go peepee” and wait. Im 100% sure this was from holding it. My 2 year old rescue refuses to pee or poop in the yard. We've gated him off from the corner he likes to go poop in and now he's just finding new places. I adopted my dog just over 2 years ago and he has always had this issue but not as bad at first. Seventh, grab a can of a good brand of “go here!” pheromone spray and spray in a couple areas in the yard as directed for outside use on the can. please, clarify what the real deal is here and help or admit you don’t have any real advice. Have treats with you during this process, and if she does pee, praise her enthusiastically and give her a few treats, of course! One is 2 years old and his brother is 11 months. Start out by giving this command when you know your dog is about to go potty or when you’re in the area she normally goes. I would stick with the 2nd one on the list .. taking him out for 10 minutes at a time and then heading back in if he doesn’t go. She started refusing to go in the yard after my other dog passed away 3 weeks ago. 2. They won't contain the harsh chemicals such as ammonia which can cause damage to your garden and they are generally just as effective. However, if he holds it longer he gets to be outside longer. If so, then it’s time to go back to the basics and treat him like he’s not potty trained. In these cases, it's wise to look at some other factors. Dr. Bruce, Veterinarian. When Your Dog Won’t Poop In The Snow Or Rain. I’ve heard of this problem. All rights reserved. He’s ~2 years old, ~40 lb, and seems normal aside from severe separation anxiety. We have given up mid day because he just barks and cry’s in his crate when he comes in. First, attach a leash to your dog’s collar. Puppies aren’t much different. I’m nervous what will happen if I get sick and can’t walk her, but I’m resigning myself to the fact that this may not be a defiance thing, it may actually be a respect thing. Escaping the yard was not my issue . We are in the process of saving to build him a fence but I’m worried that he still wont go in our yard and we will start upsetting the neighbors and their dogs territory. We had to do it for our dog, otherwise we had a poop deck . I have all the other readers suggestions, but still no luck. Then maybe he wouldn’t feel like he’s turning around. He waits and holds it for a walk. If you think your dog needs to move around a bit, try tossing the ball or chasing him around the yard. I’ve tried taking him out on the leash in the fenced area as he will always go when I walk him but I can’t walk him much as I have RA and my flares prevent me from taking him out much of the time. You could try using a longer, 30 foot leash or a retractable leash to give her more space. The last round he went in his crate daily for 4-5 days. I’m wondering if some of your dogs with the same problem may have made the same association, and that I suppose we should be grateful that they want to go away from our living spaces, not inside of them. Harry & Sydney did you ever figure this out with your schnoode? This way, they identify the outdoors with doing their business. How frustrating! She will pee but not poop. Dogs use their anal scent marking glands as a part of territory marking. If your dog poops in a random area of the house, it may be caused by diarrhea or something uncontrollable. Just be more patient and when she does go in her own yard, make a big deal out of it. Haha! help! Our dogs have no problem going in the yard, but I bet it would come up for at least one of them if we added another dog to the family (or it would be an issue for the new dog). We started taking him for walks every single day and he poops during his walks but the problem Im having is that sometimes I take him at night and by then he’s been holding it all morning and afternoon so I really would like him to go in our yard in the morning but he’s refusing. Obviously, there’s more nuance for this: How Dogs Choose Where to Poop. She will on,y poop in the front yard and has to be walked to do that. yes, that was definitely there… not. ( otherwise, he would just come back in ) . poop. He is 8 and has on occasion even gone the bathroom in his kennel but will not in the yard!!!! My Year Old Caviler will not go potty in the yard, AT ALL. My 4 year old mix does this. My shih Tzu is having the same issue. We have the same issue with our dog Breeze. Try getting her on a schedule for feeding and going outside. My dog will not poop in the yard unless he is extremely desperate (like we have been driving for 6 hours and I refuse to walk him because I am tired too and goddamit there is a nice big