The interdisciplinary opportunities should not be discounted and the connection with nature, food and nutrients can abound. It improves your health and wellbeing. Gardening is also a good way to get exercise and fresh air. Home-grown vegetables require less energy to produce, package and transport than vegetables grown in other locales. Organically grown vegetables reduce the amount of chemicals introduced into the Earth by way of pesticides and herbicides. Understanding these benefits can add real purpose to planning and widen the … Many people are creating home gardens to combat a sharp rise in consumption and consumerism. Thank you very much for your time and work to present this very important message!!! Home gardening not just make your backyard beautiful, but it also has many ecological benefits. Vegetables are so easy to grow especially in sunny spots. Nothing beats flavor-and-nutrient-packed power of fresh-picked fruits … It is also easy to get children involved in vegetable gardening, increasing the likelihood they will want to eat what they have grown. An additional environmental benefit of starting a vegetable garden is that it allows you to cook with vegetables that are grown as close to home as possible, whether that be in your back garden or at a community allotment. Pollution from fossil fuels will also be reduced by decreasing the amount of fresh, offseason vegetables being shipped all over the world. Organically grown vegetables are healthier, more flavorful compared to store-bought meals. Unfortunately, kids are not great fans of greens. When you are growing your own food, you are less likely to take fruits and vegetables for granted. Instead of buying vegetables and fruits from your local grocery store. Home grown veg is fresher so it tastes better and has more nutrients. The health benefits of growing your own fruit and vegetables Garden Yourself Fit and Happy 5 The Best Health Boosting Foods to Grow 5 Grow Calming Herbs for You and Your Garden 1 How to Use Fennel in the Kitchen and Garden 2 Planning an Easy Access Garden 1 Top 10 Nutrient-Dense Fruits and Vegetables to Grow 1 By reducing your consumption of food grown hundreds, if not thousands, or miles away, your carbon footprint will decrease. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →, Basket of Garden Vegetables image by Karin Lau from, Spark People: The Benefits of Growing Your Own Food. Seeds are inexpensive and can be dried and used year after year. It's relaxing and a good stress reliever. By growing your own vegetables, you are also helping to preserve the environment. If you have any questions please contact us at Homegrown Vegetables Taste Better: There is nothing like biting into a fresh ripe tomato plucked … Because of this, many environmental activists view homegrown food as a sustainable alternative to supermarket varieties of the same plants. Can you send me vegetables crops hand out or Manual to read daily, LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! There are a lot of environmental benefits of gardening at home . But as supermarkets began to offer a wider variety of produce, the majority of families swapped to buying from them. You are also likely to preserve or use up your supply before it spoils. Add Color to Your Backyard. We also know that, if … I experience ‘flow’ in the sense that I lose track of time, hours fly by and I don’t even feel the need to stop for food or rest (highly unusual). Make You Enjoy Fresh Food. By learning to preserve, can or freeze your yearly harvest, you can enjoy fresh produce all year long without spending a fortune at the grocery store. Home-grown vegetables are healthier than those in store bins. The … There is nothing like the taste of vegetables freshly picked from the garden. In today’s post, we are outlining all the amazing benefits of growing your own vegetables: Fresh vegetables are a central part of a healthy diet. One of the benefits of growing your own vegetables is that it keeps you fit. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Found these gardening tips useful? One of the benefits of growing your own vegetables is that it keeps you fit. Makes You Healthier: Health is the first and foremost topic we need to explore. Whether you are sowing into seed trays and propagators, or directly into the ground, there is nothing more satisfying than a glorious display of colour and scent, or a bumper crop of tasty fruit and vegetables, that you have grown yourself.. Quick crops such as lettuce, rocket, radish, potatoes and courgettes require little maintenance, making them a perfect starting point for a school vegetable … Gardening can help you save money, improve your health, and even invigorate and revitalize one’s mood. If you are interested to resale ECOGardener or ECOHomeware products, please complete the Wholesale Application Form and a team member will contact you. The splash of green and an array of flower colors not only make your backyard a beauty to behold. If your pantry is overflowing with vegetables, you can always preserve these so you can enjoy healthy veggies even after the growing season is over! You can enjoy the earth’s bounty without harming the environment. When you grow your own vegetables, you can control the conditions and stop worrying about the safety of your food. Such a good thing on top of all the healthy benefits that come with growing your vegetables? Did you know that the average American household throws about $600 worth of food every year? Experiencing Joy, Serenity and Flow. It lets you control when to harvest your food. Fresh vegetables are available to eat practically off the vine and are better tasting than their store-bought counterparts. Vegetables are loaded with essential nutrients that promote better health, including antioxidants and vitamins. Buying locally grown food from your farmer’s market is a great way to minimize your environmental impact. Doing something meaningful or purposeful is a great stress reliever. In the wake of the credit crunch it’s only natural that many … Most people want to work out but not all of us are comfortable at the idea of lifting weights or enrolling in a fitness class at the local gym. Growing your own vegetables will trim a significant amount of money from your grocery budget. If you don’t like lifting weights, completing all your gardening activities is similar to working out but it’s much more organic and enjoyable because you are doing something that nourishes your soul. