I checked him over, I see no bites, scratches, or punctures on him. The animal is unaware of what just happened. Understanding the reason for your dog’s fear and then gently addressing it through training can help to make time outdoors a pleasure for both you and your dog. first we have him climb on top of a container then we have him jump in the tub. She will get over her fear with you guiding her quietly and confidently. Caught On Video: 2 Speedy Bobcats Scared Off By Colorado Man After They Attack His Dog MONUMENT, Colo. (CBS4) – Two bobcats tried to attack a dog in Monument, and it … My wife says she noticed it around 6pm last night. Do not brush a scared dog for long periods of time, so they become too worked up. Injuries and illnesses often have no apparent symptoms, like a limp or a cut. Up until now, she's been perfectly housebroken. ... A few weeks ago he was out in the backyard with our two other shelties when he came in holding up his left paw. Have you tried going out there with her at night. A dog you’ve had for years may suddenly act scared of going in their backyard. On 4/10/12 our dog was running down the hallway as usual and slipped as usual cause... (5212 views) Liver infections in cat. go out there with her. How to help a dog that is scared of flies First of all, be nice to the poor animal and try to understand his intense fear. Some dogs might be afraid of vermin and act scared whenever they catch their scent or hear them moving in the walls. Dogs see coaxing and sweet talking as a sign of weakness and actually sets the fear deeper. They Hear Something We Can’t. if u get her outside praise her thourally and give cue to pee. if shes outside and sniffs tha air it means shes scared of something that you cant … A dog may react in fear to an upset stomach or other internal ailments. He stays indoors mostly, but loves to go outside. A lot of people will advise to get to the vet immediately and this is important if the seizure lasts over 5 minutes or so, the dog comes out of the seizure only to go right into another or doesn't recover at all. His desire to be your friend may be a sign he’s starved for love. One of my daughter's dogs was very well trained to "go" outside, but suddenly became scared of something in the yard (maybe a snake), and now has "accidents" inside after being taken out. If suddenly your dog becomes afraid to go outside or scared of the backyard there is a high probability that they may have heard some noisy sounds that frightened them. Did the dog trip or did something fall and startle them? Once she shows consistent signs towards her goal, consider even feeding her outside, sitting outside with her while she eats..things like that will work like a charm. Has something happened to the dog while in the kitchen? And if you are willing, here are a couple more books I learned a lot from: Bones would rain from the sky: deepening our relationships with dogs by suzanne clothier. Bad experiences : Dogs can always recall bad experiences for a long time. Fear is a response that appears as the perception of a real or potential threat. This can last for 1-2 minutes as a norm. Let her out early before it gets dark and don't let her out alone, go with her each time. Well for one dont make a big deal about it. Our other dog still happily runs around in the backyard without a care in the world. The only way for her to regain her confidence is by lots of patience and little steps. Does it translate that when in Rome you eat pasta so when in China you eat dog? Dogs will have normal stress responses that are healthy. I've tried coaxing him with treats sweet-talking him and nothing works. For example, other dogs barking, thunder, fireworks, car’s noise on the street … 2. Instead of greeting the world with a confident walk and a wagging tail, a fearful dog might shy away from anything new, or worse yet, react preemptively to avoid a new situation altogether. They could be hearing something that is otherwise … If your dog is suddenly displaying these symptoms without a clear cause, a call to your vet is the next step. The dog at the earliest time should see the vet for diagnostic bloodwork to rule out some internal organ problem. Gradually increase the length of brushing sessions. She went off on her... (13123 views) Swollen ankle. My dog has been with me all the time every day for a long time, suddenly he's crawling under my bed, going into my closet and acting scared of my room. How do you think about the answers? something happened to your dog in your yard. Older dogs may develop arthritis, which causes severe pain while stepping up or climbing downstairs. Is your dog scared of you or something in the house for no reason? if shes outside and sniffs tha air it means shes scared of something that you cant see or smell something far away. In addition to this, your dog may be reacting to something you can’t hear. Make outside the coolest place she could ever want to be. He's always loved going outside to do his business. Get him checked out when you get - hope he does fine. Any suggestions on what may have caused it and how to get him over this aversion. Dog had large tumor and died. $6.99 … She refuses to go into the backyard where she went before. An extremely fearful dog, especially one who reacts with aggressiveness, need more help that most pet owners can offer. Normal stress responses that last only a short time are nothing for dog owners to be concerned about. Unless the seizures are often (perhaps twice a week) medication is usually not started. If your dog did not always act scared at night, it would help to consider what else happened at around the same time that it first started doing it. They do not always indicate the end of life. Since you have seen 1 seizure then take your dog to your vet for diagnostics. Take her outside during the day with her favorite toys and even some high value treats (like meat or peanut butter). Does anyone know of a solution? When they start at a later age then it is usually some organ problem or tumor as a cause. Common fears include thunderstorms and fireworks. 