It is important to use clean, sharp, tools if you will be cutting stems. The Alocasia Zebrina becomes dormany in the late autumn and all of the winter. A simple trick I use when watering this plant is to water it until water starts to drip out of the This is not the case for this plant. If you don't pay enough attention to this, Back to top Use a heavier material and keep the size appropriate, rather than using a much larger pot made from a lighter material. Bear in mind that it will grow upwards more than outwards and that it needs good air circulation and it must have plenty of light. Just give it some more time. Your email address will not be published. This helps to prevent infections and minimize any shock to the plant during pruning. request a plant guide or Alocasia Zebrinas can range quite a bit in size, from small plants grown from bulbs to large mature plants that are as tall as 3 feet. The main elements to consider are light, humidity, temperature, soil, watering and feeding. In conclusion, Alocasia Zebrina is an elegant evergreen plant with large, arrowhead-shaped leaves on long, ‘Zebra striped’ stems. When you see the roots start to come out of the bottom of the pot, you know your Zebrina is a happy plant. Alocasia, also known as elephant’s ear, has large, beautifully marked leaves. When your Alocasia Zebrina is dripping water from its leaves, it means it's slightly overwatered and it's trying to get rid of the excess water by sweating it off. Or, if you’re a rare houseplant collector who loves a challenge, find yourself the finicky zebra-patterned Alocasia zebrina. Low humidity. This also means, when it's in dire need of some water, Alocasia zebrina care can be somewhat challenging but once you troubleshoot the issues, it is a lot easier. I hope it helps you to keep your plants healthy and beautiful! Alocasia zebrina. Yes, the Alocasia Zebrina is poisonous and should be kept out of reach of pets and small children. Alocasia Zebrina is a member of the Araceae family, within the Alocasia genus. Like other Alocasias, Alocasia Zebrina does not need too much space for the roots to spread. Underwatering is the main cause of curled leaves on Calathea zebrina. However, putting some thought and effort into creating the right environment for your plant initially, will save you huge amounts of time and effort in the long run! So I just kept the plant in its plastic container and put this container in the pot. The following are good practices to keep in mind: However, even the best-kept plants may occasionally suffer from diseases and pests. © 2021 Roelof Jan Elsinga, All rights reserved. The most common cause of yellowing leaves among Alocasia plants is improper soil moisture–in particular, overwatering. for the sun, you don't have to do anything, your plant is content with its place. It’s also just as hungry for sunlight as it is for nutrients. Common Problems: curling leaves, root root, spider mites, leaf yellowing, brown leaf tips. Play around a little, see what works for you and your plant and do more of that! Alocasia Zebrina Plant Dormancy Season. Alocasia plant is a tropical plant, meaning that it thrives in a humid environment. ... where it grows at the base of much larger trees. As mentioned earlier in this guide, this plant should be underwatered rather than overwatered, because overwatering could kill it. Alocasia Zebrina does not tolerate the cold well. As the plant ages, new rosettes form new leaves that add to … You should fertilize an Alocasia Plant every two weeks from late March through September with a basic houseplant food at 1/2 the recommended strength. They will do well in a pot that is a snug fit for the root ball, without being so small as to become root-bound. donate a plant in order to get a guide for the plant you have trouble with. The intoxicatingly beautiful, arrow-shaped black leaves with attractive silvery veins grow on dwarf stems. In this section, I am going to discuss the possible reasons why your Alocasia leaves have brown spots and how to treat each problem. You can consider using a curtain to filter the direct sunlight. You can do this by watering the plant thoroughly and letting the water drain through the bottom of the pot. Alocasia Zebrina needs bright, indirect or filtered light. Native to: South America. This is when you water it plentifully. Indoors, a potted Alocasia Zebrina will be much smaller (some as small as 30cm high) and will grow in line with the conditions and pot size available to it. Alocasia Zebrina should be kept consistently moist (but not wet). Alocasia zebrina leaves drooping is the number one problem affecting the indoor plant. Mine looked pretty sad after week+ in a box. However, they also recover quite quickly and grow fast in the right conditions so don’t be shy to play around and find what works best for you. This could take some practice. Do I need to mist my Alocasia Zebrina every day? There is no way to save the leaf and you should see it as a good sign that there are new leaves on the way. This will make sure all excess water is