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, an average household spends about $550 per month on food, spending more on fresh produce compared to eggs, dairy, sugar, and other staples. The top three benefits of growing your own fruit and vegetables. Gardening is a wonderful hobby for anyone who’d like to achieve a trim and healthy physique. You can make a hobby out of gardening. Growing your own vegetables is an enjoyable hobby with lots of benefits; It is incredibly rewarding to see vegetables grow thanks to your care. I run 2 Facebook groups on health, gardening and faith and your blog is the perfect post I was looking for today! Stocking up on fresh produce grown from the yard means having more food to enjoy for weeks, even months, without spending a dime on store-bought vegetables. If you love the idea of growing your own produce then building a vegetable garden will save you hundreds of dollars on grocery. They contain far more nutrients than shop bought, simply because they haven’t travelled thousands of miles before they reach your plate. Dining out or having takeouts is nice every once in a while but restaurant food and fast foods pale in comparison to homemade meals made from fresh, sustainable ingredients. Like any aspect, Growing Your Own Vegetables also has some drawbacks. Still torn about the idea of building a vegetable patch? And you don’t need a large yard to build a vegetable garden. Part of their expense is due to the fact that produce is often shipped from remote states and countries to local grocery stores. Gardening is inherently eco-friendly, more so if you are growing vegetables without using any type of chemical. It takes … If you’re going to be growing fruits and vegetables, you’re likely to cook more at … Grow Your Own Food: The Top Health Benefits of Growing a Vegetable Garden. To make your vegetable garden even more sustainable, you can build your own compost pile using kitchen scraps and organic garden debris. Additionally, many people who grow their own fruits and vegetables use ecologically responsible gardening practices, including … By growing your own vegetables, you are also helping to preserve the environment. It will burn calories and hep you stay supple. You won’t believe how much money you will save from growing your own food! Growing your own food allows you to enjoy sustainable fruits and vegetables whenever. Most households spend 60% of their food budget on meals and snacks. Add Color to Your Backyard. Fresh food is tastier than the food you buy in the supermarket. It’s much harder to waste food when you grew your own food. Gardening is a wonderful hobby for … You can grow organic vegetables for a fraction of the cost in the stores. Home-grown vegetables are healthier than those in store bins. Gardening is a great low impact form of exercise. Children, in particular, will benefit from the health-giving nutrients of fresh vegetables. If you have any questions please contact us at Pollution from fossil fuels will also be reduced by decreasing the amount of fresh, offseason vegetables being shipped all over the world. Vegetables from the grocery store have endured lengthy and stressful shipping conditions, only to arrive at the store and sit for an undetermined period of time. Adding fresh vegetables to your daily meals is the best way to boost your health, and your loved ones’ health too. The list is practically endless as to why home grown vegetables are better for you. Gardening is a fun way to get outside for some fresh air and physical activity. Live the ‘fresh is best’ lifestyle. The benefits of growing your own fruit and veg… Lisa Wells on May 24, 2020, 7:00 am 56 Comments | Readers 1267 In the current climate of lockdown we are moving into the slow lane and finding it offers time to focus, observe and maybe start hobbies that … This is one of many reasons to grow your own. Growing your own vegetables is an opening to physical activity that you can do as a family. Even if you do not own a large plot of land, most vegetables are adaptable to smaller gardens and even containers. Since you are buying less produce from the supermarket, you are not contributing to the use of fossil fuel from transporting fruits and vegetables to your local grocery. A small packet of seeds costs about a few cents. Expert tips, advice, profiles and videos from the RHS on how to grow your own vegetables at home, on the allotment or in containers. ✝️❤️ (The 2 groups are: I Must Have My Health Worldwide and Your Garden and Best Life), Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, If you are interested to resale ECOGardener or ECOHomeware products, please complete the Wholesale Application Form and a team member will contact you. Growing your own vegetables is an easy and economical way to simplify a hectic lifestyle. She has been a freelance writer since 2008 and shares her enthusiasm for parenting and home and garden topics, with published articles appearing on and They are also more likely to be free of pesticides or chemicals. You decide what pesticides go onto your veg, if any, enabling you to know exactly what you are putting into your body. And now is a great time to start growing and get sowing. Planting, weeding, watering and harvesting add purposeful physical activity to … Get outdoor exercise. Studies show that children who are fed with homegrown produce are twice more likely to eat 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetable a day compared to children who rarely or never ate homegrown veggies. Such a good thing on top of all the healthy benefits that come with growing your vegetables? Stress is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease and gardening is known to reduce stress. The splash of green and an array of flower colors not only make your backyard a beauty to behold. Growing your own vegetables is an opening to physical activity that you can do as a family. If you are growing crops without using pesticides or herbicides, toxic chemicals won’t seep into the soil and waterways. Furthermore, to know more, you can check the below information which will let you know about the various disadvantages. Growing your own food has many health benefits: It helps you eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Starting them young is a great way to get the kids to appreciate vegetables early on. Planting vegetables and fruits at home has a positive impact on the environment. