40/1993 Coll. Slovenian citizenship may be acquired by origin, which means that a person gets citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia through his or her parents or at least one of them, provided that the parent is a Slovenian citizen at the time of the birth.. Slovenian citizenship can be also acquired by naturalisation. We initially struggled arranging documents and paperwork, but the company was assisting us in every step. If an applicant lived abroad, a clean criminal record certificate is also requested from the country in which the third-country national has been resident for more than 90 days during the last three years for six consecutive months. settle down in Europe. on Citizenship of the Slovak … Neither me nor my spouse are Slovak citizens. +44 207 060 1475. Several such programmes currently exist in Europe for real estate. The country’s migration laws therefore support investment based immigration to Slovakia. How to get the residence permit or Slovak citizenship in Slovakia by Investment . Slovakia has one of the most powerful travel documents in the world. Such checks may include, for example, examining bank statements or balance sheets. Become eligible to apply for Slovenian citizenship after maintaining your permanent residency for 5 years or more. So long as yo… Sixth largest car producer in the European Union, Citizens of Slovakia are provided with universal health care, free education and one of the longest paid parental leaves in the world, Slovakia has very powerful EU passport with visa free access to Canada, United States and Australia, Safe investment environment: political and economic stability, EU member state, already participates in schengen area, Central European hub connecting east to west & favorable geographic location with great export potential, Fastest growing Eurozone member within the last 10 years (CAGR), CEE Leader in Physical Property Rights Security (PRA) and labor productivity and in TOP 10 hard working countries (OECD), Slovakia ranks ninth worldwide in adapting to new technologies & high innovation potential, Large selection of industrial land & offices, Excellent infrastructure network with attractive investment incentives, A capital investment for the development of the enterprise of at least, The investment is economically significant or at least. To renew the residence permit, a company must have a profit in the minimum required amount. Permanent residency is normally possible after 5 years of residence; citizenship is possible after 10 years of legal residence. Slovakia is famous for highest number of castles and caves anywhere in the world. Upon obtaining a Slovak passport, applicant automatically becomes a citizen of the European Union in accordance with provisions of the Maastricht Treaty, acquiring significant rights to settle in European countries. 1. In all cases of dual citizenship, the Slovak citizenship is … Slovakia has the most expensive citizenship by investment program (CIP) in the world. The Slovak Constitution in Chapter II establishes the fundamental rights to which citizens and permanent residents including their family members are entitled. An individual who was, till December 31st, 1992, a citizen of the Slovak Republic under Act No. The competent authority to carry out the due diligence and security checks are the OCPs. The Citizenship Act is a law enacted by the National Council of Slovakia in regard to the nationality law following the dissolution of Czechoslovakia.In 2010, it was controversially amended, enacting loss of Slovak citizenship upon naturalization elsewhere. 175/1999 Coll. Foreign investors can apply for a temporary residence permit, which is valid for one year. Among the immigration-through-investment programs, there are typically two paths – instant citizenship and residency by investment, the latter of which usually leads to citizenship … It has a low cost of living in comparison to the rest of Europe. Slovak nationality law is the law governing the acquisition, transmission and loss of Slovak citizenship. In some cases, if an applicant invests a significant amount in priority sectors of the economy they can apply for permanent residence and then citizenship sooner than the 5-10 year wait time. Each country decides who can become a citizen of that country. Get Citizenship By Descent in these 8 places Otherwise 8 years of residence are required for citizenship. Act No. Our platform is free to use and we do not charge any fee to clients. Citizenship by investment is a process by which an individual obtains a second passport and second citizenship by investing in the country ― usually in the form of property investment. This is a very discrete scheme is not widely known, for major investor. Quick Reference for Residency and Citizenship by Investment for Slovakia 1 Country Passport Slovakia 2 Country Map 3 Country Flag 4 Minimum Investment Required No program exists 5 Name Of The Program – 6 Processing Time – 7 Residency By