drained out of the pot and only the minimum required water stays behind. just make sure you do this at least once per week. Alocasia thrives indoors or outdoors at a range of temperatures, but it’s fussy when it comes to soil, feeding and watering. Back to top Do not fertilize during the winter, when the plant is not actively growing and won’t take up the fertilizer, as this will lead to a build-up of salts in the growing medium. Alocasia Macrorrhiza "Stingray" A. macrorrhiza "Stingray" has the mottled and distinct looking stems as well as the slender and taller appearance of A. zebrina.However it looses both the arrowhead shaped leaves and the "veins" of A. amazonica.. If you have recently watered it and the soil still feels moist, you need to be cautious of overwatering and root rot. How often should I water my Alocasia Zebrina? Persian Palm, one of the larger varieties of Elephant Ears that is indoor and outdoor-friendly. All beginner-friendly plants to get you started. Alocasia Zebrina varies in size, depending on age and growing conditions. Your email address will not be published. Luckily, there is a very simple method of keeping this plant humid enough: mist it occasionally. How to Care for Begonia Maculata (Polka Dot Plant), How to Care for Philodendron Imperial Green, How to Care for Calathea Ornata (Pinstripe Plant), How to Care for Philodendron Florida Ghost. The Alocasia Black Velvet Care includes a warm and humid place with indirect light. Don't put it right next to the window though, this will burn its beautiful, You can also place it next to the window in a west or east facing window. When you order through these links, we receive a small commission. There are no fixed rules and you can mess around until you find a balance that works well for you. but also its zebra-like stems are beautiful. The soil choice is very important when keeping plants. it'll be vulnerable to diseases. Alocasia Zebrina Plant Care: Conclusion. Calathea leaves curling. Back to top It does this to give the new leaves the nutrients they need to grow quickly. If you don't have a pot with a drainage hole, simply use a The plants falling under this genus have long, enormous leaves that are shaped like hearts. The plant cuts off the nutrients to the weakest leaves to preserve them for new growth. They do not need to dry out completely between watering and should be allowed to retain a small amount of moisture at all times, but they can’t stay soaked for too long either. The image below is what this looks like. In this guide, we'll go over these topics: You can click on these links to navigate to the right section. Back to top It is recovering nicely. The stems and leaves will start to hang down when they don't get enough water. Its large leaves really stand out, This is no reason for concern, the plant is fine. Why are my Alocasia leaves curling? Alocasia Zebrina’s beautiful, large leaves and the striking Zebra striped stems are their signature attraction. If it gets too dry, Its thick stems contain a lot of moisture, It might also just be the plant being cranky due to being moved or repotted. These appear when your plant is a little overwatered and it's trying to "sweat" the excess water off by letting it escape from tiny pores in the leaves. Win-win! Indoors, it can be difficult to get the conditions just right. Bidding Rules By placing your bids, you agree to the below Rules: Create an acc There is a species with leaves that resemble African masks, one with My Elephant Ear Leaves Are Turning Brown on the Edges. You want the Alocasia to settle in a slightly bigger pot quickly to keep it happy. Alocasia Zebrinas grow towards the light. rotate this plant 90 degrees (a quarter) after every time you water it. Move the plant to a lower light position and make sure it has sufficient humidity. It was named for Zac B. Sarian, an agricultural journalist from the Philippines. the plant will grow to one side, instead of up. Alocasia reserve energy, so reviving it is not an impossible task. It's very happy to be in a small pot. Until a certain point, this has no effect on the plant at all. This allows the plant to focus its resources on new growth, rather than maintaining old, unhealthy, leaves. Back to top Alocasia Zebrina’s beautiful, large leaves and the striking Zebra striped stems are their signature attraction.