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest gardening resources straight to your inbox! If you are always stressed out and you don’t or won’t go to the local spa to de-stress, try gardening. Results can vary depending on the study methods employed and where and how the tested food is sourced. There are many benefits to growing your own vegetables, touted by professional gardeners as well as many in the medical and economic fields. You can prepare your meals and have total control over the quality of the ingredients while spending less money on food. All Rights Reserved. There are many health and wellness benefits when you grow … Unfortunately, organic produce is more expensive than your average fruits and vegetables. Just use small containers if your garden space is limited. Now in this article, we are going to discuss the various Drawbacks of Growing Your Own Food. Health Benefits of growing your own vegetables. Most people are so used to accessing food conveniently, never thinking about the hard work that comes from growing the said food. Growing your own food takes it to the next level. Stay Active. Building a vegetable garden is also a great way to teach your children about the importance of utilizing whatever bounty the earth has provided to its fullest and avoiding waste! Vikki McMahon attended the College of New Jersey before experiencing a variety of career choices, including the pharmaceutical research field, the real estate industry and the Insurance industry. Cultivating and nourishing your vegetable garden can undoubtedly do a lot than providing fresh vegetables. Also, there is no way to say if the ingredients are organically grown. Avoiding plastic packaging by growing your own fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to avoid contributing to plastic waste. Fresh fruits and vegetables can be pricy. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! Cookery School / Blog / The top three benefits of growing your own fruit and vegetables. Though it has a number of benefits and uses, it also comes with some demerits. There are many ways in which food may become contaminated, whether at the farm, the manufacturer or the transportation center. Growing food organically means sparing the earth of water, soil, and air pollution. All that weeding, planting, watering, and harvesting tone the muscles and build strength. Even the tiniest slice of space can be transformed into a lush, thriving garden. By building a compost pile, you can turn organic scraps into natural fertilizers for your garden. Growing from seed is the lowest cost and most rewarding method of raising your own plants. Because when I’m working in the garden I feel joy and serenity. In the studies I reviewed, Vitamin C was the vitamin commonly reviewed when comparing the levels of a fresh food item to one that is frozen, cold stored, or canned. If you’d like to reduce your grocery expenses, try growing your own crops. There are two methods to start your seeds growing: Providing for a Family / on a Low Income. Going out there and getting some fresh air and sunshine certainly helps soothe frazzled nerves! You can make a hobby out of gardening. Growing your … They retain more of their vitamin content when eaten straight from the garden. Benefits of growing your own fruits and vegetables You can save money. Vegetables that ripen in the garden have more nutrients than some store-bought vegetables that must be picked early. Tune in for more! Usually, resto meals and fast foods are high in sodium, sugar, and additives that are bad for the health. It’s also easy to turn any available space into a garden patch. Gardening and growing vegetables within an early years setting opens a myriad of opportunities and provides a host of benefits from problem solving to inquiry based learning. You can grow vegetables and fruits at home. You decide what kinds of fertilizers and pesticides come in contact with your food. One of the benefits of enjoying garden vegetables is a reduced monthly food bill. You’ll also have the peace of mind knowing that the vegetables you eat are grown with lots of TLC! Building a vegetable garden takes a lot of hard work and commitment but as long as you are devoted to growing your own food, you will reap the benefits of growing your own vegetables! Organically grown vegetables reduce the amount of chemicals introduced into the Earth by way of pesticides and herbicides. Cook More at Home. What are the benefits of growing your own vegetables? Wouldn’t it be great to have access to organically produced vegetables at home? Gardening as Meditation . Growing your own vegetables is an easy and economical way to simplify a hectic lifestyle. It will encourage you to eat a healthier diet. This removes the need for packaging as the produce can be eaten within hours or minutes of being picked or can be stored in reusable containers for later use. Why Growing Your Own Vegetables is Worth It. Most people want to work out but not all of us are comfortable at the idea of lifting weights or enrolling in a fitness class at the local gym. It is also easy to get children involved in vegetable gardening, increasing the likelihood they will want to eat what they have grown. Sign up to get 15% off your first order and gain access to insider discounts, tips and much more. Growing vegetables from seeds allow you to plant a huge variety of vegetables, which you can harvest at different seasons. 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