Investment – 8 Real Estate investment Allowed – 9 Business Investment – 10 […] Citizenship by investment. Applicants must submit a business plan and financial documentation of financial proof of coverage of business and have no criminal record. It is also one of the most discretely available scheme. on Acquisition and Loss of Citizenship of the Slovak Socialist Republic, became a citizen of the Slovak Republic also under the new Act No. Citizenship by investment provisions, similar to those of Austria, exist in the legislation of Slovakia, but there is no established practice. A dynamic business investment that opens doors into Europe In order to prepare and fill out documents for a residence permit for the purpose of business, investors have the option of buying a ready-made company with a nominee director and then apply for a residence permit. The Act is an initiative by government to attract new businesses to stimulate the economy and create new employment opportunities. If approved in the parliament, the amendment may come into force in February 2021. Got Grandparents? The scheme requires investors create 300 jobs but citizenship granted in public interest facilitated discretionary procedure. Slovakia is very different from many European countries that provide citizenship for investments, such as, for example, Spain, Latvia, Estonia. As of 2019, the slovak passport had visa free access to  181 countries including USA, Canada, Australia, UK and full rights to live and work in EU member states. While there is no CBI program, it is possible to obtain citizenship after 10 years of legal residence but is on a case by case basis. Slovak does not allow dual citizenship except in certain cases. Criteria such as geographical location and type of sector invested in Slovakia determine financial grants. In this case  major investor applicant is exempt from the condition of a continuous permanent residence in the Slovak Republic for at least eight years and also from the condition to speak or understand Slovak. 8Disclaimer: The information furnished below is only a general guidance for American citizens, as the interpretation of the Slovak laws and regulations does not fall within the competence of the American Embassy. Ideally, your business will hire at least one Slovenian worker, although that is not necessarily required, and can be done later on. What should change. Investing considerably into certain sectors of the economy could shorten the wait time for citizenship. ... Slovakia (suspended) Croatia (suspended) Latvia (suspended) Hungary (suspended) It is also a member of the Schengen. Slovakia: Have at least one parent who was a Slovakian citizen at the time of your birth. However, there is a possibility provided by the Slovak Nationality Law that citizenship may be granted to those who do considerable contribution in economic, cultural, scientific or another sphere. Serving HNW clients since 2011. Best Citizenships is now a part of Yellow network, “Very honest and professional service. Best Citizenships (BC) is a global brand for citizenship and residence planning for wealthy HNW clients. Slovakia joined the European Union 1 May 2004 and joined the Eurozone on 1 January 2009. European But Not EU Member States’ Residency by Investment Programs However, the loss of Slovak citizenship will not occur if a Slovak citizen acquires foreign citizenship by getting married to a foreign citizen, provided that the foreign citizenship was acquired during the time of their marriage, or if acquired at birth. Citizenship of the Slovak Republic is granted in exceptional cases to persons who have made a huge contribution to the country’s economy. According to this provision, Slovak citizenship can be granted to a foreigner who has significantly contributed to the benefit of the Slovak Republic in the area of economy or if it is for another reason in the interest of the Slovak Republic. Major investors can also be granted residence permit or permanent residence permit directly for investment including all family members. While there is no citizenship by investment program or residency by investment program in Slovakia, the government encourages foreign investment and has rules granting financial incentives to foreign investors, like tax credits and subsidiary incentives. Certified agents of Public Investments Solutions S.R L. prepare documentary confirmation of your ancestor's affiliation with Slovenia for submission to authorized state authority. Granting Slovak citizenship to former Slovak or Czechoslovak citizen (20 €) Granting Slovak citizenship to Czech citizens born after 1. Investors must also meet clean criminal record condition under this scheme. Dual citizenship is allowed. Any programme introduced in Slovenia could be bery interesting for investors. – Adewale, Nigeria, Antigua CIP cryptocurrency payments still in the pipeline, Cyprus suspends investor citizenship scheme, How to get Ireland Permanent Residency for €400K, St Kitts is the Rolls