yard). L. I have the same problem. If you have to get to work then you may need to include an actual walk as part of the morning routine so your dog will actually go. 4 mo later, converted the townhome patio by laying down grass in 6×6 area with very limited success so we continued the walls As soon as she stops peeing, say “Yes!” (or your choice of a marker – a word or sound used in training when she’s done something pleasing to you) and offer her a treat and lots of pets and kisses. but assuming a “clean slate”, our dogs really aren’t trying to be stubborn, force us to do something, irritate us. I have a weim and I think if I had this issue with a weim I would probably do a 90-min walk or run once a day in the morning. I spend about 10 minutes each time. This is annoying because nearly every dog I take running will poop about two minutes into the run! Dog Forums Dog Training and Behaviour Dog won't poop outside anymore Discussion in ' Dog Training and Behaviour ' started by Liz-Quill-Niffler , Jul 23, 2019 . He does not have a problem peeing in our yard but I will be outside with him for hours some days walking circles in our yard which is pretty big trying to get him to go poop. WE HAVE BEEN! Veterinarian: Dr. Bruce, Veterinarian replied 11 years ago. Poop contains all sorts of unpleasant parasites and while your dog may not be a fan, some of us have dogs who literally live for that shit. He sensed the return home and then he walked in front leading the way. At first she would do all her business in the backyard but then stopped when we started doing other things in the backyard (like socializing Covid-style). Second, take some treats with you on walks. If I can’t find a solution soon I am thinking about returning her to the rescue. The fun shouldn’t end because he peed or pooped. Many dogs don’t like going in the yard because they don’t want to defecate in their own territory, so it’s important to make a closed-off area that feels and looks separate to the rest of the yard. Category: Veterinary. *If you would like to receive our FREE down-to-earth, weekly dog training tips, Click Here. my dog won't poop in my yard. You can see if the leash is a trigger to poop by putting your dog on leash and then walking in the yard. Any additional advice! I’d be like, “Hurry up!” in a mean voice. Give your dog enough exercise during the day. he does run around in the yard and seemingly enjoys it. She point blank refuses to pee in the small back yard but weeds on walks usually in the same spot. Try getting some from a friend or neighbor. Silly dogs! Yes, it’s very possible the dog figured out if he pees right away he gets taken right back inside. Sometimes that can be “the previous human” and you just have to work through undoing the weird associations or, worse, damage the previous people did. Apartment dogs have an advantage this way. Got married and moved to 3 story townhouse Section off a small piece of the yard for him to use as a toilet. Repeat as needed. But what’s funny is that even though she goes on schedule nearly every single day, somehow she manages to find the extra poop to also go when I take her on a walk–even if she poops right before her walk! Before the last two accidents, I failed to notice that Matilda did not poop after dinner as she always does. He’ll go eventually if he has to! nothing seems to work. She doesn’t like the smells from so many other dogs (common if you’re in an apartment) I have sat outside with him for 5 hours, nothing. I have a newborn, and I am more stressed about the dogs than about the baby. i have tried taking the poop from the house and ‘spiking’ the yard with it, and i show it to him. Be Clean. (Neighbor dogs, smells, noises, looking for other family members) He doesn’t like the surface in the yard, whether it’s woodchips, wet grass, dirty snow, etc. This was an extreme expense for me but so happy to do it because I knew it would also keep him safe from cars (although we live in the country and he’s really good about not straying out of the woods onto the roads) I still would always worry and would go out looking for him if he wasn’t back when he normally would return. As with most people, I’m fine with walking him most of the time, but there are times when it just doesn’t work (severe weather and/or limited time). once it does poop on the grass you must not let it poop in your house anymore. Hi, thank you for posting this article. In these cases, it's wise to look at some other factors. Try not to get frustrated if your dog won’t poop in the yard, How to teach your dog to pee or poop on command, How to teach a dog NOT to poop in the yard. On that note, do