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'gardencrafted_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',114,'0','0'])); Alocasia Zebrina originates from the Philippines, where it naturally grows as a tropical under-story plant, in warm and humid forests. Ceramic pot not included. You need to look at the specific needs for each plant. you'll need to move it to a slightly more shady spot. Nursery pot size. Never fertilize during the winter. What makes this even more frustrating is that they can also indicate that you’re actually overwatering instead! Avoid overwatering, as it will lead to root rot, where the roots rot and die, often killing the plant too. In lower light conditions, this should be done frequently. Once it exceeds this number, it'll cut off the nutrients to older and weaker leaves. Despite the fact that it’s a sizeable plant, it still look airy and stylised thanks to the tall, smooth stems that grow out of a corm. When you take care of your Alocasia Zebrina, you might have seen water drops on the leaves before. As with any plant, it will take some trial and error to get the conditions just right. In the beginning, you may lose a leaf or two but the plant will recover if you adjust your care routine to fix the problem. A mature plant (around 4 years old) growing outdoors in a suitable climate can reach a height of 3 meters, with a 1-meter spread. So it's best to keep this plant out of reach from small children and pets. Calathea leaves curling and wilting can be an indication that you’re not giving your plants enough water. When repotting, go up a size smaller than you would for other plants. Direct, hot, sun is to be avoided as it will scorch the leaves and damage the plant. While they do flower occasionally, the flowers are inconspicuous. Read on to learn how to care for Alocasia Zebrina.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardencrafted_com-box-4','ezslot_1',115,'0','0'])); Location, Space, Light, Containers and Potting Mix. Plant height (including pot) 70-80cm. It is a talking piece for sure. Ingestion by people and animals will lead to a severe reaction where the tongue, mouth, and face swell and itch. Pot diameter 10cm, total plant height 70cm, so tall that we couldn't fit it in our photo box. This way, the excess water won't stay in the pot. it'll still be enough throughout the day. As such, they need more room to grow vertically than horizontally. Back to top If you have been watering frequently and the soil is damp, allow it to dry out before watering again. Alocasia (Alocasia zebrina) goes by many common names, including elephant's ear and African mask plant. Popular types of Alocasia such as the African Mask plant (Alocasia amazonica ‘Polly’) and Elephant Ears ‘Tiger’ (Alocasia zebrina) are ideal houseplants.Alocasia plants thrive indoors in warm, bright indirect light, growing in moist soil. They will go dormant but they will not die back. This is normal and no reason for concern, your plant is fine. Other plants in the Alocasia family can get much bigger, but the Alocasia Zebrina stays small enough to be the perfect houseplant. Indoors, they will do well near a window in a well-lit room. Once your plant has about 5 leaves, it'll start to drop the weakest leaves in a spectacular way. Up for grab is a beautiful Alocasia Zebrina Variegated that has 3 strong and mature leaves. It's time to water the Alocasia Zebrina when the leaves start to droop down. This plant needs a lot of sunlight. If you notice that the plant has become waterlogged, allow it to dry out completely or re-pot it and cut away any dead roots before replanting it into a pot (and potting mix) that drains very well. The leaves, which can grow to 2 feet (.5 m.) in length, arise from a central rosette, rising straight up until a new leaf emerges. The Alocasia genus has more than 80 species of foliage plats within it, and each varies widely in shape and size. Until a certain point, this has no effect on the plant at all. Organic options, such as ‘worm castings’ or ‘worm tea’ work really well and are less likely to harm your plant if you overdo it. Wet roots that sit in wet soil for prolonged periods will develop root rot. Causes Of Brown Spots On Alocasia Leaves. Back to top During this time, you should fertilize the plant every two weeks to give it the energy it needs to keep growing so quickly. Low humidity is closely linked to underwatering, as this will cause the plant to transpire at an increased rate, increasing the risk of underwatering. Care: frequent watering, higher humidity, warm temperatures. I have it in a room with a south-facing window, so it gets a Alocasia Zebrina has a reputation for being a tricky plant to keep happy but it really doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult. A “5:1:1 mix” (5-parts bark, 1-part potting soil or peat moss, and 1-part perlite) will work well, as it makes a light, oxygen-rich, well-draining mixture that still retains some moisture for slow release and will provide a little organic nutrient too. Don’t be afraid to try out different locations and conditions, just keep a close eye on your plant and see what works best for it. The Alocasia zebrina isn’t a drought-tolerant plant, however: its leaves turn brown and crispy in dry conditions. When the stems are full, the leaves will be raised again. If you haven’t been watering much and the soil is a bit dry, give it a good soaking and let it drain freely. Instead they're replaced by a leaf shape that looks like a Stingray with the fish like wings and long tail. Re-pot as seldom as possible to prevent shock and when you do have to re-pot, transplant the whole root ball without breaking the roots apart. All plants need certain, unique, conditions to grow and thrive. Alocasia Maharani is has beautiful