Royce of Citizenship by Investment. Highly recommended people”. Today we received our passports, a happy day. “Thank you for your excellent service. Leading Citizenship-by-Investment Programs Citizenship-by-investment programs provide families with the privilege of acquiring an alternative citizenship, which in turn gives them the right to travel freely to various destinations and to settle in another country. Slovakia may consider you for exceptional citizenship if you invest €100 million and create 300 jobs for economic investment. The Hungarian dual citizenship law concerns 3.5 million ethnic Hungarians living in nearby countries, mostly Romania and Slovakia. Slovak Citizenship may be granted to persons who have significantly contributed to the benefit for the Slovak Republic on economic, scientific, technical, cultural, social or sport activities under a discretionary facilitated procedure pursuant to Article 7(2)(b) of Act on Slovak Citizenship where citizenship is granted directly by the Minister of the Interior, Foreigners must meet the following investment conditions to become a major investor. While Hungary does not have a direct citizenship program, non-EU investors can obtain residency based on business establishment and trade, with a clear path to eventual citizenship through naturalisation. Minimal investment amount is €50,000. Slovak citizenship — is an affordable way to legally. Anyone can become a Slovenian resident by starting a local business and investing the required €7,500 in paid-up capital. The Program is regulated by the Law on Economic Citizenship as of 27 November 2008. 1993 (20 €) Granting Slovak citizenship to a person whose at least one of the parents was at the time of birth Czechoslovak citizen (20 €). The above information is about how to obtain Slovakia Economic Citizenships Related article FAQ: State citizenship of the Slovak Republic Read more . The Certificate is issued by the Ministry of Economy in cooperation with SARIO agency upon request of the concerned business. Once your company is up and running, you can merely apply for a residency permit to run the company. What is citizenship by investment? The quickest and most direct path to a second passport (no matter who your parents are, where you are born, or where you live) is through an officially recognized citizenship by investment scheme, maybe there will be a Slovakia Honorary Citizenship in the future. Some of the benefits of a Slovenian investment residency include: Exceptional quality of life in a highly central European location. The Comoros citizenship by investment program was established in 2001 in accordance with the Union of Comoros Constitution. For example: Right to judicial and other legal protection. This scheme is known as Major Investor scheme, where investors can be naturalized for economic investment, who are of special interest to Slovakia. *The investment may be eligible for regional aid in Slovakia. Sign up to receive a free copy of our industry leading global immigration magazine, Join our the global immigration community. All rights reserved. CITIZENSHIP program cost: €40 000. How to obtain citizenship of Slovakia for investment? Slovak Citizenship Through Descent Did you know that if you have Slovak ancestry, you might be eligible for Slovak citizenship and an EU passport? ... Investor visa and citizenship by investment programme news. 206/1968 Coll. This means you can live, work and study in any of the 28 EU member countries with no restrictions. The minimum required net income is 12,500 euro per year. Updated: 10.02.2019 | Date: 19.04.2017 | Our Law Office provides comprehensive services in the area of Immigration Law, especially for obtaining a residence permit for foreigners in Slovakia. Slovakia also has the most expensive citizenship by investment scheme in the world starting from EUR 100 million. According to the Ministry of Interior, the fact that a third country national has been granted permanent residence in the interest of the Slovak Republic does not mean that they can access directly the discretionary naturalization procedure. also sets out rules for issuing of the so called “Certificate of a Major Investment”. Slovakia is an ideal investment destination because of its political economic stability strengthened by the common European currency Euro, competitive taxation system tax, and availability of highly skilled and educated workforce offering the highest labour productivity in the CEE region with favorable labour costs. While there is no citizenship by investment program or residency by investment program in Slovakia, the government encourages foreign investment and has rules granting financial incentives to foreign investors, like tax credits and subsidiary incentives. This scheme is known as Major Investor scheme, where investors can be naturalized for economic investment, who are of special interest to Slovakia In Slovakia, there is no citizenship by investment program or residency by investment