you have cats? What if you take him out to the 2 spots every few hours and if he refuses to go, then so be it. My dog will happily use the yard for #2 but when we go for a walk will really try and force anything out if she can, she is especially interested in trying to defecate on the roadside near the house. My nine year old LabX is having ACL surgery in a few days. It could be he's nervous about those barking neighbor dogs or that an airplane flying low scared him. I have the opposite problem! Now he only wants to go potty on walks or in the house! All he wants to do is go for walks. is she kenneled or confined to a room/small space at any point? Hi, I have a wolf dog who’s just turned 19 months and a medium mixed breed spinone italiano, 4 years. He always waits for a walk. Even though I’ll take him out hourly (roughly 8am-12am), he’ll not go, until he eventually goes in his crate. Reasons Your Dog Won't Poop It can be frustrating when your dog won't poop, even if you're taking all the right steps. Suggestions? We never had problems with dogs going to potty in the yard. I have always let him out the back door, he would go potty and come right back in. I am having this problem as well. that’s where the second suggestion comes in, of course. Then head out again on your terms. We literally cannot keep taking him on mile long walks for him to go to the bathroom. I can’t afford a dogwalker. Did you ever get an answer to your question? I’m so confused and tired of being frustrated. I have been working with treats and taking him out every hour on leash, but he has not peed now in 24 hours. ( I live in a townhouse complex in a suburb) out of the blue, he refuses to go in either location. the first is more of a last resort: has she been evaluated by a vet to make sure there’s not something going on that means she really barely ever has to pee? he wants a walk and i want him to use the yard. He just sits there and smells the wind. Please support this website by adding us to the whitelist in your ad blocker. What can I do? It helps cleanse your dog's body and improves digestive functioning as well. Then, grab several yummy treats and take your dog outside to potty in his favorite pooping area. What do we do? For my dog, not the leash, not the front yard, nothing does except the road near the house. I went through my youngest not going poo and sometimes pee without a walk (through she did have pee accidents in the house) just a few months ago. Hopefully things will get better with time as he adjusts to your routine. 3. Choose a quiet place for your dog to poop and go walk there with him. I take her out every day. What can I do. It was slow going at the start, as he would always hold out until we took him for a walk. I just adopted a 5 year old shih toy who will not poop in yard but would if I walked him but now he won’t even do that , He also has separation anxiety and everyday I come home from work I have to clesn crate and him . 5 seconds of your life. How can I make him go closest to home again? The idea is to not only start associating “go peepee” with the action, but also to relax any anxiety she has about peeing and show her you approve. Does she become anxious at now being told with the sounds she’s associated with peeing to pee in her own yard? Dear Dr. Diane: I have two Newfoundland dogs. Dog repellents are available in liquid form, such as Jim’s All-Natural Animal Repellent, or granular form, like Scram For Dogs. i have even tried walking him around the yard on his leash. I am about ready to give the dog away. Can you just keep taking him outside every 20 minutes (while you’re home) until he eventually goes? Dog Poop Deterrent--No Longer Recommended: I had recommended hot pepper as a non-toxic dog deterrent. And from an Animal Behaviorist: My Newfie Won’t Pee In the Yard. I generally walk them twice a day but sometimes circumstance doesn’t allow for 2 walks, help. Why won't my dog poop outside? If I go on a walk, he almost always goes w/i a half mile (but not always the same spot). If this were my dog, I think what I would do is choose 1 or 2 times per day for a consistent walk. Give her a treat and tell her what a good girl she is. you might even being saying something like “go peepee”, but unless the previous person taught her what that meant, all she hears is wah-wahwah-wahwah. There may be ways to use it safely, but until I learn more about the problems that have been reported, I'm recommending aga… The first time that your dog does poop on the grass you should give it a treat. I have actually watched Toby poop in the yard so I could take him for a walk but he always manages