silver leaves. In this stage, almost all or half of the leaves of the Alocasia zebrina plant turn yellow and fell down. This way you can enjoy this plant to the fullest and it will look the most beautiful in the long run. it'll start to grow its stems longer and longer just to find the spot with the most sunlight. The Alocasia Cucullata looks different than the other Alocasias, but it still has the big stems that store all that moisture. Not enough light. The houseplant is quite aggressive and rarely experiences any problem. Alocasia Zebrinas grow to about 3 feet tall, so they're not small houseplants, but they stay small enough to fit in smaller spaces. The leaves scorch and lose their green hue, with pale patches that turn yellowish-brown. This will keep the soil a habitable place for your plant. It is just ‘resting the winters away’. The leaves on your Alocasia Polly could be turning yellow for a number of reasons. This plant is grown for its colorful leaves rather than its diminutive flow… The Alocasia Zebrina is a beautiful tropical plant. drainage hole in the bottom of the pot. The best time to do this is at the beginning of spring when temperatures are rising and the days are getting longer. One way of achieving this is misting the big leaves daily. Alocasia leaves drooping due to low humidity will be accompanied by other symptoms of low humidity, including leaf curling, brown leaf tips, and leaf edges. Required fields are marked *. Alocasia Zebrina's after repotting them into separate pots Now the exciting part is finally happening, you get to plant these beautiful plants in their own pot. As this plant is very sensitive to overwatering, this is perfect. As the insects suck the juices of the leaves. Infections can spread from plant to plant so keeping them further apart will prevent this. The plant can only sustain 4-5 leaves at once and when new leaves are being grown, the old and weak ones will die. So don't repot this plant in a larger pot too quickly. Alocasia Zebrina varies in size, depending on age and growing conditions. When an Alocasia Zebrina is growing, it will put out quite a few leaves in a short period of time. Bright indirect light is ideal, but direct sun is also fine if it's not more than 4 hours per day. Once you have your location, light, temperature, humidity and potting medium right – the ongoing maintenance begins! Yes. Plant type. Compared to other plants, Alocasia cupera care needs more effort. This means they do well in brightly lit areas that are somewhat protected from drafts and air conditioners, which can dry out the air and cause too much movement for the plant’s long stems to support. They are unusual and very attractive plants that are ideal house plants as they are perennial, evergreen, foliage plants and keep their looks throughout the year.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardencrafted_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_12',119,'0','0']));report this ad. So if you have one of the following Alocasia plants, you can use this guide to take care of your Alocasia as well. Get your own products from the links below and support us It makes a bold statement with its arrow-shaped leaves, which can reach 36 … it back into the pot without a drainage hole. Toxicity: It must be noted that Alocasia Zebrina, unlike some other species of ‘Elephant Ear’ Alocasias, is not edible. They tend to drop leaves when they’re in the right conditions and as a plant with few leaves, to begin with, this can be quite a challenge. lot of sun during the day. It is important to mention that October to January, the plant gets dormant. A way to make sure that the chances of overwatering are reduced is by using very well-draining soil. Check your soil, check how often you have been watering and adjust in the opposite direction. The Alocasia Zebrina can only sustain about 4-5 leaves per plant. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Every plant has its own character traits, like growing flowers. If you're looking for more guides on specific plants, you can always The new growth will be beautiful too. Air purifying. Large pots tend to have too much potting medium in them in relation to the volume of the root system and will become waterlogged, even in a well-draining container. A can’t perennial and evergreen, Alocasia Zebrina does not need to be pruned back in the winter. In winter, it is best to keep it away from cold drafts and air conditioners to make sure it stays warm. Thank you for reading this post! Brown or yellow patches on the leaves can indicate too much light, especially direct sun. This Alocasia is very sensitive to water. They seldom have more than five leaves at a time and do not spread wide. This is a sign that the stems aren't full of water anymore. Usually, a pot one inch bigger than the current pot will be fine. Fertilizer for your Alocasia Zebrina can be applied every two to four weeks from spring to late summer. It starts to grow again in the spring and does so throughout the summer and early autumn. A simple solution to prevent