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These can include startling briefly when a loud noise occurs or being weary when approached by a stranger. What am I to do. The dog may get very stiff - hold legs straight out as if unable to bend them or even start paddling like he is swimming only he is lying on his side. The less level minded you are, the more you show her there is something to worry about. If your dog is suddenly scared of something in the house, the best thing you can do is to try ‘re-training’ them. You can sign in to vote the answer. How is owning pets any different then slavery ? Dog Gone Problems: I have two dogs.Maggie is a high energy, 15-pound therapy dog who stays with my grandmother most of the day. Owners may suddenly and out of nowhere notice their 6-month-old puppy scared of strangers or a 6-month-old puppy “scared of everything” as they scramble to figure out why. That’ll be $300.” In some cases where the dog is scared … To stop your dog from running out of the backyard, start by inspecting your fence for any areas your dog can jump over or dig underneath. Gain leadership: Read the dog listener by jan fennell. Determining the cause of the behavior can sometimes be frustrating and futile without seeking the advice of your veterinarian. 12 March 2012 at 4:07PM edited 30 November -1 at 12:00AM in Pets & Pet Care. Once they start occurring more often medication is then started. Learn more about Leerburg. He's a one year old pit bull/bull mastiff/lab. Suddenly about 2-3 weeks ago he became very scared of the yard. His body language when approaching the backdoor is fearful and worried, not aggressive. It can be stressful to dog owners to see their dog acting scared and shaking. After the seizure some dogs will just lie there, some may lift their head and look around while others may get up and start to attempt to walk around. He's 95lbs and has a lot of force. If something happened to her and when she was still scared someone comforted her by saying its ok, etc giving her attention for that behavior, the behavior was reinforced and may be a little harder to break. Some dogs will even lose control of their urine and bowels. Drug therapy is usually necessary to resolve compulsive disorders. Sure sounds like a seizure - they can be very scary to watch if you have never seen one. He follows me around still but when I try to get him to come into my room he lowers his head and tail and walks away! Is it weird to rename a puppy you adopted? Make sure she also associates going in the backyard with fun, like play ball or frisbee with her out there, or cut up a hot dog and hide pieces around the yard for her to track. Consult a professional animal behaviorist for advice; some dogs may benefit from anti-anxiety medications. The other dog, … This trip happened to be her first time in the yard since getting the dog. My dog is suddenly scared of me and shaking, why? Some dogs run because they’re scared. I recently took the cat outside to explore the backyard and enjoy the warm weather. He's still happy and excited about going out the front door, running around the block, it seems to just be a 200 sq ft no dogs's land around our backyard/alley. If your dog seems scared of an object or situation that didn’t bother them … Some will be that way for only a few minutes while others may take up to 1-2 hours to recover from this. Just a leash and walk out calmly. It is not unusual for a dog to be very disoriented for some length of time. Again, most fears are learned behaviors that can be reversed, but it takes time and patience. If your dog is scared of literally EVERYTHING, then you understand that life with a fearful dog can be limiting. Dog suddenly scared of going onto the lawn. something has scared her out there, a snake, a wild animal, a person or something. If you can get your dog to chase you have him chase you around for a bit then run onto the grass and he probably won't even notice it, do it several times until he figures out it wont hurt. When the dog is hiding and shaking, get rid of the intruder, then reassure the dog everything’s fine. She heard no loud noises, no fight with the neighbor's dog, no one strange walking through the alley, nothing that would have caused the behavior change. Too many tragedies happen to dogs left out in yards alone. All of a sudden, something outside seems to have spooked her, and now she's very hesitant to go into my backyard, especially at night, which has resulted in some accidents in the house. Older dogs can have a harder time adjusting to new surroundings and situations. Once the seizure is over the best thing is to try and keep quiet and calm. I would leash her and put her out until she calmed down. Some dogs have 1 seizure and never has another. But everything is … Neither animal has even been aggressive toward the other. Rather, conduct lots of short sessions until your dog starts to calm down. Any thoughts on how to get her to overcome this sudden behavior? Are Pitbulls dangerous dogs or is this a myth? He may be unsure of whether he’s going to be punished, so he expresses his anxiety by grooming, lip licking, yawning or sniffing the ground.) Get your answers by asking now. When we bring him outside he just sits there with his tail between his legs. You might also have mice, termites, or other vermin in the house. When your dog exhibits signs of maladaptive stress responses this is when you should be concerned. An example is a dog who stops suddenly to groom himself while en route to his guardian who has just called him. 300 free dog training streaming videos, free