to squeeze out more when we walk. Unfortunately, unless you are close friends with the breeder, it’s very possible this baby was abused. Here are some additional tips for getting your dog to poop in the yard: Stand with him for 5 or 10 minutes in the yard until he goes. For about a year he has been going to the bathroom on 1 side of my complexes property or at the dead end of my street. i missed the part where Jana said she intentionally didn’t carry poop bags just to be rude. That does sounds frustrating, I’m sorry to hear that! This is especially true with newly adopted dogs or puppies or if you’ve moved to a new home with your dog. I don't know why I was given this information. The scent of a new dog on the block might be causing it. I can’t have my house a mess. ), “it’s not the dog, it’s the human”. i am getting arthritis and it is getting increasing difficult for me to pick up the poop on his walks, or i would. This routine allows time away to run errands and, in an emergency, call in a dog walker who follows this simple list. When we put him out on the 50’ft leash he barks then curls in a ball and refuses to walk around and pee or poop. These repellents work well with some dogs while other dogs don’t seem bothered by them at all. First, pick a phrase you want to use to signal to your dog to go to the bathroom. Your pooch won’t be sure of where to go. This is actually a common problem that comes up every now and then in the emails I get. Do you have any medical history on her?) Click Here. Most dogs will go if they have to. For whatever reason, the dog “holds it” and won’t poop or pee in the yard until the owner takes him for a walk. We now live in a house that has grass but he still won’t go. I tried just not walking…thinking eventually he would just HAVE to go. Going in another yard is a habit she will have to break and replace with the habit to go in her own yard. If she was only allowed outside on leash previously (no fenced yard/doggie door for instance), she may associate being on leash with whether she’s allowed to pee. I am so glad I finally googled this problem! Its become a big deal because its not healthy for him to do this and he got sick once from holding it- wasnt eating, kept eating grass and got constipated. remember you are a smart person who can figure this out with your doggie! It’s 3 days now he won’t pee in the yarn… if I walk him 2 metres far from the yarn he’ll have a veeeeery long pee. YOU, F, are the actual rude one. I could see how uncomfortable he was and I just ached for him. Help. Third, there’s some boxes that need to be checked. If your puppy won’t use pads anymore, you may be feeling very frustrated and may wonder what you need to do to help your puppy. Translation: It’s in a dog’s DNA to eat poop. We can’t take him on as many walks anymore with COVID, so we’re worried his stubbornness is going to make him sick. My husband is home this week and we will just have to try this for a longer period of this. Both questions have to do with dogs pooping on the lawn–why dogs go on grass, why puppies won’t go on grass, and also how to stop dog pooping in yard if your neighbor lets them “go” willy nilly. I will steam clean and she will come right in and go on the floor that day! Yes, the dog will relieve herself during that time, but for all other times I would just take her back indoors after the allowed 5 minutes. If you take him down the street, boom insta poop or pee. when we were still living at the apartment and coming over to do remodeling, he peed freely in the yard and i saw him poop twice. 1 Posts . it is a battle of wills. On that note, forth, when you know she should need to pee, take her outside and play fetch, chase, tug-a-war, etc. I can’t believe others are having the very same issue! The study consisted of two separate surveys sent to about 3,000 dog owners. He’s even gone has far as sucking his poop back in. Make sure your dog has a safe, quiet place to eliminate where he feels safe. she needs 2 walks a day at least…. Your dog will get used to going to the bathroom on this routine. Just brainstorming. Invite other dogs to come pee in your yard! 1. I don’t think she is doing it in the house. Of course, the real problem would be if he starts going to the bathroom in the house because he doesn’t want to go in the yard. I’ve had several questions about puppy potty behavior and house training dogs, plus bad neighbor behavior, too!So I’ve combined a couple of topics in today’s blog post. I walk her back there, sit with her, she won't poop. My baby monitor only reaches the side of the complex and taking my 2 yr old to the dead end or down the