this “reaching” is to but lift it up first. Alocasia Zebrinas love humidity. Alocasias are perennial plants that keep their form and foliage all year, making them wonderful house plants. Genus: Alocasia; Specie: Zebrina; About the Alocasia Genus. As a top-heavy plant, it is important to make sure the container is heavy enough to support it, without being too big. If your plant gets slightly yellow leaves, you know the sun was too much for the plant and in our mission to help people take care of plants like this. In fact the stems store moisture just like the Alocasia Zebrina. A. zebrina it will let you know. Pet/baby safe. This plant needs a humid environment because it's a tropical plant. If you don't have a room with a south-facing window, is exactly how I do it. ‘Sarian’ is a hybrid of Alocasia zebrina and A. micholitziana. Alocasia Zebrina will show you quite quickly if it is not entirely happy so pay attention and switch things up if it starts to look a little sad. If you take good care of this plant, As long as they drain well, pots made from ceramic, terracotta or any other heavy material will work best. The image below is what this looks like. As described in my previous guide about the Alocasia Zebrina "How to care for a Zebrina Alocasia" , I keep the plant in the nursery pot. It's not the easiest plant to take care of though and drainage hole. so it won't need to be watered a lot. The end result of owning this beautiful plant is a large plant with huge leaves and stunning stalks. Water from the bottom (unless you are doing a foliar feed) and allow it to dry out quite well before you water it again. Why are my Alocasia Zebrina leaves turning yellow? The need to preserve slight moisture without either wet or dry soil means your Zebrina requires a different watering routine than most houseplants. Elephant ear plant . I personally do this every single day and so Alocasia Zebrina care can be a tough balance to find. Do not water it more, just because the leaves are curling! Always make sure you flush the remnants of the fertilizer out every few months. The Alocasia black velvet is a beautiful indoor plant popular for its foliage. How much space your Alocasia Zebrina needs will be determined by the size of the plant when you get it more than the plant’s potential size as a mature plant. that's no problem! The best way to determine This isn’t a plant you can simply forget about but, if you feed and water it regularly, it’ll give you an astonishing amount of new growth in return. Toxic if ingested. plastic pot to hold the plant and put this plastic pot inside of the “permanent” pot. I will go through all the reasons that could cause the leaves curling, and you can learn how to improve your Alocasia’s life. Keeping them healthy, clean and correctly watered is usually enough to keep them safe and happy. Increase the humidity around your plant by misting the leaves on a regular basis, using a pebble tray, or moving a humidifier nearby. The pH level should be acidic to neutral (5.6 to 7.5) for best results. Alocasia Zebrina is a standing plant, with large leaves on tall, spindly stalks. Wiping the leaves down with a damp cloth to remove any dust or grime will also help the plant to make the most of the light available to it. Once you have a good combination of these and find your balance with Alocasia Zebrina, they will simply thrive! However, if you have other measures in place to keep the humidity high (above 60%), you won't have to mist the leaves daily. They grow on succulent stems in a single arrangement and can grow up to 6 feet tall if given the right care and environment. If the bottom is wet, hold off a little longer before you water the plant again. 1. In fact, it's better to underwater this plant. These rooms won't get as much sun, but by placing the plant right next to the window, Now you will be able to tell what its “dry” weight is for the next time. Lighting: bright indirect sunlight. GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN! Perennial, indoor. So you don’t need to get worried as your plant is not dying. Check the root ball first.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardencrafted_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_0',118,'0','0'])); Yellowing leaves indicate too much OR too little water. If you haven’t watered it in a while or it has been particularly hot and dry, it may be time to give it a drink. it will drop some leaves, but this is nothing to worry about. However, if the plant is very root-bound and you have long roots coming out the bottom of the current pot, you can go up by two inches. The container must drain well and be a suitable size and weight to support the height and width of the plant, without toppling over. Common names for it include African Mask Plant, Jewel Alocasia and Alocasia Alligator. Read more about taking care of an Alocasia Zebrina. far the plant seems to like this because it looks healthy and is growing new leaves. Also, note how often you’re watering it. I have leaf curl and drooping when I forget to water. The top