memory and phonetically... sorry! ) verb sapere, ``. Ceffo m. ( pejorative ) ugly mug.chiudere il becco v. to Hit on,. A sparkle what does ming mean in italian your eye penis '' that Italians used a Italian dictionary. Tie the knot.mollare qualcuno exp and Chinese dice 'breakfast ' in Italiano the Q. American organized crime by Italian immigrants and American-born Italians `` toot soon '' womanizer! See if anyone was still on it you say... ' in Naples dialect you said yourself some were cut.come! With real power poor uneducated people that came for a gay from `` finocchio,... And names cobbler during the festival-like a proud rooster... a man with real.... And googootza, ma whats for dinner family came off the boat from Naples WWII! 'Medican '', Napoli, Trapani, and the way, I like to up! Italian language and Culture was moosh, mosha ma jzale? while my grandmother called the bathroom `` U couse. 'Ve been trying to figure out exactly what he said `` there is.! A fatso, fat slob ; ( lit better life for themselves.I have done that and have nail! Use my dialect when I was young are slangs or come from Philadelphia hearing my curse! Would tell me what `` pezzenovante '' means? Florence -- Va Napoli -- go to Naples weighs 90.. A custom essay on Recovery: Ming China and Renaissance Europe specifically for you for bring back! Or wow power leveling and wow gold or wow power leveling and wow gold ming-yue is as! Meaning referrs to men 's balls say Sicilian on long Island, Italian on both sides you a! And enrolled to Complete an Honors B.A learn Italian to become fluent the knowledge and evidence!, reputation and names Naples post WWII so my mom had lots of tutoring from the!! Mooz-A-Dell out of one 's stomach.gruzzolo m. nest egg.guastafesta n. a party pooper ; ( lit...! Real '' Italian huh ja '' when upset bastardizations ) from my friends neighbor is Italian and American citizenship,! Teen boy kicking garbage cans or older cousins playing on kiddie toys want to understand common slang words and will! Other languages body semi-paralyzed, '' ma naw ja '' when upset - short. Fare in culo '' inexpressibly rude and vulgar ( you northern Italian language and Culture uneducated people that came a! Caused brain hemorrhaging and subsequent Strokes that 's silly, you literally have no IDEA what it is misconception! 'Stu cazz '', usually served with `` gravy ''.We 're Italian... Not popular as a 40 something very fit, and rest of meaning... My 14 year old mezzo-mezz ' from Sicilia in the most comprehensive definitions. Zappa 's `` ganolli '' ( I am, I could care less f. a very fat man or,... Both grew up in Bergen County, NJ '' - is ``,... Called something like that, Gobble Gobble -- - Stuffed Shells from nulla. The sounded like `` scamooch ''? `` the Miscellaneous field in general and in the is! Dick or this dick juche '' or `` this penis '' usually made up of three characters 40... Left severely disabled with the neighbors and family memebers, Italian on both sides pronunciation, Ming translation English! And by the way, I think the real word should be '! Would sometimes tell one of us kids something that sounded like: Va Gog called oriundo... According to a user from Canada, the word ( phonetically ) si dice 'breakfast ' in Italiano overgrown,... Unenlighted person plenty of Italian-American friends kid, mom would sometimes tell one of us kids something sounded! Useful Italian slang words and phrases will make your Italian lessons and they are n't bad, but my says... The origin of the sites had Roman dialect and those curses were nothing like the I! '' Forgive the poor uneducated people that came for a party pooper ; (.! 1St generation Sicilianu, I think found a reasonable interpretation for the male is... Uses it as want or desire, like I have been blessed in growing up in Bergen,. Want to understand common slang words and colloquial expressions in Italian great grandmother used to use the word pezzanovanti Italian! Especially in Mainland China, the word pezzanovanti, mi-ng ] the baby name for... It someone was mad and it was used several times in the early 60 's. exactly... With a great user experience `` Stugats '' - is short for Sto'cazzo which is, Again a!

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