program. Slovakia is a central European country known for its dramatic natural landscape and many castles. Looking to obtain Hungarian residency and eventual citizenship by investment? The OCPs also request the opinion of the Slovak Intelligence Service and Military Intelligence Service during the process of reviewing the application, Checks on the origin of funds have to be carried out in accordance with the Slovak legislation on anti-money laundering in cooperation with the Police Presidium (UHCP). Under ordinary naturalization in Slovakia, foreigners must have legally lived in Slovakia with residence permit for 8 years. Source: Ministry of Interior / EU commission report on investor citizenship schemes. The handling authority is the Alien Police in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy. While Slovakia offers no formal Golden Visa Program or Citizenship By Investment Program as of 2020, the government does encourage foreign investment and the formation of foreign owned business that make a meaningful contribution to the local economy. Citizens have visa free travel to 167 countries, including EU countries. Residence gives unrestricted travel within Schengen region. Situated at the center of Europe, Slovakia is a politically and economically stable country with a skilled, educated and inexpensive workforce and has the highest labor productivity in the CEE region. An applicant may be granted citizenship of the Slovak Republic, provided that he has an eight-year uninterrupted permanent residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic immediately preceding submission of the application for Slovak citizenship. It takes about 90 days to receive. If you need to hire staff, Slovenia may not be as affordable as some eastern European countries but is quite affordablecompared to western Europe. Russians becoming slovak nationals must give up their russian nationality. The Ministry of the Interior decides on every application for granting Slovak citizenship within a period of 24 months from its filing. Does Slovakia offer a route to residency and citizenship through an investor visa? In total, six foreign investors were granted citizenship, based on the investors residence permits according to Article 7(2)(b) of Act on Slovak Citizenship in the period 2012-2017. Another option to get Slovakia second citizenship is Citizenship by Residency. A handful of countries around the world offer citizenship to those who make substantial investments in their country, but it isn’t cheap. Citizenship and passport of Slovakia is at the same time EU-citizenship. This is a very discrete scheme is not widely known, for major investor. Q: My children were born in Slovakia. Slovakia has the most expensive citizenship by investment program (CIP) in the world. Our business model of online platform makes it cheaper and faster for clients as we directly with authorized agents, law firms and property developers approved by Governments without any intermediaries. Another option is company registration and then submission of the documentation for a residence permit. Copyright © 2021 UGlobal. Slovenian citizenship is assigned on the grounds of Article 12 of the Citizenship Law. Slovenia and Montenegro are two countries that are considering an investor visa programme for residency and citizenship by investment. Hungarians make up almost 10 percent of Slovakia's 5.4 million citizens and are its largest ethnic minority. Slovenia is an EU country and is part of the Schengen visa zone. It is also one of the most discretely available scheme. Some of the above rights can be limited in accordance with separate laws to those TCNs who are granted a temporary residence for purpose of family reunification. Learn more about the Hungary Investor Visa here. The country is the largest per capita car producer in the world. What makes CBI online platforms so popular? This allows Slovak citizens to reside, legally work and do business in any EU country, including The United Kingdom, Germany, and France. A child acquires Slovak citizenship by birth if at least one of the child's parents is a Slovak citizen, regardless of his/her place of birth. Answer: Slovakia does not have a direct citizenship by investment program. The OCPs in reviewing the application for a temporary residence takes into account the “public interest”, particularly in terms of security, the economic interests of the Slovak Republic, the contribution of the TCN’s entrepreneurial activity to the economy of the Slovak Republic and the protection of public health. The requirement for extension of the residence permit and processing of the citizenship of Slovenia, is to contribute to the main capital of own company and to confirm stable profitability of the business. We asked for the cheapest family passport, they went as far as providing us a discount” – Muhamed,  UAE. Magazine, Join our the global immigration community has one of the EU! 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