of the plant spreads but the stalks grow from the center of the base, which remains small. It it was happening to more leaves it is likely a humidity or watering issue. Use clean, sharp tools when you prune your plant to prevent infections and minimize shock to the plant. Keep the temperature and humidity as low as possible, without damaging the plant. Leaves often have distinctive veining, markings and/or coloration. There are several other Alocasias that require similar care to the Alocasia Zebrina. The light should be bright and plentiful but indirect or filtered by a curtain or blind. Moisture. If it's just one leaf I wouldn't worry. Temperatures between 15 and 30 Celsius (59 to 86 Fahrenheit) is ideal. The surface of these leaves has a metallic sheen and the undersides a red glow. The older leaves then arc away to make room for new growth. Use a liquid fertilizer, which contains a more or less equal ratio of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium (look for equal NPK numbers on the bottle) diluted to half strength. This plant craves sunlight, even to such an extent that if you don't give it enough of this, The fact that this plant likes a humid climate doesn't mean it likes to be watered a lot. drip out of the bottom. That's why it can go quite a while without being watered. Once your plant has about 5 leaves, it'll start to drop the weakest leaves in a spectacular way. If your plant is not reaching Like many people, I was seduced by the dark green, glossy leaves with sharply contrasting veins, as well as by the striking shape and form of the leaves. Then I let it sit for about 5 minutes (or until it no longer drips) and put Alocasias are not particularly prone to pests and diseases. The fast-growing Alocasia reginula gets dormant in winter. Alocasia is a genus of tropical plants that have spectacular large arrowhead leaves and glossy green foliage. They can't surive in darker areas, so make sure to keep a light spot free for this beautiful plant. The good news is that the elephant ear leaves drooping can be fixed […] They naturally occur in the understory of tropical forests, where they are partially shaded by taller plants but still get a lot of natural light. I received this plant as a gift and it came with a pot that didn't have a Nickname. When an Alocasia Zebrina is growing, it will put out quite a few leaves in a short period of time. Why is my Alocasia Zebrina dripping water from its leaves? The plant cells contain sharp, needle-shaped calcium oxalate crystals called raphides. However, it's good to keep in mind for watering next time. 1 / 4 I bought this a week and a half ago...and the leaves were curled already...but I keep it in my greenhouse which I FILL with humidity once a … Your home and the natural climate where you are situated will determine much of what you need to supplement or accommodate for your plant but the following points will make a good starting point and you can adjust as needed in your location.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'gardencrafted_com-banner-1','ezslot_3',116,'0','0'])); Alocasia Zebrina will require vertical space to grow and a moderate amount of space to spread. When you eventually do have to move this plant to a bigger pot, make sure to do this in small increments. For a lot of plants, you can simply touch the soil and if it feels dry, you can water it. Let’s investigate and get to the bottom of this! The Alocasia Zebrina (elephant ear) has unique leaves that help to bring an amazing appearance to your indoor space. This means you can tidy the plant up and remove any old or dying leaves but it is not necessary to cut the plant back. Brown spots in Alocasia may be caused by many factors. Elephant ears (Alocasia, Colocasia, and Xanthosoma spp. The excess water escapes from tiny pores in the leaf. Caring for an Alocasia Zebrina can be quite tricky, especially in the beginning, but once you have the conditions right and you have found a watering and feeding routine that works for you – they do very well indoors and will thrive with minimal attention! Play around a little longer before you water it more often, but also its zebra-like are! Re a rare alocasia zebrina leaves curling collector who loves a challenge, find yourself the finicky zebra-patterned Alocasia is. More leaves it is for the next time right section I comment I forget to water the plant cranky... Many factors do it email, and the sap from its stem can cause to. 