eBooks, podcasts, by Ed Frawley and Michael Ellis. If they let their dog roam freely, the dog may not be getting the appropriate care and attention. [Help] Dog suddenly afraid of backyard Our 75 lb, 10-month old boxer/coonhound mix has suddenly developed some extreme aversion to going out into our fenced-in backyard. So, if you recently moved or changed something in the yard, consider that when trying to decide what’s scaring them. Chasing the intruders away will usually calm down your dog. That way, she won't be scared, and you might get a chance to see what's scaring her. The cat has learned to tolerate the dog and only retreats to high ground if she is actively being pestered. A single seizure is not a life threatening event. i have this huge tub that my dog has to jump into. This can help the vet I hope your dog is doing better at this point. If your dog is scared of going outside, stop forcing her to go on walks (for now). If she is around 16 months of age, she could be starting a second fear stage. For 40+ years we've helped over 300,000 dog trainers just like you! Both dogs had been playing out there earlier in the day with no apparent issues, but when she tried to let them out in the evening, he refused to go. Have you thought of that? Brushes should not be too hard, and should not have broken ends or bristles, which can cause discomfort. This phase is sometimes referred to as “teenage flakiness.” Adolescent dogs may spook at the silliest things. I’m trying to teach me Basset Hound puppy to bike but he keeps falling off the bike. My wife says she noticed it around 6pm last night. Our dog sebastian suddenly became scared to go on walks and in our backyard. Suddenly my dog refuses to go out in the back yard to eliminate. No talking, touching, or any communication. You can even start to keep a journal of each seizure - length of the seizure, what was seen, severity of the seizure, recovery time, even events just before it occurred and any other information that you note. We don't live in an area where a snake might have spooked him (St Louis). If your dog is crawling under the fence, consider putting large stones around the foot of it or burying chicken wire along the perimeter. it might be that dogs can sense earthquakes or anything dangerous. She acts perfectly normal otherwise. it might be that dogs can sense earthquakes or anything dangerous. that happened to my dog as well all of the sudden he was scared to go in our back yard. Be very patient and calm and confident with her and celebrate small steps. They told her that the cane corso could only be released into the care of a rescue who was equipped to handle such a scared, traumatized dog. Maladaptive stress responses are chronic and/or long-term anxie… Everytime she shows she is in a relaxed state, praise her and give her the treats. If a younger dog refuses stairs, she may have an injury, congenital issue (hip dysplasia) or torn pad. When a dog is young and bloodwork comes back normal it is usually diagnosed as epilepsy. About 1 in 5 lost pets goes missing after a loud noise. Just keep your actions calm and level headed. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Recognizing Your Dog’s Fear Your dog’s fearfulness might manifest in obvious ways, like an outright refusal to walk or pulling hard on the leash to try to get back in the house. If it started doing it suddenly, it would be more likely to be due to things such as injury, illness or something causing it to be fearful. However, if a dog suddenly becomes scared of stairs, then it's time for a veterinary visit. Still have questions? It is common for the dog to drool - even foam at the mouth. Long term, you should try to help … Why do people on here give such terrible advice? ? Our dog Jessie, just passed away suddenly on Friday morning. It’s like that old joke – you go into the doctor, and say, “Doc, when I do this, it hurts.” The doctor says, “Well, stop doing that. Put her on a leash and walk her outside after dark. If the behavior comes on suddenly, you should stop and assess the situation starting with the environment. She's a large dog, and newspapers or puppy pads inside are useless. do you have nice neighbors? When you does start to get up to come inside he starts to run and screech like he is being chased. Maybe it saw a creature or a snake in the back yard. I have a dog whose a little over a year old. Posted by Equipo Veterinario de Barkibu on 2019-07-31 Our team is formed for veterinarians, ethologists, and animal health content experts. Our 75 lb, 10-month old boxer/coonhound mix has suddenly developed some extreme aversion to going out into our fenced-in backyard. Take a walking stick or something with you, in case she's not just spooking at shadows. 10 replies 9K views cassie55 Forumite. Dogs can hear on different frequencies than humans can. He's not scared of all grass as his morning walks are mainly off lead running in a wooded and grassy area and there was no problem today or yesterday so it's just 'our' grass. give it some time she should be okay. Something far away just like you ; some dogs have 1 seizure never! To my dog refuses stairs, dog suddenly scared of backyard you understand that life with a fearful dog, and animal content. Go in our back yard you, in case she 's not just spooking at shadows and situations scared! Perception of a real or potential threat dog suddenly scared of backyard mix has suddenly developed some extreme to. Scratches, or punctures on him does not work, and newspapers puppy. Last only a few minutes while others may take up to 1-2 hours recover... Off the bike for now ) dogs may benefit from anti-anxiety medications the walls scaring. We bring him outside he just sits there with his tail between his legs to resolve compulsive disorders and... 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