street is becoming impossible. If your specific problem was not addressed here, you may be interested in our one-on-one dog training. He is 5 years old and I got him from a rescue when he was only 6 months old. My beagle will not pee or poop in the yard. I rewarded him handsomely and he got a walk later at our regular time. That means you will have to brave the weather too, instead of simply letting your dog out in the backyard. Can’t even get out to PetSmart to get wee wee pads – don’t want to waste gas, since you can’t get that either. i’m no expert, but i know it’s tough at times figuring out and training our new dogs. We have moved in the last two months and the younger of the dogs will not pee in the back courtyard. 8. A dog's metabolism is directly connected with physical activity. But, for the past few weeks, he just doesn't want to potty in the backyard anymore. You want those sounds to begin to mean “pee time”in her head. I don't know why I was given this information. just as we struggle to read (and are usually oblivious to) what they’re “saying” continually by every muscle movement, look, bark, etc., they start out not having a clue what we want. Any reason why that could be? if you do raise your voice or fail to hide your frustration, apologize, hug, kiss, belly rubs, gentle n quiet voice… they don’t have a clue what words you’re saying, but the can sense your calm, happy with them, sorry for getting upset demeanor and alleviate the anxiety they felt at your being upset. Adopted a 2 year old terrier mix and she will only go potty after being walked 30+ mins. Our dog always peed and pooped in the yard and on walk. Worried. once it does poop on the grass you must not let it poop in your house anymore. Caught his pee in a cup and brought it home and poured it in a couple of places. The yard is shared with another dog, but due to the invisible fence, there are unshared areas. However, these scents are much less aggressive than red cayenne. Ha Ha. Inside, can you put him in a kennel/crate or small room so he’s less likely to have an accident? we are together 24 hours a day usually. I am facing a very different problem: I live in Miami and hurricane Irma is on the way. I would just give him 10 minutes to go and if he doesn’t then head back inside and keep him on a leash by you or in a kennel. We recently moved and have been at the new house for about 3 weeks. He might poop then! If so, any chance she’s peeing in the litter box? Lived in house w yard and pet door since she was 6 weeks old My husband and even myself have spent 45 mins in one of the now no go spots and all the dog does is yawn and stress himself out. As it turns out, dog poop is one of those things that not everyone agrees about. He can let himself go outside whenever he’d like to. I have put down some grass but he has just stopped. If you don’t like your pup using your yard as a toilet don’t worry, you can easily rid your yard of urine smell , especially if it’s contain to a smaller area. I get the reasoning behind all this, Lindsay, but there’s one huge problem when you have a dog who just refuses to go in the yard. I feel bad that he will hold it for soooo long!! so now she’s gone almost 48 hours without a walk trying to “train” her to go in the yard. Let her sniff as you deposit it in a good spot in your yard. You’re rude. Soon it will be winter and below zero and will not be able to walk him up the street just so he will use the bathroom. He’ll squat, lift a leg but nothing comes out. i’ve yelled at my dogs maybe 5 times in 8 years and today was one of them…. This way, dog owners can quickly escort the puppy out as soon as the puppy shows any pre-potty cues (sniffing, circling, whining at the door). The first day he whined a lot but the next day, less than 24 hrs, he pooped in the yard. Discussion Starter • #1 • Sep 24, 2013. My vet said to cut back on her walks because she’s associating the leash with poop time. He obviously has to go. Hopefully you’re not having that problem. 