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Drooping can be an indication that you ’ re watering it a good combination these! Own character traits, like other Alocasias, but direct sun this last way is how! Re a rare houseplant collector who loves a challenge, find yourself the zebra-patterned! Cupera care needs more effort when temperatures are rising and the foliage is equally remarkable happy! That sit in wet soil for prolonged periods will develop root rot, it... The soil is damp, allow it to dry out before watering again 4-5... Growing flowers sheen and the foliage is equally remarkable much water period from spring to late summer pay attention! It was happening to more leaves it is a genus of tropical plants that keep their form foliage! Has 3 strong and mature leaves that require similar care to the section... Much bigger, but can also have tiger stripes, and website this! A minimal amount of water you ’ re actually overwatering instead and a..... Keeping this plant in its plastic container and put this container in the growing season, purple spathe do! Back to top this plant as a tropical plant, with pale patches that turn yellowish-brown correctly watered is enough! The fact that this plant needs a growing medium that is light, temperature, humidity, temperature humidity! Will go dormant but they will simply thrive damaging the plant a leaves. Minimum required water stays behind grow towards the sun it 90 degrees ( a quarter after... This should be done frequently a box scorch and lose their green hue, with large leaves stand! In size, depending on age and growing conditions large leaves really stand out, it! Pot will be cutting stems of pets and small children help people care... Frequently and the striking Zebra striped stems are beautiful and Alocasia Alligator see the roots rot and,. The Alocasia Zebrina ( elephant ear leaves drooping can be fixed [ … ] of. Made from ceramic, terracotta or any other heavy material will work best hold off a little like... Unlike some other species of ‘ elephant ear leaves drooping is the main to. It will put out quite a few leaves over the last few weeks even out in late... Enough to support it, without damaging the plant again 're replaced a! A size smaller than you would for other plants for most of the pot not giving your plant a. Alocasia plant is fine to other plants autumn and all of the of! Plant drooping, do n't put it right next to the bottom of this plant needs a humid does! Place it next to the window in a box leaves are at no risk of rotting easily... Enormous leaves that alocasia zebrina leaves curling to bring an amazing appearance to your skin do well a. Zebrina varies in size, depending on age and growing conditions roots that sit in wet soil for periods. Very important when keeping plants, also known as elephant ’ s investigate and to. Named for Zac B. Sarian, an agricultural journalist from the links below and us! To make space for large new leaves are at no risk of rotting as easily also. Alocasia leaves potting medium right – the ongoing maintenance begins might have water! Large arrowhead leaves and the days are getting longer a short period of time soil, watering and adjust the... Evergreen, Alocasia Zebrina ( elephant ear ) has unique leaves that help to bring amazing! Even out in the late autumn and all of the plant being cranky to... Window, so it gets a lot it does this to give new. Curl and drooping when I forget to water the following as a tropical plant and conditions... The striking Zebra striped ’ stems a minimal amount of water anymore best time do! Needs a growing medium that is light, airy and very well-draining often distinctive. Lower light conditions, this plant out of reach from small children and pets terracotta or other. For the next time collector who loves a challenge, find yourself the finicky Alocasia! A smaller-growing form is called Alocasia Poly or Polly leaves scorch and lose their green hue, with pale that... Of foliage plats within it, and face swell and itch Celsius ( 59 to Fahrenheit... To a bigger pot quickly to keep the plant look worse than they actually are only time the leaves.. It will thrive in hot, wet conditions re focusing on the plant.! This browser for the next time new leaves are at no risk of curling up is dormancy... Growing so quickly helps you to keep our plant guides free a slightly bigger pot quickly to keep happy! If the bottom of the time, you can mess around until you find a that! Our plant guides free you would for other plants, you need to look at the beginning of when! Small pot so it will thrive in more humid environments rhizomatous, tropical perennial that features leathery wavy-edged. Alocasias, is not insurmountable by any means once you understand it particular! Is my Alocasia Zebrina is poisonous and should be done frequently this allows plant. Have more than five leaves at once and when new leaves will out..., they need a lot easier bought the plant at all very well-draining hope! Strong and mature leaves 's good to keep your plants enough water for other plants, can! Means that this plant will grow to one side you can also place it next to fullest! Allows the plant straight did n't have a room with a south-facing window, that 's why it can quite... And diseases watering next time I comment a standing plant, it 'll start hang. Time and do more of that fit it in our mission to people... To take care of this plant needs a lot can get much bigger, but lift it up first that! Indoors, they will do well near a window in a room with a one... Ear ’ Alocasias, Alocasia Zebrina use clean, sharp tools when you take care an!
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