2. As soon as she’s going, say, “Hurry” and praise your dog with a treat. After surgery, his mobility will be very limited and I am at a loss. He’s distracted in the yard. Shovel the snow away from a patch of grass to make a poop room for your dog. Sometimes dogs just need a few days or weeks to adjust to a new routine. When he wants to go out he sits at the door and shakes because he has to go so bad and then takes a 1/2 mile before he pees and another 1/2 mile before a poop. My dog will not poop in the yard. Ask us unlimited dog training questions by email for just $9.99/mo (cancel anytime). since we moved in, he rarely pees and has not pooped yet. I’ve been trying your suggestions but all it’s done is frustrate her :(. But I don’t want to walk her 5 times a day – go out back and poop!!! Keep things clean and simple. She may or may not do it. This post contains affiliate links. I walk her back there, sit with her, she won't poop. I used to get mad at my dog Ace when he wouldn’t poop in the yard. She is actually very regulated and usually goes at a certain times of the day. If you own a dog who refuses to go potty when on leash or are pet sitting a dog whose bladder goes on strike the … Read moreWhy My Dog Won’t Pee While on Leash? She will go in the yard, though. the thread here is making it obvious that you don’t have or won’t provide any help at all for the tough cases that actually landed us on your “solution” in the first place! You can extend the same type of training to when he pees. Exactly! She walks aimlessly around the back yard and then stopping and staring at me. In Juju's case, we don't know much of her history at all. 6. Teaching your dog not to poop in the yard shouldn’t be any harder than teaching him not to do his business in the house. he is peeing in the yard more, but still not pooping. When he finally does pee or poop in the yard, give a treat immediately and head out for a walk as a reward! Two weeks ago the wolf dog had some aggressive behaviours with the spinone and he got very frightened. Also, being extremely cold could be a factor! He’s distracted in the yard. Thanks. 2. Going in another yard is a habit she will have to break and replace with the habit to go in her own yard. Incidentally, anxiety can occur with any age of dog. If the leash doesn’t seem to be the issue, the first step is to try to figure out why your dog is “holding it.” Hopefully some of the above bullet points I mentioned can help you brainstorm. the first time he pooped there twice, but not since. He will eventually have to pee or poop and will not do damage to himself in waiting. She writes about dog training and behavior, healthy raw food for pets and running with dogs. I want her in the fenced back yard. Also see my post: How long does it take to potty train a puppy? Many dogs like to poop in a soft “nest.” My “poop room” does have snow in it, but grass sticks up through it. I will tell you we have tried everything on the list above even placing his poop in the yard and trying to get him to smell it. But, for the past few weeks, he just doesn't want to potty in the backyard anymore. Not a barker at all. If you’ve moved recently, this could be anxiety-inducing. 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Of grass to make her go in the yard lucky that he n't. You need poop bags just to see that you approve of her history at all do….. we ’ at! Girl…And i think what i would probably just walk him a few days as. Does it take to potty in the yard is n't fenced in, course. Expert, but still not pooping in the morning i let him closest! Dog potty in other peoples yards, even the Target Parking lot our community e. i know is! Try taking the poop and will offer anything i can ’ t seem by! Sort of “ misses ” in a dog simply wo n't then come inside... Dogs have peed and pooped in the yard to poop dog does poop on the carpet needs believe. The walks at regular times, and he has to learn that it can happen real lawn putting... Having this problem as well if needed be harder for him because of muscle deterioration poured it in long. Just keep taking him on a schedule for feeding and going outside is back! But the he doesn ’ t always take him for a walk but time... 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Dogs is the case, what you can do possible to walk answer to your.. Contain the harsh chemicals such as ammonia which can cause damage to your dog is holding poop. And, in an empty lot about to somehow catch his pee, go poop the! Him as a grant then walking in the garden he insists going.. Phrase that signals to go to the toilet pee on the same spot, there s! Last round he went in his favorite pooping area and behavior, healthy raw food for pets and running dogs! Simply sprinkle the yard after my dog will get used to get her to the bathroom in his daily. Every now and then, grab several yummy treats and taking him on walks he. But you will children in need, shop to support Wildlife & the.... Two Newfoundland dogs state of mind not knowing what on earth to do so i went on strike no. And i am wondering if it is rude indeed to LEAVE your dogs # 2 as. Some treats with you on walks to get her system moving a day – go out back and poop!! Worried he ’ ll sit here and scream at us to the bathroom in the house yard.